Chapter 4: The New Eldria

As he walked, the silhouette of Eldria began to take shape on the horizon, growing ever closer and more imposing. The city walls, which had appeared as a fine, indistinct line from a distance, now revealed themselves as true colossi made of polished ivory stone and infused with magic.

As he approached the city gates, the path beneath his feet became more paved, with smooth stones perfectly fitted together, some engraved with ancient runes that shimmered in shades of blue and silver.

"I can't believe this is Eldria… It's enormous," he thought, as the gentle sound of the wind brought distant murmurs, almost like whispers of welcome. The walls loomed like giant guardians, adorned with intricate magical symbols that glowed with a steady, serene light.

The markings on the stones wound across the surfaces like rivers of mana, radiating an ancient and powerful energy that pulsed in harmony with the city's heartbeat.

When he finally stopped before the massive gates, a shiver ran down his spine. The gates were vast, covered in layers of dark metal, with a colossal magical rune at the center, forged with impeccable skill. Images of ancient heroes and legendary mages stood out in the engravings.

As he stood before the imposing gates, a tingling sensation coursed through him, as if the very city were appraising him.

The gates, grand and imposing, were cloaked in layers of dark metal that reflected sunlight like a mirror, highlighting a colossal magical rune that pulsed with its own glow, emitting a soft vibration in the air around him.

Engravings of ancient heroes and legendary mages adorned the surfaces, as if these mystical figures were there, vigilant, ready to protect access to Eldria.

"They have surpassed my expectations," he thought, admiring the monumental structure. As he drew closer, a line of travelers formed before the gates, each reflecting a mix of anxiety and hope.

The murmur of conversations and the clinking of armor created a symphony of anticipation that hung in the air.

Upon joining the line, he observed the guards, steadfast as rocks, dressed in gleaming armor and wielding spears with military precision. One of them, an imposing man with a scar running down his face like a dividing line, began to interrogate those ahead of him.

Identify yourself and declare your purpose for visiting Eldria, — the guard commanded, his voice echoing with unquestionable authority.

The traveler before him, visibly nervous, stammered:

I'm just a merchant from Galvia, here to bring goods to the city market.

The guard scrutinized him with a critical gaze, as if weighing each word spoken. After a few seconds, he gestured with his hand.

You may enter. — The merchant hurriedly thanked him and rushed through the gates.

When it was finally his turn, the guard fixed him with a penetrating stare, his cold, assessing eyes seeming to seek something beyond the surface, searching for traces of hidden intentions.

Where do you come from, and what are you really seeking in this city? — he asked, his voice as firm as steel but with a hint of curiosity that contradicted his rigid posture.

I'm just passing through and plan to stay for a few days to get to know the city and rest a bit, — he replied.

The guard watched him with suspicion, his expression as solid as a rock. He felt a flutter of nerves in his stomach, as if the words had difficulty escaping.

"I intend to explore the local market, perhaps try some local dishes, and learn more about the culture. I promise not to cause any trouble," he said, his voice coming out a little louder than intended, leaving him feeling somewhat embarrassed; after all, it had been a thousand years since he had spoken to another human.

The guard narrowed his eyes, maintaining his rigid expression. He then raised his right hand, drawing a symbol in the air with precision.

A gentle vibration of mana enveloped the area, creating an invisible thread that connected them. He felt a flow of energy passing through him, and his curiosity surged.

"What was that? Something advanced, for sure." He watched the guard in silence, analyzing the unusual sensation coursing through his body.

"Interesting," he thought, as the flow of the connection disappeared as quickly as it began.

You're not in our records. Head to the Eldria Magic Guild and sort it out as soon as possible, — the guard informed him, his voice cold. — You may pass.

He nodded, one eyebrow raised as he crossed the gates. "What was that? Some kind of scanning magic? Fascinating..." A slight smile played on his lips as he appreciated the apparatus.

"It's been a long time since I felt this nervous," he thought, grinning.

