Chapter 5.1 : The Black Tower (1/2)

The lively voices echoing through the alleys painted a picture of a bustling city. Wooden stalls displayed exotic goods, and the scent of spices blended with the freshness of the breeze.

Children darted between the market stands, while artisans worked diligently, the rhythmic sound of their hammers harmonizing with the vibrant atmosphere.

Every passerby caught his attention

There was a growing curiosity in his sharp eyes as he tried to decipher who these people were and what they brought to this city, which pulsed with life.

Turning a corner, his gaze finally landed on the guild hall. The building was a towering black structure, crafted from massive dark stones and adorned with intricate golden details. It stood out among the surrounding constructions, radiating an imposing presence.

The black tower stretched toward the sky like a modern skyscraper, two white ivory pillars flanked the main entrance, each meticulously carved with softly glowing magical runes, creating a striking contrast against the massive black facade.

A steady flow of mana emanated from those entering and exiting, reinforcing the significance of the place. With firm steps, he moved closer. Mages, adventurers, and merchants passed through the gates, dressed in light armor or robes embroidered with shimmering runes.

This was a meeting point for countless ambitions, and now, he too was headed there, ready to uncover what awaited him.

He set off, and after a few minutes, arrived at the location. As he drew nearer, he noticed the constant stream of people coming and going—adventurers, mages, common folk, and even merchants all walked through the doors, some clad in light armor, others draped in robes inscribed with mana-infused runes.

They seemed well-organized.

So this is a guild, huh? — He had heard of such places before being sealed away, but back then, they were just small groups of scholars trying to share the knowledge he had once taught.

" How did they reach this level? " he wondered, impressed as he contemplated the scene before him.

" Humans must have learned a lot from the elves."  he thought, noting the similarity in the architecture and the level of sophistication, which reminded him of what he had seen in the elven kingdom.

Crossing the grand doors, he was greeted by a vast, impressive, and noisy hall, filled with the clamor of voices speaking at once.

Massive stone blocks intricately carved. The polished stone floor was smooth as glass, reflecting the light from above and creating a mosaic of shimmering patterns. Inlaid with veins of silver and gold, the floor sparkled underfoot.

The sound of voices resembled a tumultuous sea, flowing and receding, each conversation a tangled current within the vibrant ambiance.

A special aroma of exotic herbs and mana incense hung in the air

Figures of all types filled the space—adventurers, scholars, merchants—but there was no chaos. Each person followed their path with precision, their footsteps resonating with a subtle echo, as if the hall itself responded to their presence.

A mystic tapestry of light adorned the hall, its semi-transparent layers shimmering with a subtle glow, creating an enchanting barrier that separated the main area from hidden chambers beyond.

Mages and warriors glided gracefully through this tapestry of space.

The ceiling soared high above, an architectural marvel adorned with intricate statues that depicted legendary battles and the triumphs of ancient heroes.

Golden accents framed the artwork, catching the light and casting a warm, inviting glow throughout the hall.

Above, a grand chandelier of crystal hovered, refracting light into a cascade of colors that danced across the surfaces below.

On the walls, banners fluttered gently, their rich fabrics adorned with arcane symbols that seemed to capture the vibrations in the air.

They were not mere ornaments but silent sentinels, observing and absorbing the energy passing through.

At the heart of the hall, a flash of pure light descended from the arched ceiling, illuminating the space and supporting floating inscriptions that emerged from the air.

These inscriptions morphed constantly, reconfiguring into fluid patterns.

Shifting and appearing toward those who approached, the inscriptions seemed guided by an intelligent force..

More than mere visuals, these manifestations were felt, awakening in the minds of nearby individuals and challenging their resolve before revealing the true challenges.

Aslam approached the reception desk, his steps calm yet his striking presence quickly drew curious glances. The surrounding conversations momentarily hushed.

