The Cherubim System

A group of blood thirsty trackers had surrounded a cave in a forbidden mountain, all salivating to satiate their bloodlust on the boy hiding inside. The mountain had its own secrets and its own way of dealing with intruders. But somehow today nothing from the stories the group of men had heard growing up had transpired. And the more they ascended up the mountain the more they dismissed this stories as rumors and mythology. Only Robert was getting more petrified by the minute.

Deep within the cage the boy had stumbled upon the well preserved remains of Moses, imparting his powers and awakening a cherubim system. In the next moment a powerful shockwave rippled through the mountain causing the mountain to violently shake.

The tracking hounds were first to make a run for it. All going in different directions with tails between their legs. Their earlier loud barks were no where near their mouth. What could be heard were terrified howls.

The group of men were not doing any better. Seized by fear, their knees trembled more violently than the tremor. The blind lieutenant was on the ground with a terrible concussion. When the wave rippled him, he thought he was under attack and he immediately jumped backwards only to trip over a rock and fall gracelessly onto chunks of more rocks.

His men were all around him, wielding their weapons, their eyes fixed on the mouth of the cave. But all they wanted to do was to follow their dogs.

"I told you this mountain is haunted."

"We should get out of here." One of the man said hoarsely.

The other men didn't say anything but they agreed wholeheartedly with the man. However it was going to be the lieutenant's call. And I have a feeling that he was too disgraced to accept defeat.

"No we are not leaving without the boy."

Just as I thought.

Deep within the cave, the boy was bewildered.

'Cherubim system?'

'So the Angel guarding this mountain is a cherubim?'

'Just how powerful is a cherubim?'

The rank of angels are 12 all together. The least being angels, which includes guardian angels. The second are archangels, in third are principalities, Powers are fourth, followed by virtues in fifth, dominions in sixth, ophanim in seventh, cherubim in eight and the highest being the seraphim.

'And now that I have a cherubim system does that mean I have powers of the same level and also powers of Moses?

To put it into perspective, cherubim are a very high rank of angels with high authority and power. Humans are protected by guardian angels which are the least powerful in rank. And now Kodesh has a cherubim as a guardian Angel. An Angel that is seven ranks above guardian angels. And not only that, he also had powers of Moses. And of course, a new hand. Who knows how powerful that hand might be?

'Heavy, heavy.'

'Why is this arm so heavy?'

'Or was I was already getting used to not having an arm?'

Immediately he staggered, almost falling to his right side. His new right hand was heavy. Way too heavy than his body could handle. It was like he was holding the weight of the mountain in his hand. Even with the new power channeling through him, the iron hand was just too much. He was still in spirit form. His body was completely covered with brilliant light. And it seemed the system had given him a spiritual armor because he was heavily armored from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet. But even in spiritual form and heavily armored, the new arm was just too heavy.

Sitting down, he closed his eyes and immediately his mind opened. He was in the spiritual realm.

His eyes wandered as he was reading the block prints of the cherubim system. He thought he would never access this powers since he wasn't anointed. But somehow and out of all odds that were stacked against him, he found a way to do it. Now he knew that fate didn't have terrible plans like he initially thought. He might have suffered and even brushed too close with death but fate didn't give him anything that he wouldn't survive from… Yet.

[CHERUBIM SYSTEM ][accept] [decline]

Without a second thought he pressed accept.

[A long time ago, a cherubim protected an entire nation. It was a pillar of fire by night and a shade of cloud by day.]

'Oh my. I think I have heard that story.'

Kodesh couldnt believe his stroke of luck. It was the same angel that went with Moses and the Jews through the desert.

'It will not only protect me but my people as well.'

Immediately his heart sank and a solemn expression forced itself into his glowing face, remembering that he had no one left.

What he read next made his mood even more sullen.

[CHERUBIM ANGEL] [0/700] [reach 700 points to claim the cherubim angel]

'Oh crap. I have to reach 700 points before I can claim the angel? How great.'

Disappointed, he continued to read the block prints and immediately his mood improved.



Kodesh's was ecstatic and buzzing so much that he couldn't contain his emotions. Divine rank is the highest of all heavenly systems possessed by humans followed by holy, purity, deiform, empyrean, celestial and convert being the least rank. It's extremely rare to have divine abilities. Most people awaken their systems at the lowest rank of convert then climb through the ranks but only a few ever make it to the divine rank let alone holy rank.

The systems that are common among humans are the dark sides ones. They also have seven ranks. The lowest is lost, followed by, condemned, infamy, profane, cursed, ungodly and the highest rank being infernal.


There are seven classes.

