Cassie Betrayal

"Get down! Now!" a voice yelled, and before she could react, hands gripped her arms .

"Please! Just let me go!" Lia pleaded, her voice trembling as she looked up to see police men surrounding her.

" Lia. You know the deal," Cassie voice sounded her tone deceptively calm. "I had to save myself. You were the perfect bait to keep the heat off me. It was either me or you."

"What are you talking about? You set me up!" Lia yelled in disbelief as she stared at Cassie smiling face.

"Cassie, help me!" Lia begged, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. 

Though it's true I was into drugs but you have to believe me,she is the master mind of the Gang Lia said pointing to Cassie.

"Bye, Lia! Good luck with your case!" Cassie said cheerfully before turning on her heel and walking away, not a hint of remorse in her posture.

Lia was furious at Cassie but even angrier at herself for believing that their friendship meant anything. Just when she thought it couldn't get worse, she heard a familiar voice call out from behind her.

"Lia," The same man she insulted a few moments ago, stepped forward. His piercing grey eyes narrowed as he took in the scene. "What the hell is going on?"

The officers paused, clearly surprised by the sudden presence of the hotel magnate and the most famous figure Ryan Collins,Lia's breath caught in her throat. The memory flashed through her mind—the way she had snapped at him even calling him a cheap leech.

"Mr. Ryan, I assure you this is purely a misunderstanding," one officer spoke, clearly trying to maintain professional decorum in the face of Ryan's reputation.

"I'm sure it is. But I know her, and I'm sure she's not a drug dealer," Ryan said, his voice firm. "Let me speak to her."

As he moved closer, the air around them changed. Despite the handcuffs, Lia felt a flicker of hope. 

The officers exchanged glances but nodded, stepping aside just enough for Ryan to approach her. 

We meet again Ryan said with a smirk.

Please this is not the time, don't add to my pains Lia warned immediately.

"I really do want to help,so tell me what's happening here"Ryan asked 

Lia didn't want to get him involve,she hated the fact of him seeing her in this mess , after much consideration she looked up finally meeting his gaze.

"Cassie a friend of mine set me up, it's true I once sold drugs,buts it was just a few times, Cassie used me as a bait since I refused to continue selling .

"She used me to get away from the police.

Ryan studied her for a moment, searching her face. He might have had every reason to brush her off after their last encounter, but there was something in her eyes that went beyond mere survival. 

"I can help you, but you need to work with me. We can't let this blow up, you broke the law so you must be punished for it, but I can help,if you want there's nothing the Boss himself can't do.

"What do you mean?" Lia asked, confusion laced with desperation. 

"Let's make a deal," Ryan said, his tone serious. His gaze bore into hers. "If you agree to be my partner i can vouch for you and pull some strings."

"Why would you help me? After everything…" Lia's voice trailed off, disbelief etched on her features. 

Lia hesitated, knowing that agreeing to partner with Ryan could put her in even deeper waters. But the alternative was grim—prison and the life that had led her there. 

I can't afford to loose this opportunity of getting out of this mess,I have to be there for dad Lia thought as she considered weather to accept his proposal.

After much silent time of thinking Lia finally responded.

"I…I'll do it," she managed to say, the words feeling heavy on her tongue.

"Good," Ryan said, signaling to the officers. "Let her go. I'll take responsibility for Lia and her cooperation."

The officers, astonished but deferential to Ryan's authority, began to unfasten her handcuffs. 

As the metal clinked open, relief washed over Lia. But it didn't erase the fear and anger swelling inside her towards Cassie for using her as a pawn. 

"Just remember, Lia," Ryan said as he stepped back, allowing her a moment of freedom. "This is your chance to turn your life around. Don't waste it."

Lia nodded, She glanced back toward the alley where Cassie had disappeared, and the heat of betrayal churned in her stomach. 

With Ryan's offer on the table, she was ready to take on whatever lay ahead just to clear her name and help her dad.

"Don't you have a sick dad" Ryan questioned.

As long as you cooperate I'll take care of his medical bills, you will also be receiving a good amount of money to appreciate your work.

Lia thought she heard wrong,

Wha… What? You're going too do what Lia stammered in disbelief.