In Ravenshire, Kyros, a ruthless warlord, seeks to conquer the town of Brookville. When Jael returns to rescue the children away from it's ruins, Kyros' anger is fueled by the memories Jael's presence brings and he orders her kidnap.
As Sandra and her friends are left behind in the ruins of Brookville, they realize they are the only ones that possess the power, capable of confronting and destroying Kyros and his cult. With the fate of Brookville hanging in the balance, Sandra, Tony, Lissa, Ray and Anaia must choose between standing in the gap for the redemption of Brookville or cowering away like the others.
But as the battle for Brookville rages on, Kyros' true intentions threaten to destroy the very fabric of reality. Can they prevent catastrophe, or will Kyros' will prevail? Would they be prepared to put on their armor and withstand the evil day?
Ephesians 6:12-13