Apology Wrapped In Extravagance

 Ryan sat on a chair finding no comfort in his surroundings. He paced the expansive living room, running a hand through his tousled hair, the weight of regret pressing heavily on his chest.

It had been nearly 8 hours since his last encounter with Lia, and the memory of their exchange gnawed at him mercilessly. He hadn't meant to hurt her—at least, that's what he told himself. Still, the harshness of his words lingered in the air between them, a reminder of a bitter confrontation.

Flashes of her hurt expression filled his mind: the way her eyes had widened in disbelief, the way her shoulders had slumped as if carrying the weight of the world. "i have no time to waste on worthless being"Yet, as he recalled telling her to her face, he was overwhelmed with the realization that his hurtful words must have been too hard on her.

He stopped pacing and leaned against the wall, his heart pounding in his chest. Why had he allowed Jason's taunts and his own insecurities to cloud his judgment? 

I never meant to hurt Lia,I don't know what to do right now.

"Damn it," he cursed under his breath, pushing himself away from the wall and grabbing his phone. Maybe it was time to make amends. With a few swift motions, he typed out a text. "Lia, can we talk? Ryan hesitated, " what the hell I'm I doing" Ryan thought dropping his phone .

Grabbing his jacket, Ryan Stepped out from his room walking downstairs.

To his greatest surprise,he found Lia at the dining,her eyes was fixed on her phone.

"Good morning sir" the maid greeted notifying Lia of his presence.

Raising her eyes up to meet Ryan,she looked away fixing her eyes back on her screen again.

"Whoa, what's up with that look" Ryan thought walking to the dining he pulled a seat out for himself.

Ryan picked up his cutleries eating from his meal, Lia ignored him completely still placing her focus on her phone.

After a long moment of silence,Lia stood up walking away as if he was never there.

"Lia"Ryan called out stoping her from walking .

"Where are you heading to, you barely touched your food"

" And i don't see how that concerns you mister garrulous" Lia shot back angrily walking away.

A smirk appeared on Ryan face watching her walk away in annoyance,"So I guess she's still angry about last night"

Getting to her room Lia walked around panting furiously.

"That bastard thinks he can toss me aside just the way he feels like"

"I hate every part of him,Lia thought bitting her lower lip so hard.

Lia couldn't help but also admire her room decorations, the beautiful frames hung on the wall,it all made it look attractive.

Lia collapsed on her bed, facing upward she stared at the Chandelier, letting out a sharp exhales she closed her eyes.

Suddenly a knock appeared, Lia rushed to the Door to check who it was.

When she opened the door, her breath caught in her throat. The maid stood there, a warm smile on her face, holding a small velvet box in her hands. 

"Mrs Lia,Ryan sent this for you," she said, her voice cheerful. 

Lia's heart sank. The last person she wanted to hear from was Ryan, yet curiosity battled with her irritation. "What's this?"

" No idea ma'am,the master sent me to give this to you"

Lia hesitated, glancing down at the box, then back at the maid encouraging face. With reluctance, she took the box from the maid hands and carefully flipped the lid open. 

Her breath caught as she revealed the exquisite necklace nestled inside. It sparkled brilliantly, catching the light with a softness that felt almost like a whisper. Alongside the necklace, a matching set of bangles shimmered, beautiful and intricate. Each piece radiated a level of elegance that left her momentarily stunned.

"They're beautiful…" she breathed, unable to mask her surprise. The anger she had felt towards Ryan began to simmer down, replaced by a grudging appreciation for the elegance of the gifts.

Lia swallowed hard, a part of her wanting to reject the gifts for what they symbolized—an apology wrapped in extravagance. Yet, as she traced her fingers over the smooth surface of the necklace, another part of her felt drawn to them, charmed by their beauty.

"Tell your master I don't need this" she said, her words laced with restraint. She didn't want to let him off the hook so easily, even if the gifts were stunning, did Ryan think he can manipulate me by giving me these.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I can't accept them,my master won't be happy to see me return back with the gifts.

Lia crossed her arms and sighed, she didn't want to put the maid in a difficult situation, "Fine you can take your leave"Lia said closing the door. Lia stood alone with the weight of the gifts in her hands. She looked back at the necklace and bangles, frowning in a mix of frustration and intrigue. 

After a moment of contemplation, she made her way to the mirror, the necklace shimmering against her skin as she fastened it around her neck. The bangles slipped onto her wrist, each jingle echoing softly in the quiet room. 

As she gazed at her reflection, she couldn't deny the way the pieces enhanced her beauty, how they spoke of elegance and beauty.

In that moment, she felt a contradiction: she was angry, yes, but the beauty of the gift also ignited a yearning to understand. Part of her wanted to preserve the anger, to hold onto the hurt as a shield. Still, she couldn't ignore the sense of happiness the jewelry brought her.

As she stared at herself, a small smile crept onto her face. Perhaps it was possible to be angry and appreciative at the same time, especially given the circumstances. 

But I would never let him know I liked the gifts he sent,he should apologize properly not using gifts to entice me.

Lia couldn't help but also felt excited, Ryan was actually the second person that has given her a gift.

She would never forget the gifts her dad also bought for her when she was little.

Still staring at the gifts in the mirror,a smile appeared on her lips.