Chapter 3: Memories

Advancing through the forest, Aslam felt the uneven ground beneath his feet. The light bathed the treetops in a vivid, golden hue.

Far away, Eldria rise in the distance, illuminated on the horizon. The city was majestic and bright.

A wave of rediscovery swept through him with each step. The smell of damp earth, the distant song of birds at dusk, and the gentle wind caressing his skin seemed simple. Yet, for someone who had been confined to the void for so long, these small things were almost unbelievable. The forest around him pulsed with a beauty he had never appreciated so deeply.

"Everything has changed... even me," he thought, brushing his fingers along the rough bark of a tree. The world felt new.

The sounds of the forest intensified. Small animals rustled in the bushes, and the rustling of leaves revealed hidden creatures.

Suddenly, he stopped. A pair of eyes observed him from the shadows. It was a deer, imposing and graceful, but different from those he knew.

It stood still, eyes alert and ears pricked, as if trying to understand the presence of the stranger. As he looked at the creature, Aslam felt a strange connection.

Almost as if the remaining mana in the forest flowed through that being as well. "Do you feel it too?" he whispered, a slight smile touching his lips.

The deer tilted its head, curious, but soon resumed grazing calmly, disinterested. In ancient times, animals like that would have fled at the slightest sign of a powerful mage.

Now, the magic within him was a distant echo, though still present. As he continued his walk, he noticed every detail around him.

He recalled a time when forests were filled with powerful beings. Now, the world seemed quieter, more tamed.

"The mana is weaker… what else has changed?" He observed the ancient trees that had likely witnessed generations of humans come and go.

Ahead, a flock of birds took flight, crossing the sky with a grace that seemed out of place. He stopped to watch them, admiring the simplicity of their freedom.

The animals went about their lives, indifferent to time or the world's changes. They were a constant part of nature, while he, shaped by magic, now felt displaced in a different world.

As he walked, a nostalgic feeling began to creep over him, bringing back memories of his old teachings and the dear disciples who once followed him.

Suddenly, he was transported to the past. The image of his students, filled with expectation, flooded his mind.

He found himself seated, with the curious faces of his disciples turned towards him.

The first mage of humanity had a striking appearance, something impossible to overlook by humans or any other race. His long, blonde hair and imposing posture revealed years of wisdom. His crystal-clear, sharp blue eyes revealed just how special he was. The mere look upon him inspired a single thought in all who saw him: miracle.

He observed each disciple with a glint in his eyes that mixed patience and sternness. The aura around him was almost tangible, radiating a calm yet overwhelming energy that made the students' hearts race.

Today, we will delve into the fundamentals of magic, — his deep, controlled voice echoed in the small room.

The air seemed to vibrate slightly with his presence. Every word was measured, charged with a power that transcended the simple act of teaching.

This is the beginning of a long journey, and each of you will find your own path in dealing with mana.

A young man, with black curly hair, raised his hand. His brown eyes shone with eager curiosity, while his furrowed brow revealed his determination.

Master, what can we do at this early stage?

The mage gave an almost imperceptible smile, his lips barely moving. He had heard that question countless times, but he knew that for each new student, the answer carried a unique weight. His hand, with long and elegant fingers, rose slightly, capturing everyone's attention.

At the beginning, you will feel the mana flowing within you, — he said, making subtle gestures, as if his own hand was guiding the energy of the environment.

It's like an invisible current, subtle, but powerful. — He opened his fingers, revealing a small blue light floating in his palm.

His golden hair glistened under the soft light, and the glow from his piercing eyes captivated everyone's attention. — Look, this is how the first contact with mana begins.

The students watched, fascinated, each with their own reactions. The young man with curly hair leaned forward, his lips slightly parted, while a girl with dark skin and braided hair kept her eyes fixed on the light.

The pure mana, — he continued, his voice lingering in the air like a melody. — Now, close your eyes and try to feel the flow within your own bodies. Practice is the key.

The room filled with silence as the disciples, their faces focused, tried to connect with the invisible energy. Some, like the boy with straight, dark hair, furrowed their brows, struggling to grasp the subtle sensation. Others, like the freckled girl, maintained a serene posture, patiently seeking that new perception.

Feeling mana isn't like touching or seeing something ordinary, — said Aslam, his deep voice almost hypnotic. His blue eyes glowed intensely as he spoke.

— I know it sounds completely strange, but it truly feels like awakening a new sense, something beyond our usual perception. Imagine trying to hear the colors or taste the light itself."

— At first, it will be like trying to see the wind, something subtle, invisible, but present all around you.

The mana is always there, flowing like a silent current you've never noticed before. Close your eyes and focus, not on searching with the senses you know, but on feeling what is beyond them.

Like hearing music at the edge of your hearing, or trying to grasp the texture of an emotion. Gradually, you'll start to perceive something in the air... a faint pulse, an almost imperceptible vibration.

