
The sun streamed through the large windows of Ryan office on the fifteenth floor of Collins Enterprises, casting a warm glow on the sleek modern furniture and art-lined walls. But the warmth did little to soothe the tension pooling in Ryan's chest. He leaned back in his chair, scrolling through emails, but his thoughts were far from mundane corporate matters. His mind was on the cleaner back from Collins Hotel,

There was something about her—an audacity, a spark that both intrigued and irritated him. 

I'll need to find out some little information about her he thought 

"Ben!" Ryan called, his voice commanding as he stared at Ben who was organizing some files at a nearby desk.

"Sir?" Ben responded, looking up with his usual ready smile.

"Get over here,I have a little job for you Ryan said with a serious expression settling on his features.

As Ben approached, Ryan sat up straighter, leaning forward. "I want you to do a little background check on someone.

Ben raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Who?if I may ask boss.

"A cleaner at the hotel"Ryan replied fixing his eyes on the documents.

Are you sure that's necessary? What connection do you have with a cleaner Boss.

Ryan gave a hard gaze making Ben to look away quickly.

Sure Boss, what's her name ?

I don't even know her name Ryan thought feeling disappointed.

"No idea on what her name is" Ryan said dropping the documents on the table as he now stared at Ben.

Boss there are lots of cleaner back at the hotel,how I'm I going to identify her.

"Exactly," Ryan replied, his tone firm. Few days ago I bumped into this cleaner who thinks so highly of herself.

She didn't apologized neither did she give me the respect I deserved 

Ben nodded, slightly hesitating. "I'll see what I can find about this cleaner A lot of our cleaners are committed to keeping the hotel running smoothly, I'm still shocked to hear a common cleaner actually dared to challenged the Boss

But that's not a problem we can go through the photos of people who recently got accepted as cleaners at the hotel.

"That's a smart idea Ben" Ryan said with a little grin on his lips.

Ryan waved a hand dismissively. "Get the check done, and let's see what we're dealing with."

Walking close to Ryan, Ben bend over as he showed him the photos on a tablet device

Ryan eyes was fixed on the tablet as he anticipated for her photo.

Wait take it back Ryan ordered I think that's her.

Staring at Lia photo a mechevious yet satisfying smile appeared on his lips.

"Hmmm,Lia Johnson" Ryan read out as he stared at her photo all over again 

"Ben now that you know her name is Lia please proceed with the check"

"Understood, sir," Ben said, pulling out his phone and typing in the details. "I'll start right away. I'll look into her employment history, any disciplinary actions, and see what colleagues have to say about her."

Ryan leaned back, satisfied. "Exactly. I want to know if this is a pattern of behavior or just a one-off incident Ryan thought.

Once Ben had left to start the inquiry, Ryan returned to his work, but his thoughts kept wandering back to Lia. Her defiant stance had impressed him, even as it infuriated him. It was a curious mix of admiration and irritation. How could someone so low on the hierarchy dare to challenge an executive like him? 

After hours of productive work, the evening wearied the entire office. As the sun began to set,Ryan expression was serious as always.

"I did some digging Boss,"Ben began, placing a file on Ryan's desk. "Here's what I found out."

Ryan's heart raced with excitement and impatience as he leaned forward. "Go on."he ordered.

"Lia Johnson is 26 years old. She just got accepted into Collins Hotel a few weeks ago,starting as a part-time cleaner while she finished her education. She graduated with a degree in hospitality management, which is interesting, given her current position."

Ryan frowned, intrigued. "She has a degree in hospitality management and she's cleaning? That seems like a waste of potential."

"Exactly my point," Ben continued. "However, it gets a bit more complicated. According to her previous supervisors, she often had issues with authority figures, something that the management had noted in her performance reviews. But there's also a thread of positive notes; she's described as dedicated, hard-working, and particularly valued by her colleagues."

"Yet she still dares to talk back?" Ryan mused, glancing through the file. "Seems counterintuitive for someone wanting to maintain her position."

Ben shrugged. "Or maybe she's reached a breaking point. She might feel underappreciated or marginalized, and that frustration boiled over when you bumped into her.

Ryan leaned back in his chair, considering this new information. "So she's a rebel with a cause, trapped in a job too small for her talents."

Ben you don't seem to understand the situation here,this woman came into my office for to apologize but we ended up in an argument again.

"Really, that implies she is indeed something else"Ben pointed out.

Ryan nodded slowly, the gears in his mind turning. "Perhaps there's something to be said for that. If she feels that strong about her frustration, maybe it's worth having a conversation. But I can't let her think that just because she has some insight she can speak to me so casually."

Ben regarded Ryan carefully. "What do you want me to do Boss? Confront her again? 

Ryan tapped a finger on the desk, pondering his assistant's words. "No, let it slide for now but keep a close eye on this woman Ben"

"Boss this woman seems to fascinate you so much,I've never seen you so interested in any woman since my years of work with you"Ben said with a smile.

"And who said I'm interested in her"Ryan replied in a hard tone.

Every Boss must be surprise to his or her employee challenged them without being scared.

"Understood," Ben assured, jotting down notes. "I'll get on that right away, I'll assign someone to watch over her immediately .

As Ben left the room, Ryan sat back, his mind shifting gears. He didn't want to become a manager who brushed aside dissent, but he also wouldn't tolerate insubordination. 

Ryan took a deep breath, ready to face the storm that might come with bringing Lia into his office again. But this time, he would be prepared,he would be the one asking the questions, and he wouldn't allow her fire to consume the respect he held for his position. 

I can't seem to get her off my head,I so hate this feeling Ryan thought picking up the documents again from the desk.