
Lia sat on the edge of her bed,She stared blankly at the wall opposite her, her mind a tumultuous whirlpool of thoughts, each one dragging her deeper into a sea of confusion and hurt.

The memory of Ryan's proposal—a cold, calculated offer masked as an alliance—replayed in her mind like a painful refrain. His voice echoed, unwavering and sharp, as he had laid out the terms of his unconventional proposition. A contractual marriage.

" I wish I could just escape from all this" she whispered to herself, she had never expected to find herself in such a predicament.

The memory of Ryan, with his steel-gray eyes and commanding presence, was both intoxicating and disarming. He was so sure of himself, so confident, as he touted the benefits of their potential partnership. They would be a power couple, a duo forged out of necessity rather than affinity. It should have felt empowering, invigorating even, but instead, it struck her with a hollow ache.

Lia drew a shaky breath, trying to push away the sting of tears that threatened to spill. The proposal was not just absurd; it was demeaning. She was not a piece of property to be bartered or a strategy to be maneuvered into position on the chessboard of corporate success. She had spent years carving out her career, but here she was, working as a cleaner.

"I have to make sure dad is fine, I'll just have to bear this till it's over"

With that bitterness rising, Lia stood up and moved to the small window, pulling aside the sheer curtain to gaze out at the bustling city below. People milled about, busy in their lives, unaware of the internal battle she faced. The world seemed so vast, yet she felt so alone.

 she couldn't help but think, "does that mean I'm giving up on everything I've worked for?" The ache in her chest intensified as she wrestled with the image of Ryan: the confident CEO who had invited her into his world, only to create a scenario where her essence felt diminished.

Her mind flitted to the argument they had had—his frustration, raw and palpable, contrasted sharply with her indignation. "You're afraid. You're afraid of losing everything, Ryan, and you're trying to control me too!" she recalled shouting.

But what really hurt was not just the way he had pitched the proposal, but how much she had let it burrow into her thoughts. Beneath the anger, a seed of sadness had taken root. Ryan was a man caught in the web of his own insecurity, trying to use her as a shield

" I hate myself so much"tears finally escaping her eyes. "You are strong, Lia.

As the tears flowed freely, it felt like a release, as if each drop pulled away a weight she had carried since that fateful conversation. The pain was raw, a reminder that the world she inhabited was not just about survival tactics or corporate maneuvering. It was about connection, trust, and the balance of mutual respect.

Taking a deep breath, she resolved that she would not define her worth by a merger of convenience. Lia didn't want to marry for the sake of business, nor could she accept a life rooted in fear and manipulation but she had no other option since Ryan has threatened to throw her back in jail.

"I have no friends,no mom, no siblings to talk with,I'm so alone"she thought.

As she set her phone down, Lia felt a flicker of hope, the sun continuing to bathe her room in warmth. While the road ahead was uncertain, she knew one thing for sure,she would go to extreme length just to make sure her dad is safe.