With hair as white as freshly fallen snow cascading softly over his shoulders and deep green eyes like hidden lakes in a forest, he surveyed the reactions around him.

Expressions varied from fervent interest to subtle perplexity, as if his presence invoked not only curiosity but also a touch of reverence among those who crossed his path.

A young attendant, draped in a cloak bearing the emblem of the Registration Division, greeted him with a warm smile. Her dark hair contrasted with the guild's bright ambiance, and her ruby eyes sparkled.

Welcome to the Eldria Guild! — she said, her sweet voice resonating amidst the chatter.

How can I assist you?

I'm a bit lost here. This place is fascinating! How long has it been around?

The genuine interest in his voice caught her off guard, and she settled into the conversation, observing the bustling environment around them.

She seemed pleased with the question, her excitement evident as she replied.

The Eldria Guild is quite old, you know? — she began casually, organizing some scrolls on the desk.

There are rumors that it existed even before the Magical Era of humanity... but those are just rumors. The guild was officially recognized in 300 A.M., after the Magical Era.

Magical Era? — Aslam interrupted, furrowing his brow in confusion.

What does that mean?

The attendant raised an eyebrow, surprised by his question. Her ruby eyes glimmered for a moment as she studied him. He seemed genuinely curious, as if he were disconnected from something everyone else knew.

Oh, you don't know? — she asked, tilting her head, almost evaluating if he were joking.

Well, the Magical Era is the calendar most humans use today. We started counting time from the moment magic became part of human life.

Currently, we are in the year 1330 After the Magic Era. Almost impossible to keep track, right? — She gestured lightly with her hand, gauging his reaction. — After the Magic.

He fell silent for a moment, absorbing the information. "After the Magic." It was new, yet somehow, it resonated with him.

His thoughts drifted back to a distant time when the world followed a different rhythm.

Before... — he began, his voice lowering as if speaking to himself.

Before that, there was another calendar, wasn't there? Something shared with other races.

The young woman seemed surprised by his comment but nodded, leaning slightly over the counter.

Yes, exactly. — She appeared pleased that he knew something so ancient.

Before the Magical Era, humans followed the global calendar, which came from the elves and dwarves. It was what everyone used back then.

But when magic became common among humans, everything changed. The guilds, the kingdoms... humanity decided it was time to have something of its own, something to mark this new beginning.

If we still used the global calendar, I think it would be something like... 30.000.

He pondered for a moment, memories slowly surfacing. The elves' calendar, their long cycles that seemed endless to them, yet short for humans.

He recalled how time was measured so differently before magic.

So, humans created their own calendar. — He murmured, as if trying to piece it all together.

She nodded.

Yes, but not all places adopted the Magical Era calendar, you know? Some kingdoms still prefer the old one, especially those with stronger ties to the elves and dwarves.

But here, in the Kingdom of Eldria, it's practically the standard. — She shrugged.

It's kind of funny, actually. In some places, you might be in the year just over 1000 A.M., while others are still using the global calendar. It can get a bit confusing when it comes to trade or travel between kingdoms.

She tucked her black hair behind her ear, a thoughtful expression crossing her face as if organizing the information in her mind.

The kings and guild leaders, over the centuries, have practically ruled the kingdom together. Today, the King of Eldria, Haldebrand, shares many of his decisions with Lysandra, the leader of our guild.

They control everything here, from defense policies to trade. The guild isn't just a place for adventurers and mages; it's the true heart of the kingdom.

The Guild has become the gathering point for adventurers from all over. Here, they share stories, undertake missions, and protect the city. — She gestured toward the lively hall, where laughter and conversation flowed among the groups.

It's incredible to see how much has changed; in my time, it wasn't like this. — he said, smiling.

Oh, so you're from a different time, huh? — The attendant laughed, tilting her head, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

It must be strange to be here now. What do you think of this new generation of adventurers?

Aslam leaned back slightly, taking the moment to observe the young people around him.

