Start Selling Again

Every tick of the clock seemed to echo the urgency of her situation. Her father lay in a hospital bed struggling to breathe, a stark reminder of the precarious line between life and death.

With a trembling hand she dialed Cassie's number again,her pulse quickening with each ring. She needed to summon every ounce of courage to make this call. After what felt like an eternity, she heard Cassie's familiar voice.

"Hello?" Cassie's tone was casual, almost dismissive, as if she had all the time in the world.

"Cassie," Lia breathed, her voice shaky, "I need your help. It's Dad… he needs treatment, and I don't have the money."

"Please I just hope you can lend me with some cash,I promise to pay back"

There was a pause on the other end. Lia could imagine Cassie shifting in her chair, eyebrows raised in surprise—or maybe disbelief. "What do you mean he needs treatment? What's wrong with him?"

"It's serious. He's been sick for a while, and now he's really struggling. I can't do this on my own. I don't know where else to turn," Lia pleaded, her urgency spilling into her words.

"Okay, okay, calm down. So how much do you need?" Cassie's tone softened, but Lia could tell she was calculating, wrestling with her own thoughts.

"About a thousand dollars… maybe a little more," Lia admitted, desperation lacing her voice.

There was a long silence before Cassie replied, "And how do you expect to pay me back? You barely have enough to cover your rent."

"Last time I checked, you work only as a cleaner part timely in different hotels".

Lia bit her lip, her mind racing through the few options available to her. "I'll figure it out, I promise. I just need—"

"I can't just give you a grand, Lia," Cassie interrupted. "But I might have a solution."

Hope flickered within Lia. "What do you mean? Please just tell me what to do"

There was a long pause, and when Cassie spoke again, her voice turned colder, more calculating. "What if you start selling again? You remember the people you used to deal with. I could put you back in contact. You'd make that money in no time."

"Cassie, no. I can't do that. I left that life behind," Lia protested, a surge of anger and fear rushing through her. "This isn't a game. I'm trying to save my father's life here!"

"What I want from you is a little help,I never asked you for this"

"Look, Lia," Cassie countered sharply, "You need cash, and you need it fast. You and I both know the streets can offer you that. Don't act like this is a big deal. It's just business."

"Business? Selling drugs is not business! It's dangerous and illegal. I can't go back to that!" Lia snapped, the desperation in her voice morphing into frustration. 

"Then forget about it Lia, ain't giving you a dime,if you think working as a drugs dealer is illicit you shouldn't be asking for the same money coming from it".

Cassie spoke as if she was lecturing a child. "You're talking about your dad's life, right? So why would you hesitate? You've done it before. You know the ropes. Just a few deals, and you can get what you need. Easy money."

"It's not easy! It's risky! I don't want to put myself back in that world," Lia insisted, her voice cracking under the weight of the conversation.

"Then what's your plan, Lia? Wait for a charity to show up and drop money on your doorstep?" "Or where you expecting some money to fall down from the sky"Cassie shot back, her irritation rising. "You need to make a decision. Do you want to save your dad or hold onto your petty little morals?"

Lia's throat tightened, the mention of morality stinging her consciousness. "Selling drugs ruined my life, Cassie. I'm never going back to that shit world.

"And what? You're telling me you'd rather see your old man suffer? That's the alternative!" Cassie's voice turned sarcastic. "You've got to be practical. This isn't some fairy tale. You need money, and I'm offering you a way out. If you want me to help you financially, it's going to require some sacrifices."

"I can't believe you're suggesting this," Lia said, her heart plummeting. "I thought you were my friend."

"I am your friend, but I also deal in realities, not fantasies," Cassie retorted. "You want to help your dad? This is how the real world works. Either sell again or start saying your goodbyes."

Lia's breath caught in her throat. Fury and despair collided within her, and she felt tears prick her eyes. "I can't believe you'd make me choose like this. 

"No one said life was easy, Lia. You think I want this for you? I'm just trying to help. Think about it," Cassie's voice softened, but Lia could still feel the edge beneath the facade.

A wave of anguish washed over her as she clutched the phone to her ear, frustration boiling over. She had battled herself over the decision to leave the drug trade; the fear of losing herself again was overwhelming. It was never just about the money. It was about preserving her soul, her dignity, her connection to her father.

"I won't do it. I can't," Lia finally said, her voice trembling but resolute. 

"Fine. But don't expect me to help you if you won't help yourself," Cassie replied, her tone icy now. "You know where to find me if you change your mind."

With that, she hung up, leaving Lia standing alone as she stared at her dying dad on the hospital bed. The weight of despair settled in her chest, heavy and suffocating. 

What could she do now? She dropped onto a chair, burying her face in her hands, the overwhelming reality crashing down around her. Without money, without help, and most frighteningly, without a clear path forward. All she could think about was her father's labored breathing.

Tears slipped from Lia eyes as she pondered her situation. There had to be a way to save him. Maybe there would be another option,Then suddenly Lia remembered she saw a post on "Lov.Com" website the previous day about working as a contracted partner.

Lia hurriedly searched for it on her phone.

And behold it was written boldly.

"Work As A Contracted Partner"

Apply Now 

Job Pay:$3000

Lia hand flew across her mouth as she stared at her phone with a mix feeling of curiosity and Happiness at the same time.