Chapter 29: Shaking with Rage

To ensure the Gu family wouldn't recognize her, Gu Yining made several subtle adjustments to her appearance. She added a tiny beauty mark near the corner of her eye, matching the look she'd had at the perfume competition the day before. In addition, she wore a small voice modulator discreetly hidden behind her neck, which altered her voice. These measures had kept her identity a secret from Gu Wenxuan yesterday, and they would do the same today.

Revealing herself now would ruin her plans. She wanted the Gu family to discover her true identity only when it was too late—when they were trapped in a pit of despair. She wanted them to know that the person who'd brought them to ruin was none other than their daughter, Gu Yining.

As she stepped into the room, Chen Huilan stood near the doorway, arms crossed and a look of suspicion etched across her face. "So, you're supposed to be this legendary 'Dr. Ghost Hand'?" she sneered. Her gaze swept over Gu Yining, clearly unimpressed. "You look barely old enough to be out of school, let alone treat serious illnesses."

Gu Yining, undeterred, replied with a slight nod. "Yes, I am Dr. Ghost Hand. And I assure you, I'm more than capable."

Chen Huilan's eyes narrowed. She wasn't convinced. "I can't believe we're paying a million for this. Do you even have the experience needed to handle a case like my husband's?"

While Chen Huilan was scoffing, Gu Wenshan studied Gu Yining's face closely. Recognition flickered in her eyes. "Wait a minute… Aren't you the one who beat Wenxuan yesterday? Leon, right?"

At this, Chen Huilan's expression darkened, and she took a step closer, her voice rising. "It *is* you! You humiliated my daughter, stole her victory, and caused our family endless trouble. Now, you show up here, posing as a doctor? I suppose you're here to push my husband closer to his grave!"

Her face, garishly painted with heavy makeup, was a picture of fury. She was shaking, barely able to contain herself. Gu Tingyuan, lying pale and frail in bed, tried to sit up, but the effort was clearly straining him.

Gu Yining glanced at him with an icy detachment. The once-confident patriarch looked nothing like the imposing figure she remembered. He was weak, broken, and suffering—just as he deserved. She felt no pity for him.

Chen Huilan, enraged, reached out and seized Gu Yining's arm, her long, manicured nails digging into her skin. "Do you think you can just waltz in here after what you did to my family? You've got some nerve coming here, pretending to be a doctor! Let me tell you, you're not leaving until I've made you pay for what you did to Wenxuan and our family!"

Gu Yining jerked her arm free and took a step back, her eyes flashing with cold defiance. "Let go. I'm here to treat a patient, not to indulge in your melodrama."

Chen Huilan scoffed, crossing her arms. "Treat him? I wouldn't trust you to treat a common cold, let alone my husband. Who knows what you're planning? Guards! Come here—detain this woman!"

At her command, two burly guards entered the room, grabbing Gu Yining by the arms. One of them knocked her medical kit to the floor, scattering its contents across the carpet. Without resisting, she allowed them to pull her forward until she was standing right in front of Gu Tingyuan's bed.

Gu Tingyuan leaned back against the headboard, his face etched with disdain. His weakened body belied the fire of anger in his eyes. This girl had hurt his family, cost them their reputation, and sent their stocks plummeting. And here she was, looking as brazen as ever. He was torn between contempt and a desire to understand her motives.

"Why are you doing this?" he demanded, his voice trembling with suppressed rage. "What grudge do you hold against us? What have we ever done to you?"

Gu Yining looked him squarely in the eye. "I have no personal grudge against you," she replied evenly. "It just so happened that I was aware of the original perfume formula, and your daughter stole it. If anyone else had done the same, I would have reported them as well."

Her tone was calm, even casual. She almost seemed amused by the entire situation. Gu Tingyuan clenched his fists, his face growing red with anger. 

"Do you have any idea how much you've cost us?" he shouted. "The damage you've done to our family, our business—"

"Your losses are none of my concern," Gu Yining interrupted, her voice cold. "I did what was right. Your daughter was caught cheating, and I called her out for it. Any damage that followed is on you, not me."

Gu Tingyuan's face twisted in fury, and his body shook with the effort of restraining his temper. He looked as though he might explode at any moment, but Gu Yining stood firm, her expression unyielding. She was done with them, and no amount of rage or threats would change her mind.