He watched as one young mage raised his hand and conjured a small light spell. The control was clumsy, uncertain, but just enough to bring a smile to his face. Aslam sighed internally and said,

I see passion in their eyes. That's important. The new generation needs enthusiasm, and it seems they have it in spades. — He hesitated for a moment, a smile spreading across his face as he watched them wield magic.

But I feel like the deep knowledge, the kind that comes from the roots of magic, is a little forgotten.

The attendant nodded, as if she understood.

You speak like someone who has lived a long time. — She smiled, a hint of playfulness in her tone.

It seems your wisdom doesn't match your youthful appearance.

He returned her smile, embracing the light tone of the conversation.

That's what happens when you spend too much time in a library... or a cave.

This made Galdor, a man in light armor who had approached, laugh.

And what do we have here? — The light-armored man stepped closer, casting an amused glance between the two.

A traveler who looks older than us, yet has the face of a boy? — He chuckled and extended his hand.

I'm Galdor. And you?

The newcomer turned with a slight smile.

Aslam, — he replied casually while observing the curious expressions around him.

The attendant raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Aslam? I've heard that name before... Just can't remember where."

You look too young to speak of the past with such certainty. — The adventurer remarked, laughing.

Are you going to tell me you have one of those "wise old man" stories tucked away?

He leaned against the counter, relaxing and enjoying the conversation. This was what he needed—a simple, carefree moment, free of great worries, to feel the world around him once more.

Oh, I have no shortage of stories... but the present also has its adventures waiting.

He winked, keeping the tone light.

The two laughed, sharing a moment of camaraderie.

Well, I've heard the guild is the right place to find interesting people and maybe a new purpose. — He gestured around.

Perhaps I'll discover I'm good at being an adventurer.

Or end up getting lost along the way. — Galdor lightly patted his back, chuckling.

I've heard that before, and the guy ended up trapped in a cave full of goblins.

Hey, stop scaring the new guy! — the attendant interrupted, laughing.

I'm just preparing him for reality! — the adventurer replied with a hearty laugh.

The newcomer merely smiled, feeling more at ease now.

If I get lost, at least I'll have a good story to tell.

That's the spirit! — The man exaggeratedly applauded.

After a moment, he gazed into the distance, as if recalling something.

Unfortunately, I have to go. I need to find a place to rest before my next mission. It was nice meeting you both!

See you later! — she replied, waving as he walked away.

Now, it was just him and the attendant, silence lingering for a moment.

Oh, and I still don't know your name... — he broke the ice.


Elara... — He repeated softly, thoughtfully, letting the name float in the air.

If I'm not mistaken, that means "She who shines like a star," right?

Her eyes lit up in surprise. — Yes, that's correct! How do you know?

Oh, I read it somewhere. — He answered lightly, a smile on his face.

Here's the revised translation with dialogue indicated by dashes:

She flushed slightly, a shy smile forming on her lips. The conversation flowed naturally, as if the connection between them was instantaneous.

So, Elara, I'm thinking of signing up for the guild, came the interjection.

Elara nodded and, with a graceful gesture, summoned a floating clipboard before her, etched with tiny mana glyphs. She typed something on the clipboard, which hovered beside her, before continuing.

Great! Here at the Guild of Eldria, we operate with a highly organized system based on the level of mana connection, also known as the Rings of Mana Connection.

When you register, your initial rank is determined by your current ability to access and manipulate mana.

She pointed to a series of insignias engraved on a nearby wall.

Look, we have four main ranks, each corresponding to the mastery of the Rings.

The newcomer observed the insignias intently. Each one bore a different color and symbol, representing various levels of power.

We start with the Beginner Rank, Bronze, she indicated towards the bronze insignia displaying a flickering flame.

This rank is for those just beginning to sense mana. They focus on simple, low-risk missions, like hunting smaller creatures or gathering magical ingredients.

I see. And what comes after Bronze? he asked, intrigued.