When it happens, don't ignore it. Let it surround you. That's the first step to sensing mana, as if you were unveiling a new layer of reality.

After giving this explanation, Aslam observed his students with his sharp eyes, capturing the subtle nuances of effort, doubt, and even frustration etched on their faces. But he did not rush the process.

Remember, — he said, breaking the silence with calm assurance, — the journey is different for each of you. Some will advance quickly, others more slowly. But the path you each walk is unique.

Minutes passed as the students focused, trying to grasp the essence of mana. Aslam's presence remained steady, guiding them without further words, allowing each to explore this new sense in their own way.

He continued pacing slowly around the room, his long blonde hair brushing lightly against his dark robe, glowing subtly in the soft light of the mana he had conjured. The energy around him felt thick, almost tangible, yet controlled with an effortless grace. His sharp blue eyes flickered from one student to the next, gauging their progress.

After a few moments of quiet observation, he stopped and spoke again, his deep voice commanding the attention of the room:

Now, let us move to the Ring of Inner Forge. — His tall, lean figure moved with precise steps toward the center of the circle. His aura still radiated a quiet but intense power, as if every movement was in harmony with the magic that flowed through him.

Here, you will learn to use mana to strengthen your bodies and imbue objects with power.

He raised his hand once more, and a dense energy began to coil around his fingers. Golden light emanated from his skin, swirling with a rhythmic pulse, as though the mana itself responded to his very will.

With a swift motion, Aslam cut through a thick wooden log that stood nearby. The log split cleanly in two, as if it were as soft as fabric, and the sound of it breaking reverberated through the room. The sheer precision and ease of the act left the students awestruck.

The room trembled slightly with the aftershock, and the students' eyes widened in disbelief.

One of the disciples, a tall young man with short, light brown hair and pale skin, broke the silence. His voice, low but steady, carried the awe of the moment:

Is that even possible? How can we ever reach such a level?

Aslam's piercing gaze fell on the young man, his eyes flashing with a mix of understanding and wisdom.

With patience and practice, — he answered, his voice deep and resonant as it filled the room. — Each ring is a step forward. Every step brings you closer to mastery. Don't rush; it is through daily dedication that a true mage is forged.

He then moved towards a small, flowing fountain nestled in the clearing where they stood. His long, steady hand lowered to touch the surface of the water. With a delicate movement, he lifted a small wave, making it hover in the air, suspended with a singular grace.

In the Ring of Expansion, — he said, his tone now softer, drawing the students into a deeper focus, —you will learn to control the elements. Water, fire, earth, and air… all respond to the mana of those who understand them.

The students, each at different stages of understanding, were captivated by the sight. The girl with braided hair bit her lip, struggling to believe what she was witnessing, while the curly-haired boy clenched his fists, determination sparking in his eyes.

And finally, the Ring of Harmony, — Aslam continued.

Here, you will not only manipulate the elements but shape them to your will. You will become a part of nature itself.

A gentle breeze began to flow through the room, stirring the hair of the students. The leaves that had been brought in by the wind swirled around Aslam, dancing with the energy he radiated.

Imagine, — he said, his voice growing in intensity, drawing the full attention of the students, — calling forth storms, moving mountains, shaping your own destiny. But this demands a connection with the world that few achieve.

The wind softly played with his long, golden hair as the leaves continued to spin around him, brushing against his robe. The atmosphere was filled with a quiet but overwhelming power. Aslam's presence was more than just commanding—it was a force of nature itself.

With time, effort, and focus. There are no shortcuts. Each step must be taken with patience and perseverance. — His voice lowered as if speaking to himself, almost entranced by the mana he continued to manipulate with such fluidity.

Once more, he raised his hand, channeling mana until a small, glowing sphere of golden light appeared in his palm. The energy pulsed with life, reflecting the mastery of decades of control over mana.

In the Ring of Mastery, — he concluded, the golden sphere floating gently in his hand, — you will not only control mana but create it. It will flow through you, a part of who you are. And with that, you will have the power to shape the world.

The students remained silent, absorbing each word and gesture from the blonde mage. As the golden sphere dissolved into the air, Aslam looked at them with a firm, knowing gaze. He was well aware that many still did not understand how long the journey would be, but they were ready to begin.

Remember, — he said, with one last look around the room, — true power lies in finding the balance between the will to control mana and the freedom to let it flow with your imagination.

Back in the present, Aslam reflected. "Indeed... those were good times."

A soft smile spread across his lips. "I wonder how much they've grown? How far have they come with the power they were taught?" The soft glow of the forest seemed to mirror his thoughts.

For a moment, he felt the desire to see them again. With one last glance at the sky, where the sun was setting behind the trees, he turned. The weight of the memories still accompanied him.