Chapter 18: A Lifetime Ban

"Alright then, with Mr. Fu's assurance, I can speak the truth openly," Gu Yining declared as she tightly gripped the microphone. Her gaze was steely, her eyes sweeping the room as if to capture each and every person's attention. "With so many witnesses here today—media, judges, and audience—I am confident that no one will stand by and allow a plagiarist to retain their rank in this competition." She turned her focus to Gu Wenxuan, aiming an unflinching stare that cut through the air like a laser.

The cameras, too, homed in on Gu Wenxuan, catching every detail of her expression as her face drained of color, shifting to an ashen shade.

"The individual I'm calling out is none other than her: Gu Wenxuan, today's second-place winner!" Gu Yining announced, pointing directly at her cousin, her arm as steady as her conviction. She had claimed the championship title, but that was not enough. Today, she was going to strip Gu Wenxuan of any semblance of victory and leave her in disgrace.

A wave of shocked whispers rippled through the audience. All eyes turned to Gu Wenxuan, who took a step back, her expression a mix of horror and confusion. Her voice quivered as she stammered, "You... you're lying! We have no grudge between us—why are you doing this? You have no right to accuse me of anything!"

Gu Yining's eyes glinted with a knowing look. "No grudge, you say? You and I both know that isn't true."

She took a measured breath before continuing. "If your work is original, then you have nothing to fear. However, the fragrance you submitted today was published in *Perfume House* over a decade ago. The original work was called *Winter Jasmine*, created by the renowned perfumer Fragrance Whisper, who was none other than my late mother. Her work was archived after her passing, and the formula has never been made commercially available. If anyone doubts my words, they can check the 199th issue of *Perfume House*, where the full formula is published."

Gu Wenxuan froze, every muscle locked in place, unable to utter a single word. She had no idea about the fragrance's origins or the dark secret her father had hidden from her. All she knew was that he had assured her it was his work, never hinting at the truth. She was now standing on a fragile platform, quickly crumbling beneath her.

Gu Yining watched her cousin's mounting panic with a small, triumphant smile. Her mother, known to the world as Fragrance Whisper, had dedicated her life to perfumery. When Gu Yining's father had turned his back on her mother, he had not hesitated to exploit her talents to advance his own ambitions, even after her death. Her mother had entrusted her entire portfolio to Gu Yining before passing, instructing her to protect it fiercely.

From the moment Gu Wenxuan had introduced her submission, Gu Yining had known exactly which formula her cousin had stolen. And now, she had brought the Gu family's lies to light. Today, she was finally able to defend her mother's legacy.

Li Feng, ever dutiful, confirmed the veracity of Gu Yining's claim and quickly relayed it to Fu Hanning. "Sir, it appears that Miss Gu's accusation is well-founded. The work in question indeed matches a previously published formula."

In a competition where originality was sacred, plagiarism was an unforgivable offense. Fu Hanning took a single step forward, his expression set like granite. His voice echoed across the room as he delivered his verdict, "Effective immediately, I hereby revoke Gu Wenxuan's second-place title and disqualify her from the competition. Moreover, she is permanently banned from participating in all future perfumery contests."

There was an audible intake of breath as the room absorbed the finality of his words. The decision was absolute, allowing for no appeal or reprieve. The audience looked on, some shocked, others grimly satisfied, as Fu Hanning's pronouncement sealed Gu Wenxuan's fate.

Gu Wenxuan opened her mouth as if to protest, but any words she might have had were lost in the choking silence that followed. She fell to her knees, overcome with shame and disbelief, and tears began to stream down her face. Even Fu Hanning had turned his back on her, leaving her in utter ruin.

As Gu Wenxuan crumpled, Gu Yining gave her one last look, a small glimmer of satisfaction flaring in her eyes as she turned and ascended to the podium. She had not only claimed victory but had also dealt a decisive blow to her family's deceptions.

Meanwhile, Fu Hanning turned sharply, his gaze now unreadable, as he signaled to his security team. Together, they began to exit the arena without a backward glance.

In a final act of desperation, Gu Wenxuan stumbled to her feet and chased after him, crying out, "Mr. Fu, please, you must listen! I've been framed! She's lying about me... I would never do this, you know I wouldn't..." But before she could get any closer, Li Feng stepped in front of her, blocking her path with a cold, impenetrable stare.

"Please stop here, Miss Gu," he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. And with that, the doors to her future slammed shut, leaving Gu Wenxuan to face the consequences of her deception.