Finding A Partner

Despite the vibrant scene outside, Ryan sat behind his polished mahogany desk, lost in thought. His brow furrowed in frustration as he stared blankly at the financial reports he had been trying to analyze for the last hour. 

"Ben!" he called out, his voice echoing in the expansive room. 

Ben promptly entered, his notepad in hand and a focused look on his face. "Yes, sir? What can I do for you?"

Ryan leaned forward, the gleam in his eyes sharpening with determination. "I need you to help me with something outside our usual work. I want you to find me someone to date."

Ben blinked, surprised by the abrupt shift in focus. "Date, sir? Is there a specific profile you have in mind?"

Ryan sighed his frustration rising. "Just someone Intelligent, independent—someone who can hold a conversation, I'll be needing one for some time,I need a really intelligent woman for this job Ben,I promised my dad that soon I'll be getting married.

"Boss Shouldn't you really settle down in looking for the woman you love,it would break your dad heart to find out you're in a contracted marriage".

"That's true, but for now I'm not just ready to be in the fantasies of love.

I find it hard to believe I'll ever meet a woman I'll be compatible with Ryan replied".

Just proceed with the preparations Ben, remember it's just between us Ryan warned with a firm tone.

"Understood." Ben nodded,but is this because of your brother Jason 

"Yeah, it is," Ryan replied, his voice low but laced with intensity. "I refuse to let that manipulative leech take over this company. If I'm going to maintain my position, I need to establish a solid presence. Being single is not helping my case."

Ben tilted his head, sorting through his thoughts. "Okay, so you want to date as a strategy? I mean, it's not the craziest idea."

"It's not just strategy, Ben. I genuinely want to find someone—someone who understands what it's like to deal with all of this," Ryan said, gesturing broadly to the papers strewn around his desk, the weight of corporate responsibility heavy on his shoulders. "The stress, the pressure—someone who gets it. And if I can show a respectable relationship in the public eye, it might solidify my position against Jason's attempts to undermine me."

Ben nodded, understanding Ryan's perspective. "I'll make a list of potential matches, but I need to know—what are your deal-breakers?"

Ryan smirked at the thought. "No gold diggers. No one with hidden agendas. And absolutely, positively no drama. I've got enough of that in the corporate world."

Ben wrote down the specifics, considering the dating pool in the city. "You want me to set up a few dates, arrange for times, and maybe even scout out some nice places as potential venues?"

"Exactly," Ryan confirmed, straightening up. "And lastly Ben don't forget to keep it discreet. I don't need this blowing up in the tabloids. Just some simple introductions, maybe a few dinners. Something low-key." 

"Consider it done Boss," Ben said, his enthusiasm returning. "I'll tap into my connections. There are a few platforms and social circles where successful women network. I can start there."

Ryan leaned back in his chair, a flicker of hope igniting within him. "Thanks, Ben. I appreciate your help on this. I also want someone who can challenge me intellectually, someone who can handle a few debates along the way." 

"Of course. I'll work on a diverse list," Ben replied, clearly excited about the challenge. 

As Ben exited, Ryan reflected on the situation. The thought of Jason taking over, mismanaging everything their father had built, loomed over him like a dark cloud. He worked hard to climb the ranks in the corporate matters.

But the unfairness of it all—it wasn't just the business that was at stake. This was about family. This was about legacy.

Ryan sighed deeply, running a hand through his perfectly styled hair. He needed someone by his side, not just as a showpiece but as an ally—a partner who could stand shoulder to shoulder with him in both business and life, nothing else,I don't need to be in love, just need someone to use in achieving my aims.

His thoughts wandered to the qualities he admired in women. Intelligence, ambition, humor—those were the traits that mattered most to him, and he realized how rare it could be to find.

A sudden determination took root as Ryan stood up from his desk, pacing slightly. He was not going to let Jason undermine everything he had fought to achieve. With a new approach and some fresh prospects, he could navigate both the corporate challenges and his personal life. The quest for the right partner, one who could be a true ally in life, began today.

Ben returned a short time later, a list in hand. "I've got some suggestions," he said, eyes gleaming with excitement. "I can make the calls and arrange brief meet-ups based on your availability."

Ryan nodded, his spirits lifting. "Let's get to work then. I have a feeling this could be the start of something interesting."

Ryan took a seat,I need to be fast in finding a woman.

The time is ticking, Jason must be scheming his plans right now.