[DESCRIPTION] Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his way crooked will be found out. This aspect allows user to be extrasensory. User cannot be sensed but can sense anyone else.


Growing up as a chosen he was always uncomfortable being in public because wherever he went people gave him looks, like they sensed him somehow. So having this attribute would make his life somewhat more comfortable and normal. And mostly untraceable. That would be ideal since he was running away from the three kings.

Satisfied, he continued reading the prints his jaw dropped. He had another divine ability.




[DESCRIPTION] The son of man ascended to the heavens after three days at the heart of the earth. In return, a spirit descended upon the earth with different kinds of spiritual gift. The user can impart all kinds of heavenly powers, gifts and talents from other human beings. User can also impart his own powers onto others without losing his.

This aspect allowed him to impart heavenly powers from other human beings. Just like what he had just done. However when he imparts from a human being who is alive, then they lose their powers. The second use for his aspect is rather straightforward. He can share his powers with other people without the risk of losing them.

The aspect only allows impartation of heavenly powers. The problem was that there were rare as an oasis in the desert. And he won't get to impart from his enemies because they didn't possess heavenly powers. However the system might reward him with some of their weapons and aspects and he was bound to get stronger the more he killed them. And maybe the 700 points are actually kill counts.



It was more or less expected for his system to have a plethora of divinity since it was a cherubim system and he had imparted from Moses but it was still bit of a fluke. He had indeed struck gold.


[DESCRIPTION] The Most High is present everywhere at the same time. This power allows user to have some degree of teleportation.

His eyes beamed with excitement as he was reading the teleportation aspect. The description was clear that he had some kind of omnipresence. For now it was in a form of teleportation but who knows just how it will evolve as time goes on? It was a great aspect that would really come in handy.

A while later he was reading the armor section of the system…




[DESCRIPTION] A ruddy boy without an armor defeated a towering champion with just a sling. Beyond human eyes though, the boy was wearing a formidable spiritual armor not seen by a naked eye. This armor protects user from both physical and spiritual attacks..

'Is the system talking about David and Goliath?'

The armor was not of divine rank but it was still powerful. And the rest of the description that he opted to read later would prove just how potentially powerful it was.

Full of vigor and excitement, Kodesh's switched his attention to the weapons section.




[DESCRIPTION] The dagger is forged out of nothing. But it can do everything. Its main purpose though is to deal soul damage to thrones.

Thrones are also called ophanims in the heavens. They are the third most high ranked. Above them being cherubims and seraphims. However Kodesh was not going to wage war against angels. This weapon is for dark thrones. Dark thrones are one of the entities cast out from the heavens after a heavenly war erupted. One this dark entities powers the three kings. The dark side entities have six ranks, powers, principalities, positions, strongholds, dominions and thrones .

The white hilted dagger was engraved with golden Aramaic and Hebrew symbols in block prints just like the system. The hilt was made of some kind of smooth pale white bone or tusk. It's blade was forged out of extremely rare steel that Kodesh had never seen before and believed he might never see again because there is no such steel on earth.

'It can do everything?'

'What does that mean?'

Happy with the dagger he continued reading and his eyes glistened with exhilaration.




[DESCRIPTION] Among a billion stars in the heavens, a constellation of Orion shines brighter. This bow can deal soul damage to the seven. It gets more powerful, the more lost souls it strikes.

'The seven what?'

Without no one to answer him, he summoned the bow and immediately a white long bow with golden symbols appeared in front him. It looked like it was made of white tough bone or some kind of white stone maybe. It was the same as the hilt of the dagger. He didn't really know what it was but he loved it. He is an archer himself so it was really a good gift the system had given him. The problem was that there was no quiver. How was he going to find the right ammunition for that star bow.

With that he tried to pull the bow. After an intense effort he managed to pull it back a little. Even in spiritual form and with his heavy right hand, the bow was too tough for him. With a little more effort, he pulled and immediately a slender arrow appeared out of nowhere.

'So it has its own quiver, I just have to pull the bow?'

'But how am I supposed to pull that?'

'I think the system had mistaken me for Samson.'

Immediately after mentioning Samsom, something in his mind flashed and he remembered one of his abilities .

'I would like to impart Samson's powers.'

'With that strength rooted deep in my core, this hand won't feel heavy and I will most likely be one of the strongest human beings in terms of physical strength.'

The other thing was that Samson's strength would allow him to pull the Orion's bow.

With that, he dismissed the bow and summoned the white glass. The beautiful dagger appeared in his right hand and he immediately switched it to his left hand.

'Time to see what this heavy right hand can do.'