Joy in chaos

June 9th,

I had a dream. It was the strangest dream I could ever remember. Right now, I'm beginning to believe it was not just a dream- but a vision that God showed me because of the events that followed. I shared it with the others and surprisingly, Lissa had a similar dream!

" I saw a long, luxury looking table. And as I went closer, I saw a familiar looking bracelet, the one Dany had and besides it, I saw a very wierd looking book with the emblem of an ouroboros. Suddenly, I saw the shadow of a man sitting on a swivel chair, laughing maniacally. Then I heard the voices of many other people, who seemed to be reciting a creed after the man's shadow had stopped laughing. I looked around the room but didn't see anyone. Immediately they were done reciting their creed, I saw the shadows of many people, bowing to the man sitted on the swivel chair and hailing him. I heard the name, Kyros." I narrated as they all listened attentively.

"Hmm....didn't you have a dream some months ago where you also saw the shadow of a man sitting on a swivel chair?" Ray asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah! When those kids were still being kidnapped. I remember that." I said.

"So, could it be that the shadowed man is the same person?" Tony asked, rubbing his chin.

"Probably....and guys, what I saw in my dream was definitely talking about a cult." I said as Anaia nodded.

"Yeah. Sandy, I do think this isn't just an ordinary dream. People don't just have dreams that expose somethings, at least to this level...I believe this is a vision God gave you or the dream is directly from Him. He wants to show you something." She said.

"Exactly. But what could that be? Right now, I have this conviction that God wants to use us to restore Brookville, even Ravenshire island as a whole." I stated.

"Of course. We all do." Lissa said, nodding.

" Yeah. But where do we start? How do we go about it? We don't even have any plans or weapons to assist us-" Ray said.

"Ray, at such a time like this, we can't let worry or anxiety take roots in our hearts. Yes, all those questions are important but at the same time, we must learn to trust God because He's always with us and He'll always make a way for us. I believe we just have to trust Him on our part." Lissa said, patting Ray's shoulder as he nodded.

"Remember I said my dream was very similar to San's?" Lissa asked as the rest of us nodded.

"Apart from that, I also saw a very large, well equipped and modern building. It was quite luxurious too. But the strangest thing about the building was that I couldn't see it's outer structure. Once you're in, you're in and once you're out, it's like you're in a new place entirely. And at the top of the door post of the entrance, there is a large emblem of an ouroboros too. But as detailed as the dream was, I'm still confused." She said.

"Don't worry, there's no need to be confused. I believe that God'll grant us understanding to be able to know what next to do concerning the dream." Tony said reassuredly.

"So what do we do now? I feel God revealed all these for a reason. But what could that be?" I asked.

"Firstly, we pray for understanding. God has already revealed somethings we should know at this point, so we ask for understanding before more revelations come in. "Anaia said.

"Dear God Almighty, we ask that You grant us understanding concerning the hidden things You revealed through the visions You gave Sandy and Lissa. We also ask for directions on how to move and begin this mission You've given us. Amen. "She said, opening her eyes as we all said Amen too.

"C'mon Sandy, let's go look for some fruits! "Anaia said cheerily as I grinned widely and stood up from the moss covered floor.

"Hey can I come too? This cave is beginning to make me feel cramped." Lissa asked as I nodded.

"Sure!" Anaia replied as Tony and Ray volunteered to go fishing.


"Smoked fish salad here I come!" Lissa said in a sing-song voice as Anaia and I laughed.

"Let's just hope the boys caught some good fish." I said.

"I guess all your camping and survival skills are finally coming in handy, sis." Lissa said as Anaia laughed.

"Girl, I'm made for the outdoors!" She said.

"Yeah. Let's go get some coconuts. We'll need the shells. I've got a brilliant idea." Anaia said.

I laughed at her excitement. I've never seen anyone else as excited as this before. If you wanted to cheer up Anaia, just take her into the woods. Like she said, she's made for the outdoors. I'm really glad she was with us because I was very sure that our survival instincts were terrible and we'd have probably died of hunger after the supplies we got from the store that day were exhausted.


"Woaw! These fish look good." Lissa exclaimed, licking her lips hungrily as I shook my head, laughing.

"Well done boys. We'll take it from here." Anaia said as they eagerly dropped the fish and sat on the grass, watching us.

"Wait a minute. Did you use my bag to carry the fish all the way from the river here?" I asked, alarmed as Tony and Ray pointed at each other.

"It was Ray's idea." Tony said.

"We had no other choice." Ray said, smiling sheepishly as I shook my head.

"Y'alll owe me one." I said.

"Okay, let's make the stone grill." Anaia said as she started a fire effortlessly. Gosh! She was amazing.

We heated some stones over a fire and placed the fish on top of it then covered it with some leaves. After Tony and Ray helped us to break open the coconuts, Anaia put some pineapples and mangoes into the makeshift coconut shell bowls and a squeeze of lime juice on top of it. It was delicious.

"We did it! Our first ever meal in the forest!" Lissa said as we laughed. I felt happy and content to be with such wonderful people and for a moment, I forgot about Kyros and Brookville's destruction and the fact that we had to live in a cave; I just thanked God for what I had- joy in chaos.