They exceeded my expectations. — As he walked through the gates, he noticed that the mana flowing through the streets was not abundant but refined, well-controlled.

Their magic might be weaker, but the skill with which they wield it is... impressive. — He was intrigued and even fascinated by how humanity had adapted and evolved with the magic he had once taught.

They've tamed the mana… — he reflected. There was no longer that wild force of before, but something much more controlled.

Of course, they've lost potency, but they've gained precision... that makes sense. — The control had improved, even if the energy was less abundant than he remembered.

The scent in the air hit him immediately, a blend of spices and something sweet, which transported him to a memory of something both simple and ancient.

"I wonder if they still sell those honey cakes in the square?" he pondered as he looked around. So much had changed, but some sensations, like the smell of food, seemed immutable.

The streets were alive, filled with people moving about with animated expressions. Merchants routinely peddled magical artifacts, and each building seemed to have its own flow of mana, sustained by complex systems of runes.

As he walked, he noticed the sidewalks were illuminated by magical lights that automatically ignited as someone approached.

"They're even using magic for this? I guess people are getting lazy." A small smile crept onto his face. He couldn't deny that the solution was efficient.

In the city center, the largest castle stood out, a breathtaking structure dominating the skyline.

With golden and silver buildings gleaming in the sunlight and banners covered in symbols fluttering in the wind, it resembled less a military fortress and more an artistic expression of magic.

However, glancing to the other side of the city, he noticed something even more intriguing: a massive tower constructed from glistening obsidian stones, adorned with golden details.

As he walked along Eldria's main street toward the black tower, his gaze caught on a man with a firm posture and armor. Stopping in front of the man, he decided to approach, taking a moment to observe the surroundings before speaking.

Beautiful city, isn't it? — he remarked, almost casually.

The guard looked him up and down, as if assessing who he was, before replying.

If you say so, — he responded, lacking enthusiasm.

The stranger smiled slightly, sensing that the guard wasn't one for many words, but also not in a hurry.

Things seem very different. I was wondering... the mana is everywhere here; how did you manage that?

The guard raised an eyebrow, not quite grasping the observation.

Changed? You're not from around here, are you?

No, I'm not, — he replied with a slight smile.

But I've been through many places, and Eldria seems... different.

Different, huh? Eldria isn't the heart of the continent for nothing, — the guard said, letting out a short, humorless laugh.

Anyway, can I assist you with something, sir?

I wanted to know what exactly that enormous structure over there is, — he replied, pointing to the massive black building.

The building structure looked like a contemporary skyscraper, its impressive height distinguishing it from the surrounding buildings.

On either side of the main entrance stood two white ivory columns, intricately carved with softly glowing magical inscriptions that provided a striking contrast against the dark exterior.

The runes pulsated with an arcane energy, emphasizing the building's importance and capturing the attention of all who passed by.

Sir, that's the city guild, or the mage guild, as you prefer. It's responsible for maintaining knowledge about mana in the kingdom. But it's also a place where adventurers gather to take on missions. If you want to know more, I recommend going in person. Just head straight down the main street to get there. You can't miss it.

The shallow dialogue wasn't unusual, but he noticed something more intriguing in the guard's behavior. The guard's posture, the way he held the spear, and the slight oscillation of his magical aura... it was different from the warriors of old Eldria.

"In my time, they only used swords, bows, and simple spears… I'm feeling quite old," he thought, a subtle smile on his face.

"Now even the simplest guards in the kingdom wield magic."

Thank you for your help, — he said, preparing to follow the indicated path.

No problem. Good luck in there. You'll need it, — the guard replied, returning to his vigilant posture.

Walking through the streets of Eldria, the young man with gray hair absorbed every detail around him. The buildings, constructed of light stone and adorned with arcane symbols, emitted a soft glow under the daylight.

The mana flowed subtly, almost imperceptibly, but for someone accustomed to sensing these nuances, it felt like gentle breeze...