Marriage In Two Weeks

The morning sunlight filtered through the tall windows of the Collins family residence, casting warm beams onto the polished oak floors. The expansive living room was adorned with tasteful decor—a blend of modern elegance and classic charm, showcasing the family's wealth and status. Ryan felt an unusual flutter of excitement in his chest as he prepared for his father's approval of his latest endeavor.

"Dad, can we talk?" Ryan called out as he stepped into the grand dining room, where his father was seated,at age seventy though he was sick he still maintained a commanding presence, his gray hair impeccably styled and his tailored suit a mark of his professionalism.

"Of course, son. What's on your mind?" Collins replied, looking up from his papers, a smile creasing his weathered face.

Ryan adjusted his cufflinks, taking a deep breath. This was it. "I wanted to share some exciting news. I've been seeing someone seriously, and I plan to introduce her to you this weekend."

His dad eyes brightened, a palpable interest sparking within them. " I've been waiting for you to say this son, come on tell me what's her name.

" it's Lia dad, Ryan answered 

"I'm looking forward to meeting her," his dad said with a grin spreading across his face. "It's about time you settled down. You know how important family is to us." 

I want to see this woman who has captured your heart Ryan.

Ryan nodded, but a flare of hesitation crossed his mind. His father's expectations weighed heavily on him. Settling down meant more than just a relationship; it came with the ancestral responsibilities he was still grappling with.

"Actually, Dad, I wanted to discuss that as well," Ryan continued cautiously. "i still don't want to rush into marriage".

"Ryan, I understand the desire to take things slow, but you should know how much I value family continuity. When you decide to marry, it's about merging our legacies," Richard countered, leaning forward with an intensity that made Ryan's stomach churn. "Plus, don't forget—there's a lot at stake. This isn't just about you; it's about our family legacy, and don't forget about your brother Jason".

"Don't forget your promise to me Ryan"His dad continued.

"I know it matters,Dad, but marriage shouldn't feel like a transaction, should it? I want to ensure it's right."

Richard raised an eyebrow, his expression shifting from curiosity to a more serious concern. "Ryan, this is not merely a personal decision. Marrying the right woman—especially one like Lia—could solidify our family's standing in the community. She could be a real asset, and I'd be proud to have her as a daughter-in-law."

If only dad knew she's just a cleaner Ryan thought sighing in fraustration,he has promised his dad that he would get married but not the way he expected,I just started things with Lia, how would she respond when I tell her I want to make things official Ryan thought .

Ryan felt the pressure of his father's expectations squeeze tighter around him. "I get that dad"Ryan replied.

Richard leaned back in his seat, folding his arms. "You need to understand the implications and responsibilities of running this estate. By marrying and starting a family, you're also ensuring that your children will inherit properly. I would be more than willing to will properties to you—but only if you are establishing that next generation."

Ryan you've left me with no choice,if you don't proceed with the marriage preparations in two weeks,All properties will be willed to your brother.

Ryan took a deep breath, attempting to harness his growing frustration.

So now choose,get married and fulfill my last wish or live a life of being threatened by your brother.

Ryan almost couldn't believe his dad was actually pushing him to the edge.

Ryan nodded, though uncertainty brewed beneath the surface. "Fine I promise to get married in two weeks"Ryan affirmed.

There's no way I'm giving Jason the chance to hunt after my life, even if I were to hand over the company, Jason would stop at nothing to kill me.No I'd rather fight for the company than die fighting for nothing.

"Time is ticking, Ryan. You know how things work. You meet her, establish that bond, and you'll have my full support. But don't delay too long; his dad tone had shifted slightly, a hint of paternal authority creeping in that Ryan couldn't ignore.

Feeling the weight of his father's words, Ryan clenched his jaw, preparing to stand firm in his stance without losing respect. 

Richard's expression softened, the corners of his mouth curving upward. "That's fine, son. Just know that I want the best for you. Marriage is a partnership, a business in itself. And when you marry the right woman, you'll see the rewards multiply."

So dad, you actually want me to get married for business benefits.

"I don't care Ryan,get married soon,I want to make sure that after my death you will have someone to run the companies along side with you".

Feeling fraustrated Ryan exited the room, his mind raced,what if dad finds out Lia is not someone of high influential caliber he thought.

But I still don't know why I want her to be my contracted partner,when I can get a lot of influential women with just a snap of my finger.