
The sun hung low in the sky as it painted the Collins house in hues of gold and crimson. The sprawling estate, nestled in an affluent neighborhood, was a monument to power and legacy. Ryan stood at the entrance, his heart racing with anticipation. 

"Are you ready?" Ryan asked Lia, turning to her with a serious look,She looked radiant in a simple yet elegant dress that accentuated her figure. Her confidence was outstanding.

" Yeah I'm ready" she replied giving Ryan her hand "Your father seems intimidating, so I feel like I know him a bit already."

Ryan nodded, though a flicker of anxiety crept into his chest. His father, was a formidable figure in the business world, and he expected nothing less from the family's matriarch.

As they made their way to the grand front door, Ryan hesitated for a moment feeling nervous,I hope this whole thing turns out the way as planned, Ryan thought before he pressed the doorbell, and the chime echoed through the vast entryway.

Moments later, the door swung open, revealing his father with a warm yet regal smile. "Ryan! My son, his father said giving him a hug, " I see You've brought someone special," Collins stated, his eyes twinkling as they fell upon Lia. "Welcome to our home, dear."

"Thank you, Mr. Collins," Lia said, her voice steady and sincere. She felt a flutter of nerves but was determined to impress.

As they entered the house, Ryan felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him. The walls were lined with family portraits, capturing generations of the Collins legacy.

However, as they stepped into the grand living room, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. The room was filled with laughter and chatter—the kind that was both warm and overwhelmingly discordant. In the center of it all stood Jason and his wife his wife, Nicole, and their two young children. They were laughing uncaringly, completely unaware of the tension saturating the air.

"Look who's here!" Jason exclaimed, spotting Ryan and Lia. "The prodigal son has returned, and he's brought a guest!"

"Jason," Ryan said, his voice steady but tinged with irritation. "I didn't know you would be here."

"Surprise!" Jason replied with a feigned enthusiasm that didn't escape Ryan. "We couldn't miss out on a family gathering, could we? Dad, I'm glad to see you've got company. It makes the celebration even better!"

"Ah, Jason!" Collins interjected, "This is Lia, Ryan fiance" The word "fiance" felt stiff, lacking the warmth Ryan wished it had.

Lia's heart sank slightly at the condescension lacing Collins tone and the underlying tension with Jason. She tried to stay composed, offering a polite smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. Ryan speaks very highly of you."

Jason's smile widened, but his eyes gleamed with a subtle malice. "Is that right? I hope he's not over hyping you. We wouldn't want to set unrealistic expectations."

Ryan felt a surge of anger, the flicker of rivalry igniting between the brothers. "That's enough, Jason," he said, cutting through the tension. "This is a chance for us to relax and enjoy each other's company."

"Relax? Who said anything about relaxing?" Jason shot back, the underlying hostility in his voice unmistakable. "We have a lot to discuss—family matters. I just hope you'll be able to stay focused on what's important." 

Ignoring Jason's jab, Ryan guided Lia further into the gathering. He introduced her to Nicole and the kids, Jason wife was a woman who was also determined in helping her husband take over the company.

"Hi,I'm Nicole" Nicole introduce herself giving a smirk.

"Hey,I'm Lia, nice to meet you Nicole"Lia replied returning the smile 

"Looking so cheap"Nicole said giving a awkward look.

"Excuse me" Lia replied,she knew she just heard Nicole calling her cheap, staring at Nicole whose gaze was fixed on the meal,she couldn't help but overlook.

As the evening progressed, the conversation drifted between business topics, family grievances. However, Lia felt the undercurrents of rivalry intensifying, especially from Jason, who seemed determined to undermine Ryan at every turn.

Now I see why Ryan needed a woman,Lia thought, his brother and his wife are bunch of jerk's 

"So Lia my darling, what are you into presently" mr Collins asked jolting Lia off her thoughts.

Damn,she never thought about that, what was she going to say now.

"She work as a fund manager In a company" Ryan quickly answered.

Hmmm,I see what about your parents,mr Collins asked this time fixing his gaze on Lia 

"She's an orphan,her parents died in a car accident,no sibling's either" Ryan quickly answered again,

Lia immediately stared at Ryan in disbelief .

"Let her speak for herself,is she still in kindergarten" Nicole uttered staring at Lia.

I feel like scratching her face off, Lia thought giving Nicole a hard stare.

"So Lia,where do you work presently" this time it came from Jason.

"Collins hotel" Lia respond sharply.

Ryan turned immediately giving Lia a blazing look.

"Uhh,I mean Collins crest Hotel is such a beautiful place"Lia said with a awkward smile.

"Presently I work at uhh,at umm" Lia stammered staring at Ryan confusingly.

"She works presently at Hampton construction Enterprises" Ryan replied.

Oh,I see,the biggest construction company presently,Jason replied staring at Lia suspiciously.

Well enough of her, let's talk about business, Nicole interrupted.

Yeah, that's right honey, Jason said turning to Ryan 

"Didn't you have an investment proposal you wanted to showcase?" Jason asked Ryan, feigning curiosity but with a sharpness in his tone. "You know, Lia might be interested in hearing about it before things go south. She might even have some insights from her… experiences."

Ryan swallowed hard, aware that Jason's "concern" was anything but genuine. "I'm more than capable of handling my own projects, Jason. I'll update Lia on it later." He deliberately left out the details, not wanting to give Jason any ammunition against her.

Lia could feel Nicole sharp gaze piercing at her but she did her best to hold her composure. 

Finally, as the evening drew to a close, Ryan dad clapped his hands together, his eyes sparkling. "This was wonderful! We should do it again soon. Lia, you're always welcome here. You've truly brightened my day."

"Thank you, Mr. Collins. It was lovely," Lia replied, her sincerity breaking through the tension of the evening.

"Ryan preparations for the wedding will proceed as planned" his dad announced.

"Thanks dad,it's getting late we'll be taking our leave now"

"Sure, don't forget to always visit Lia, you're always welcomed"

As she gathered her things, Ryan pulled her aside, his brow furrowed with lingering irritation. " Lia you suck so bad at lieing, you were so unprofessional back there"

Staring at Ryan in annoyance,she looked away.

As they left the Collins house, Lia cast one last glance at the estate, a mixture of grandeur and underlying tension. She realized that the road ahead would be complicated,"The Collins estate is so beautiful",Lia thought staring at the buildings.

Getting to the car Lia gave Ryan a questioning look, but he ignored her completely.

The car moved in one steady motion as Lia thought was on what happened back there at the Collins mansion.

"Will I be punished for what happened today"Lia thought stealing glances at Ryan cold expression.

Lia admitted that she didn't perform so great today,and she knew clearly that Ryan must be annoyed.