The Future Of The Companies /Bait

The sleek glass facade of Collins Enterprises glimmered in the late afternoon sun as Ryan stepped into the modern lobby of the building. The unmistakable hum of productivity blended with distant sounds of ringing phones and rapid footsteps. While the scent of fresh coffee encouraged the sharp focus of the day, Ryan's thoughts drifted to his older brother, Jason—who was hellbent on getting the company

Ryan made his way to the executive floor, where he found Jason slouched comfortably in an oversized leather chair, a mischievous grin plastered across his face as he perused the latest financial reports on his tablet. Tall, charismatic, and always impeccably dressed, Jason had a knack for charm that often concealed his ruthless business acumen.

"Look who finally decided to show up," Jason drawled without looking up, his tone dripping with mockery.

"Very funny," Ryan replied dryly. I wonder what you're doing here Jason,the last time I checked dad dismissed you from the office,remember? 

Hmmm, Ryan you gat some nerves, just because dad empowered you to watch over the companies doesn't mean you're in control 

Jasper finally glanced up, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "You should be thankful I'm still letting you stay'? Don't get too comfortable in that corner office, little brother. You know your position is just a breeding ground for mediocre ideas."

Ryan frowned. "I'm pretending I didn't hear that.if anyone should be happy that dad is sick, I guess you are the one Jason.

What, Jason scoffed staring at Ryan, "well that's true,I want the old man out of way quick so I can deal ruthlessly with you" .

Mom left with no sense of responsibility in you Jason,how did you grow up to be a monster.

Mention mum name one more time and I'll cut your tongue out, Jason warned with his eyes shooting a hard glare .

Jason leaned back, crossing his arms.

I heard the sales dropped over the past few months, what have you been up to Ryan Jason questioned with a mischievous grin plastered on his face 

Ryan knew Jason perspective better than anyone. "I see no reason why that should have anything to do with you Jason"

"Seriously?" Jason scoffed. "i should be worried about that Ryan,the future of my companies are in your hands presently, Remember bold moves, game-changers! You and Dad want to preserve this idyllic fantasy of the family business,so sad dad will not always be with us,so keep preserving my companies Ryan.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ryan challenged, crossing the room to lean against the sleek glass table that separated them. "I swear Jason I won't let you get your hands on a single property, that is one of dad wishes for me to fulfill.

"Not compromise, evolve!" Jason replied, his voice rising slightly. "If you so love him why can't you fullfil his wish of getting married or are the rumors true of you sleeping with men" Jason said with a mockery.

If you want to be the heir to dad belongings you should have a wife who will give you a heir to keep succeeding the company

Ryan took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. "Thanks for the reminder Jason,I would love to inform you on hand that I'll be getting married"

A smirk curled up on Jason lips. "Married? To who? Don't mess with me Ryan,are you trying to pull a crazy stunt here 

"Yeah, and don't be too curious to know, I'll introduce her when the time is right" Ryan shot back, exasperated,so keep your eyes off the company cause I won't let you get to it,not when I'm alive .

Jason tone shifted, more serious now as he leaned forward. "Listen, Ryan. I admire your idealism, but it's a cold, hard world out there. You'll eventually see that the only way to climb is to make bold decisions—even if they come with risks. It's survival of the fittest. The company is my responsibility I have the experience it needs to keep it running and That's the real essence of leadership."

Ryan shook his head, unwilling to concede. "And the essence of true leadership is understanding that power comes with responsibility. If I let you take over the company you will eventually come after my life sooner or later 

Jason sat back, eyeing Ryan, disappointment mingling with amusement. "You know, one day you may find yourself in a position where you'll have to decide between your life or the companies, I'll make sure of that Ryan and of course I know you'll choose wisely.

Ryan straightened, feeling the familiar resolve swell within him. "I will always choose over the company, Jason. So Bring it on No matter what you or anyone else thinks,I won't give you the chance. 

"Good luck with that little brother," Jason replied, almost mockingly. "The world isn't as simple as you're making it out to be."

I can't wait to watch you crumble down on your knees.

As Jason turned back to his tablet, Ryan left the room, determination coursing through him. He knew his brother's ambitions ran deep and that Jason would always pursue the company at any cost . But Ryan was anchored in a different philosophy—one that sought growth alongside integrity.

Walking back through the busy floor of Collins Enterprises, Ryan reminded himself that no matter the challenges, his commitment was to fulfill his father's wish,he could leave the companies in the hands of others but not his brother Jason, He would secure the future of their family companies without forsaking its core values. That was the legacy he wished to uphold, and for now I just have to find a woman quickly, I will use her as a bait in achieving my goals then toss her aside later.

I'm sorry dad, but I have to do this Ryan thought.