Chapter 19: Are You Sure She's Looking at You?

Gu Wenxuan returned to the venue with tear-streaked cheeks, as if she had been crying her heart out. Her mascara smudged, she was a far cry from her usual polished self.

Meanwhile, Gu Yining descended from the stage, holding her trophy with a composed smile. She was ready to head to the celebratory gala hosted by the Fu Corporation to commemorate the successful conclusion of the competition. It was a high-profile event, with the judges, top contestants, and numerous celebrities from the fashion world in attendance.

Out of nowhere, Gu Wenxuan, appearing as crazed as a feral dog, charged toward her. "You wretched woman! What did I ever do to deserve this from you?" she shrieked, lifting her hand as if to slap Gu Yining across the face.

Before the slap could land, Gu Yining's hand shot up, stopping Gu Wenxuan's wrist mid-air. Her voice was icy as she spoke, "I'm only here to uphold justice and rid the competition of impurities. After all, there are more deserving people who should have that second-place title. You simply aren't qualified."

She released her grip and gave Gu Wenxuan a hard shove, causing her to stumble and nearly fall. Under the harsh overhead lights, Gu Yining's face looked sharp, almost cruel, yet entirely indifferent.

Gu Wenxuan gaped at her, a flash of shock crossing her face. Her mind drifted back to an old image of Gu Yining—the girl with that ghastly birthmark marring her face. "Who… who are you, really?" she whispered, almost to herself.

A cold gleam appeared in Gu Yining's eyes as she leaned in close and murmured, "I'm your father. If you're keen to learn about perfumery, ask Daddy to teach you. As for plagiarism, maybe steer clear of it next time—it's embarrassing."

"You…" Gu Wenxuan sputtered, her whole body trembling with rage, but Gu Yining only shrugged and sauntered away without looking back.

For a moment, Gu Wenxuan stood frozen, the shock seeping into her bones. Then, with a jolt, she remembered her fury and started after Gu Yining, her fists clenched. But she was stopped by two men in black suits who stepped out from the shadows, each grabbing one of her arms.

"Miss Gu, you are not permitted to attend tonight's gala. Please leave the premises," one of them said in a firm, unyielding tone.

"Let me go! You can't do this to me, you bastards!" she howled, her voice echoing across the room. Gone was any trace of the refined heiress; she looked like a woman utterly undone.

The media quickly picked up on the plagiarism scandal, and within hours, it had spiraled into a storm of public outrage. Gu Corporation's stock wavered as the scandal sent shockwaves through the community, tarnishing the family's reputation.

Inside the gala hall, a violin played a soft, soothing melody. The room was filled with a lively chatter as guests clinked glasses and exchanged pleasantries. Fu Hanning was, as always, the center of attention. Politicians, business magnates, and celebrities alike surrounded him, each vying for a moment of his time.

He stood in the middle of it all, looking aloof as he held a glass of red wine, his impeccably tailored suit exuding an air of elegance and detachment.

Gu Yining, now comfortably settled in a quiet corner, placed her trophy on the sofa beside her and accepted a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. She sipped her drink and cast a casual glance in Fu Hanning's direction. He was as popular as ever, the object of countless admirers.

She raised an eyebrow, slightly amused. "A rotten egg will always attract flies," she muttered to herself.

Just as she took another sip, she noticed a tall, strikingly handsome man making his way toward Fu Hanning. Surprisingly, as soon as the man arrived, Fu Hanning dismissed the people around him and motioned for the man to join him on the sofa across the room. And then, he did something unexpected—he smiled.

Fu Hanning, who was famously stingy with smiles, had actually smiled at this man. A sudden thought struck Gu Yining, and she craned her neck to get a better look at them. She was too far away to catch their conversation, but her curiosity was piqued.

"Hey, look over there," Ji Yunchuan said with a roguish grin, nudging Fu Hanning and nodding in Gu Yining's direction. "That girl over there is checking me out."

Fu Hanning followed Ji Yunchuan's gaze, his expression as indifferent as ever. He took a sip from his glass before replying, "Are you sure she's looking at you?"

Ji Yunchuan laughed, undeterred. "Come on, Hanning. Sure, you've used me as your shield against all sorts of admirers over the years, but my charm is still intact. If I'm not mistaken, that girl is the champion of today's competition, right? She's got the looks, the talent, and the brains. She's exactly my type. Just watch—I'm going to win her over."

With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he set his glass down and prepared to make his move, while Fu Hanning merely looked on, his expression unreadable.