Lov.Com (Meeting Ryan)

Lia stared at her phone screen, the glow illuminating her determined expression. She had finally found something that piqued her interest—a contract position with Love.Com website,a burgeoning online dating platform that promised flexibility and a chance to work in a vibrant environment. The prospect excited her; perhaps it was exactly what she needed to reinvigorate her life and to help her dad from this dieing situation.

With a few clicks and a deep breath, she completed her application,After submitting her application, she leaned back in her chair, a mix of anticipation and anxiety flooding her thoughts. 

There are lot of others who applied for it, how sure I'm I that I'll be picked.

I just have to keep hoping Lia thought closing her eyes as fell into a deep slumber.

The next day,Lia scrolled through her messages, and a notification popped up on her phone. She had been granted an interview for the very same day.

I need to settle some things dad ,Lia whispered before giving her sleeping dad a kiss on the forehead.

Lia rushed home hurriedly dashing into her small room as she rifled through her closet, searching for something professional yet approachable. After pulling together an outfit she hoped would convey.

Though Lia wasn't having any good clothes as most of her clothes was either torn or looking washed.

She picked up the least better clothes she could wore.


As she arrived at the Love.Com office, she was struck by the lively atmosphere buzzing around her. Bright colors decorated the walls, and laughtery rang through the air, cementing the playful nature of the company. Taking a deep breath, Lia walked towards the receptionist's desk. 

"Hi! I'm Lia Johnson. I have an interview with Bella Novak," she said, offering her biggest smile. 

"Welcome! You're just in time. She's ready for you," the receptionist replied, gesturing towards a door behind her. Lia's nerves ticked up a notch as she stepped into the room, but she straightened her shoulders, reminding herself of her capabilities.

The interview started well. Lia felt confident as she spoke about her experience and ideas for attracting new clients to the platform. But then, the door swung open, and her heart sank. Her Boss the charming yet arrogant guy she had caught in a terrible argument weeks before, walked in. Her mind raced as she recognized him immediately, recalling their exchange—her harsh words, his harsh glare.

Oh my God,why is this happening,I wish the ground could open Lia thought sweating profusely.

A flicker of surprise crossing Ryan handsome features, swiftly replaced by a cool indifference. "I didn't expect to see you here." he said.

Lia felt her face heat up with embarrassment. "I didn't either. I mean, not that I expected it to be you . . . as an interviewer," she stammered, internally cursing herself for sounding so unprofessional.

Ryan leaned against the edge of the table, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Well, this should be interesting," he said, crossing his arms.

"Look, I'm here for the interview. Can we just get on with it?" she toughened her stance, trying to ignore the lurch in her stomach as memories of their previous encounter replayed in her mind.

"Of course. Let's see if you're as good as you think you are," he said, maintaining a disarmingly calm demeanor. 

As the interview progressed, Lia stumbled over her words more than once, feeling flustered with Ryan's penetrating gaze. He had become an unexpected wild card in her plans, and it frustrated her. He asked pointed questions that challenged her, making her squirm, but she forced herself to stay steady, responding with the skill she knew she possessed.

After what felt like an eternity, the interview came to a close. As Ryan dismissed Bella leaving only them sitting alone,he caught her gaze briefly, a flicker of acknowledgement passing between them. 

Lia felt like a churning whirlpool of emotions—embarrassment, frustration, and an inexplicable spark of nervous energy.

"So I guess someone is looking for a partner"Ryan said with a calm expression settling on his face 

And I didn't expect the rude Boss either to be looking for a partner when you could get a hundreds of women lining after you with just a snap of your finger.

Hmmm, it's different here, sooner you'll understand, so tell me nasty, why are you so passionate on being my partner.

"It's clear, Money"l need money Lia replied trying to avoid his gaze.

Do you have any idea I'm your boss, that means you're under my control Lia.

What? How did you get to know my name Lia asked with curiosity written all over face.

That's not the problem, so let's get straight to business,I have my terms and conditions that must be strictly adhered to.

"Coming from the mouth of a rude punk" Lia shot back with a awkward expression.

"I guess working as a cleaner isn't enough, women like you can never be contented with what they have and that's the reason why you're looking for quick making money scheme,huh"

Lia eyes lit up immediately, glaring hard at Ryan.

I still don't understand why you're so childish,if you don't want this contract then don't you dare say anything concerning my personal life affairs, you cheap leech Lia cursed getting up from her chair she stormed out angrily leaving Ryan stunned once again.

What?He had promised himself not to let this woman walk over him, but each encounter with this woman always left him stunned.

I hate him so much,he always have a knack for annoying him, I'll just have to figure out other ways to sort dad medical bills.

As Lia stepped out from Lov.Com office,Lia took a sharp breath out closing her eyes.

"Lia Johnson"A man called out firmly.

"You are arrested for the smuggling and trafficking of hard illegal drugs" .

"What..For what, what are you saying and who are you?" Lia said trying to free her hand from the tight grip.

"You have the right to remain silent as anything said might be used against you in the court of law".

"No let me go" Lia shouted.

"I have a sick dad who needs me more than anything now, please let go of me"

Meanwhile Ryan stood elegantly watching from the window view as a delightful yet mischievous smirk appeared on his lips.