
The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets of downtown as Ryan stepped out of his sleek black car, a confident smile gracing his handsome face. He had always been accustomed to the attention and admiration of others.

"Lia!" he called, spotting her across the street, waiting at the curb. Her expressive eyes wide with uncertainty, she stood nervously.

"I thought you were going to be late," Lia replied, attempting to mask her nervousness.

Ryan chuckled, catching the glances of onlookers who recognized him. "Trust me, I'm never late for something I look forward to." He motioned to the boutique behind her. "What are we doing here Lia asked realizing they were standing at the front of a well know expensive boutique meant for only the upper class.

A small crowd of women had gathered at the café across the street, each one eyeing the scene with a mix of admiration, envy, and gossip. Whispers spread like wildfire, igniting a wave of jealousy as they recognized the man beside Lia. 

"Isn't that Ryan Collins? Why is he out with her?" one woman gasped, her perfectly manicured nails covering her mouth in disbelief.

"I heard he doesn't date anyone and that people suspect him to be gay seriously This must be some kind of publicity stunt," another said disdainfully, rolling her eyes.

In the midst of the chatter, the leader of this group, a sharp-featured woman with a designer handbag, leaned in closer. "I can't believe he's with someone like that,she looks like one of those cheap whores picked from the street.

"Well today I've decided to take you out on a little shopping, you must look presentable since you'll be working with me now"Ryan said.

"So I don't look presentable"Lia replied shotting back.

As Ryan and Lia stepped into the boutique, oblivious to the eyes on them, Lia felt the excitement mix with a hint of anxiety.i never imagined what it would be like to stand close to a CEO,talkless of walking with him.

"Let's find you something that says 'confident' but also 'approachable,'" Ryan suggested as they browsed the racks. 

"What does she have that we don't?" one of them spat, tossing her hair back dramatically.

Lia could hear all crazy comments about her, but she tried to keep her composure calm though she was boiling hard inside.

"She doesn't belong in his world," scoffed another. "We should get his attention—show him the caliber of women he could be with."

Back inside the boutique, Ryan held up a bold red dress against Lia, the fabric shimmering in the soft light. "This! you can have this"Ryan said 

 "That's a bit much for me sir"Lia replied.

"Sir? Ryan repeated,then he remembered that they never did some proper introduction.

Hey Lia,are you also going to address me as sir when I introduce you to my dad.

And that reminds her,she never got to know his name properly.

"I'm Ryan Collins", Ryan said stretching his hand forward for a shake.

Why is he doing this here Lia thought as she could feel the hard stare coming from others.

Ryan raised his brow waiting for Lia to give him her hand.

Lia reluctantly stretched her hand forward accepting his shake.

After shaking hands Lia tried to pull her hand away quickly but Ryan held on to it tightly.

"What is wrong with you"Lia whispered as she tried to withdraw her hand.

After much struggling Ryan finally let go with a smirk on his lips.

"You've already done so much Ryan, thanks for today Lia said walking away.

Staring at her back Lia couldn't help but smile.

A part of him likes to see her when she's angry,he was so surprised at how he wasn't awkward whenever he was around her.

Choosing her to be my partner might be a mistake after all he thought walking away.