Prestigious Hospital

Sunlight streamed through the tall windows, casting a warm glow on the polished wood of the desk where the contract rested.

"Are you sure about this?" Ryan asked, his voice steady but tinged with concern. He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, his penetrating gaze fixed on her. "Once you sign, there's no turning back."

Lia swallowed hard, the reality of her decision crashing over her like a wave.contract marriage that would link their lives in a binding agreement. But for her, it was more than just a business arrangement; it represented security in a world that had become increasingly uncertain, especially given her father's deteriorating health.

"I know," she replied, her voice a mixture of resolve and vulnerability. 

Ryan unfurrowed his brow and leaned forward, the air between them charged with the weight of their conversation. " Lia as long as you play your role diligently,I don't think we will have any issue"

Lia could feel the unmistakable flicker of anxiety in her chest. Her mind raced back to the long nights spent in the hospital, watching her father struggle, feeling helpless as his condition worsened. It was that gnawing pain she never want to go back to.

"I think it's time to talk about my condition" Lia said, her voice stronger now. 

Ryan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Fine let's get to what you want"

Lia took a deep breath, holding Ryan's gaze steady. "I want you to help me with my dad. He needs treatment, and I can't afford it on my own. If I step into this contract with you, then I need your assurance that you'll help me get him the best care possible."

Ryan's expression softened, the walls around him seeming to lower slightly. "Lia, I—"

"No, hear me out." She interrupted, her heart pounding. "I know this isn't typical. You're not just marrying me to take on my father's medical expenses, but I need you to understand that this is about more than just a business transaction for me. I can't focus on our arrangement if I'm worried about losing my dad."

Ryan leaned back, contemplating her words. The flickering tension in the air shifted, replaced by a raw honesty that hung thick between them. "I want to help you, but this is a complicated situation." His eyes searched hers, gauging her sincerity

For a long moment, silence enveloped them, broken only by the distant hum of traffic outside. Ryan ran a hand through his hair, frustration momentarily etched on his face. "You know I can make calls that people would dream of making. I can set things in motion that others can't." 

A flicker of hope sparked in Lia's chest. "Then help me, Ryan. Use your resources to ensure my dad gets the treatment he deserves."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ryan nodded slowly. "Alright. I'll help you. I'll ensure he gets the best care—whatever it takes." His voice softened, warmth radiating from him. "But you have to promise me that you'll keep communication open. This marriage will work only if we're both fully committed, in more ways than one."

Relief washed over Lia, a wave of gratitude mixed with apprehension. "I promise." she manage to reply.

Ryan pushed the contract forward, and the pen lay poised next to her signature line like a key waiting to unlock their future. She took the pen, her fingers trembling slightly as she hovered above the paper, reflecting on the path that had led her to this moment. She was about to step into a union that was as much a leap of faith as it was a calculated decision.

As she signed her name, she understood the complexities that lay ahead. This wasn't just a business arrangement; it was a merging of lives at a vulnerable crossroads. The contract represented hope, potential, and a promise of support.

"Welcome to our partnership," Ryan said, his voice steady but layered.

Lia met his gaze, the uncertainty of her emotions swirling within her. "Let's make it work."

As she stepped back from the desk, the air felt different. Possibilities unfurled before her, mingled with shadows of doubt. The contract had been signed, but what lay ahead depended on their willingness to navigate the challenges together.

In the midst of the anxiety that came with such a bold decision.

"And lastly' Ryan uttered.

"Dating outside is prohibited within this 7 months of our contract"

"Who said I ever want to date"Lia replied sharply looking away.

"Wait, are we getting married publicly"Lia asked.

"No,I told my dad that it's going to be held discreetly" Ryan replied.

"Lia I would like you to stop coming to work" Ryan continued,I never want to see my wife scrubbing the floor"

This was when Lia realize Ryan was now her husband.

All Lia did was replying with a little nod.

Walking to the door Lia felt a hand pulling her strongly.

"Start packing Lia,you'll be living soon with me"

"What, living with you"

"Don't forget I'm now your husband"

The part of staying in Ryan home never occurred to her,she can't believe she'll be living with him, under one roof, wait does that mean they'll be sleeping on the same bed.

" Noooooo" Lia shouted freeing her hand from Ryan grip immediately.

Ryan creased his brow staring at Lia strangely.

"What's wrong", he asked .

"Well if I move in with you, what about my dad,I can't leave him alone to care for himself"

"You don't have to worry about that Lia,we made a deal about that, and I've promised to take full responsibility"

"I'll be taking him to the "Trinity hospital" managed by the Collins family,a caretaker will be assigned to watch over him"

"What? Lia gasp throwing her hand over her mouth.

Her dad will be taken to the prestigious hospital In town.

"Does that make you feel better" Ryan continued.

"And that reminds me,I don't have your number"Ryan said bringing out his phone from his pocket.

Lia quickly typed her number on his phone.

Her phone vibrated immediately with a call as she stared at the screen.

"What are you waiting for" A voice jolted her.

"Save my number" Ryan ordered.

Staring at her phone Lia finally type, "CEO Ryan"

What? That's a dumb name to save my number" Ryan said fixing his gaze on her phone.

"Then what do you want, you're nothing but my boss" Lia shot back.

What was I expecting her to save my number with" Ryan thought feeling slightly embarrassed.

"That's all you can take your leave" Ryan replied walking back to his desk.

Staring at him briefly,Lia opened the door walking out as she closed the door behind.

Ryan exhaled sharply, pulling out his phone again, he quickly change the name he had saved earlier to "Nasty Lia"