Chapter 30: Love Is a Green Light That Leaves You Uneasy

Gu Tingyuan's chest heaved as he was overcome with a violent fit of coughing, his hand clutching his heart as if trying to subdue the intense, writhing pain within. He looked as if he could barely stay conscious.

Chen Huilan rushed to his side, patting his back with visible concern. "Please, calm down, dear. This is not worth harming yourself over," she pleaded, her voice tinged with panic.

"Perhaps… Perhaps we could put our grievances aside for now," Gu Wenshan said, stepping forward as she tried to soothe the tension. "Miss, can you help my father? We'll discuss everything else later." Her tone was almost imploring, as if desperate to prevent a worse outcome.

But Gu Yining wasn't having it. "After everything you've said, you still expect me to help?" She threw up her hands with a mocking grin. "I'm not exactly in the mood for charity, you know."

"Get out!" Gu Tingyuan snarled, his tone dripping with contempt. Even in pain, he still managed to muster his indignation. "I wouldn't want your help even if I were on death's door!" he spat, though his pale, sweating face betrayed his struggle.

Gu Yining scoffed, crossing her arms as she took a step back, regarding him with cool indifference. If he truly wanted her help, she would have refused it with a smile. "Well, if you're interested in medical advice, it seems you're suffering from classic symptoms of angina. I'd suggest going to a hospital for an echocardiogram. But as you've already made it clear that you don't want my assistance, I'll be taking my leave. And let me remind you—there will be no refunds for wasted time."

With that, she forcefully pulled her arms from the grip of the bodyguards who had detained her, and without hesitation, made for the door. But Chen Huilan wasn't about to let her go that easily. "Stop her! Don't let her leave!" she commanded, her face twisted with rage.

Gu Yining turned on her heel, giving them a withering stare. Her voice, calm but deadly, cut through the air like a knife. "Let's get one thing straight. The Medical Alliance is a globally recognized institution. Its doctors are among the best in the world, with affiliations to the most prestigious hospitals. If I walk out of here harmed in any way, no hospital within our network will treat you, Mr. Gu. I assure you, that's a promise." She stood with a regal poise, her eyes cold and piercing. The entire room seemed to feel the weight of her words, and even Gu Tingyuan flinched, a flicker of fear flashing in his eyes.

For a moment, Chen Huilan looked taken aback, her anger dissipating into apprehension. Gu Tingyuan, despite his disdain, sensed the severity of her statement. With no one else willing to challenge her, the guards stepped aside, their expressions wary, as she strolled past them without a backward glance.

Once she was safely outside, Chen Huilan turned to her husband, her face set with grim determination. "I want a full background check on that woman. I want to know exactly who she is and why she's so intent on targeting us. She's not getting away with this."

As Gu Yining left the Gu residence, her first priority was already set: using the one million yuan she had just secured from them, she would finally refurbish her mother's grave. After all, it had been Gu Wenshan's spiteful actions that had desecrated it. There was a certain poetic justice in the fact that the Gu family's money would be used to restore what they had tried to destroy.

Feeling accomplished, she returned to the Fu residence earlier than usual. By the time she arrived, it was just past noon, and she immediately requested a meal from the kitchen. With Fu Hanye typically out for lunch, she was looking forward to some peace and quiet.

"Madam, your lunch is ready," said the maid, setting her meal on the table with a small bow.

However, as soon as she glanced down at her plate, her mood soured. Before her were four dishes: stir-fried greens, vegetable tofu soup, string beans, and cucumber salad. Every single dish was green.

It was as if they had laid out a meal intended for a rabbit, not a person. Gu Yining had a slim build that allowed her to eat whatever she wanted without gaining weight, and she had a particular love for meat. But here? Here was a spread of nothing but vegetables. It was clear the staff had ignored Fu Hanye's instructions to treat her with respect and had used her meal as an opportunity to retaliate.

With a sigh, she took out her phone, snapping a picture of the unappealing meal. She uploaded the photo to her social media, writing, "Love is a green light that leaves you uneasy." Along with the picture of the food, she posted a candid selfie, her expression one of exaggerated dismay.

Of course, she made sure that Fu Hanye, whose friend request she had accepted under a pseudonym thanks to a bit of hacking, would see it. She knew he would recognize the selfie and the complaint for what they were: a not-so-subtle jab at the situation he'd left her in.

She was ready to make her point. If Fu Hanye thought he could ignore her, he was in for a surprise. And if the household staff thought they could keep playing games, they would soon learn that Gu Yining was not one to be trifled with.