The Marriage Proposal

The lights of the Collins Hotel glimmered like a beacon, an inviting sight that promised luxury and comfort. Inside, the atmosphere was a blend of elegance and busyness, guests moving in and out, and staff diligently attending to every need. 

Ryan strode into the hotel lobby, his presence commanding yet approachable. As the CEO, he was used to people noticing him, but today, his mind was occupied with the latest business strategy meeting and the upcoming renovations scheduled for the hotel's restaurant. Holding a demure look, Ryan walked passed the staffs elegantly.

As he turned toward the hallway leading to the service areas, a figure caught his eye just beyond the reception desk—a woman bending over to clean the area. A familiar jolt of recognition struck him. It was Lia.

Ryan paused momentarily as he stared at Lia with a little brink of excitement in his eyes, with each day passing he seems to get more comfortable around her.

Lia, however, seemed utterly oblivious to his presence. She was focused, diligently scrubbing the floor, lost in her task.

Just when he thought of walking away Lia finished one section and turned to grab a new rag, she lifted her gaze and froze. For just a heartbeat, their eyes locked, and Ryan could see the gears turning in her mind, processing the recognition. 

In an instant, Lia's demeanor changed. She quickly turned her back to him, making a show of scrubbing the floor with an exaggerated intensity. 

Ryan couldn't understand why she was trying her best to pretend like he wasn't there. 

"Lia," he called out, unable to resist the urge to break the silence. 

Though he knew he was not suppose to be doing this publicly, he still found himself calling out her name helplessly.

Lia froze again but didn't turn around as she could now feel all eyes on her.

"I need you now in my office"Ryan ordered walking away.

"What?Did he just address her by her name"

"She's so dead"Another man commented staring at Lia pathetically.

Lia stood outside Ryan office, her heart racing as she smoothed down her uniform,sighing deeply, she knocked on the door, trying to shake off the unease.

"Come in!" Ryan's sharp voice called from inside, and Lia pushed the door open, stepping into the sleek office.

Ryan was seated at his desk, a mix of paperwork piled high and a laptop open to a series of charts. The afternoon sun filtered through the large windows, illuminating his chiseled features. He looked up, eyes capturing her in their intense gaze. 

"Lia," he called out, his tone neutral yet carrying a flicker of intrigue."I'm not going to beat around the bush I'll be going straight to the point.

Lia complied, her heart pounding as he gestured for her to take a seat across from him. 

"I want to talk about us"Ryan said 

Lia's stomach knotted with anticipation. "What do you mean?"

Ryan leaned forward, an intensity lighting his eyes, making her uneasy. "I want to propose something unconventional. I'm looking for a contract partner—someone who can play a crucial role in my life and the company. And I believe that person could be you Lia.

"Okay, but we're already on that"Lia replied.

After what seems like a long silence Ryan finally uttered 

" Let's get married Lia"

Her breath caught in her throat. "Married? I don't understand…"

"It's simple," he interrupted, looking her dead in the eyes. "I want you to enter into a contractual marriage with me. It would be a mutually beneficial arrangement—a way for both of us to expand our influence and secure our respective futures."

I believe you need this more than me, you wouldn't want to watch your dad condition get worse.

Lia felt her heart drop. "A contract? Are you serious?" Anger flared within her as the implication sank in. "You want to tie me down without any real commitment? "Do you think because I'm financially unstable you could toy with me".

Ryan's expression hardened, the glint of frustration visible in his eyes. "It's a smart move. You know this world well,all you just have to do is pretend to love me publicly,in discreet we can act like normal people,It's not about love; it's about partnership and protection."

"Protection?" Lia scoffed. "You think marrying me—on paper—would protect you? This isn't how relationships work! You don't care about commitment, you care about convenience."

"And guess what Ryan" it's not going to work,I'm never letting that happen"

Ryan leaned back, crossing his arms, his demeanor cooling but still charged. "I care about making sure Collins Enterprises doesn't fall into the wrong hands—especially Jason's. He's been waiting for an opportunity to undermine me, and I refuse to let him win."

His words struck a nerve, igniting her passion. "And you think I'm just some pawn in your game? I'm not here to be used as a shield! I have my own ambitions, my own life—"

"And by the way who's Jason" Lia asked.

Jason is my brother, he's hellbent on getting the companies, but I'm never letting that to happen,my dad gave me an option to choose between getting married or loosing the company to my older brother..l

If I were to hand it over,he will stop at nothing to make sure I'm wiped out of existence so I'm not letting that.

Standing up in frustration."This isn't an easy world we live in, Lia. You have potential that you haven't even tapped into! Think of what this could mean for both of us."

You'll benefit greatly from this besides I'm not holding onto you forever just a duration of 7 months.

Why,why seven months Lia asked curiously.

My dad is sick,he has just 7 months to live.

Are you trying to decieve your dad till his day of death.

"Non of Your business" Ryan shot back angrily 

"Think of what it means for you," she shot back, her voice rising. "You want to control the narrative, Ryan. I don't want to be a part of your petty scheme! 

Ryan ran a hand through his hair, exasperated. "You're being stubborn! This isn't about you losing your identity. It's about combining strengths to create something better. We could help each other in ways you don't even realize!"

Lia shook her head, feeling the intensity of the moment. "You're using fear to manipulate me. Marriage, even a contract, should involve trust and a willingness to commit to one another—not just cold calculations! I don't want to be associated with a contingency plan."

He narrowed his gaze, the tension thickening around them. "So you'd rather let Jason stroll into this company and take away everything I've built than consider a partnership that could benefit us both?"

"Stop putting this on me!" Lia shot back, rising from her seat, fury bubbling inside her. "If you think I'd agree to a proposal like that just to placate your fears, you're mistaken. It's not about trusting someone who doesn't respect me or what I want."

Ryan stood tall, fists clenched as he faced her. "Fine then, walk away, I'll have to withdraw all financial assistance given to your dad.

I won't be asking for a refund for all the items I bought but one thing I know.

"Prison" Ryan uttered with a firm tone, I'll send you back to prison and make sure you suffer so hard.

"What? you won't dare do such a thing Ryan" Lia said taking a deep breath feeling threatened with his words 

"Now choose Lia, it's your last chance,pretend to be my wife or go back and rot in jail"

 Seeing Lia gave no response Ryan picked up his phone about to make a call when he heard Lia voice.

"Fine,I accept" "But on one condition"

A smile appeared on Ryan's face immediately .

" And What is it" Ryan asked.