Chapter 5.2: The Black Tower (2/2)

Next, we have the Domain Rank, which is Silver. — She indicated the silver insignia, featuring the symbol of a hammer.

These mages can channel mana more efficiently. They imbue mana into objects and are ready to face basic combat missions, such as escorting caravans and investigating magical anomalies.

Most of the specialists in the kingdom are here, in Silver.

He observed attentively, absorbing every word.

The Master Rank, represented by the Gold insignia, is where mages become experienced in manipulating external mana and mastering the elements. They lead complex expeditions and face high-risk missions. Reaching this point requires a lot of dedication.

The Gold insignia is made of bright metal, featuring the symbol of a radiant sun, representing mastery over mana and light. It emits a subtle warmth to the touch, reflecting the skill and experience of the bearer.

And what comes after Gold? — he asked, curious.

Ah, above the Master Rank, we have the Heroic Rank. — She gestured toward an almost mystical insignia, symbolizing a mage in action.

The Heroic insignia is made of pure crystal, a unique masterpiece that cannot be replicated. Each crystal is shaped by the very essence of the adventurer, capturing their experiences and achievements.

She smiled, as if recalling something.

The appearance of the insignia changes with the mana flowing through it, becoming a living representation of the hero's potential. It is so personal and singular that I cannot show you a specific one.

These mages are extremely rare; in the kingdom, you can count them on one hand. One example is our leader, Lysandra.

Additionally, the guild is divided into three main factions, — she began, pointing to the wall adorned with vibrant emblems.

Each has a specific focus. When you're ready, you can align yourself with one of them.

The first is the Adventurers' Division. They specialize in combat and protection missions, taking the riskiest tasks, like hunting magical creatures or protecting caravans crossing hostile regions.

He observed the symbols, absorbing the information.

Training in this faction truly enhances combat capabilities, both in weaponry and mana manipulation. They have priority in the most lucrative missions, such as escorts and monster hunts.

She smiled, moving on to the next symbol.

The second faction is the Division of Magical Relics. They dedicate themselves to exploring ruins and recovering ancient artifacts.

Ancient artifacts? That sounds fascinating! — he interrupted, his eyes shining with curiosity.

What kind of relics do they seek?

Oh, many! — she replied, animated.

These relics are valuable pieces of knowledge and power. The members of this faction are experts in magical history and often lead expeditions in search of lost treasures and secrets of the past.

The discoveries are vital for the advancement of magic in Eldria.

They have access to ancient knowledge and, of course, rare magical relics as rewards for their missions.

He nodded, absorbing the information. She then pointed to the last symbol.

And finally, we have the Arcane Division, which is the most focused on magical research and development. Members dedicate themselves to studying mana, creating new spells and enchantments.

They have access to special laboratories and libraries where they can study and enhance their skills. Additionally, they are often contracted to develop new spells or create magical items for other factions and kingdoms. It's a highly respected job.

What is my starting rank? — he asked.

Elara consulted her floating clipboard, where shimmering runes displayed detailed information about his mana level.

Her eyes widened slightly. — Impressive... you already have a connection with the Ring of Inner Forge, — she commented, almost incredulous.

It's uncommon to see someone start at the Rank Domínio (Silver). Most take years of hard training to reach this point.

She stared at him for a few moments, as if trying to decipher the mystery behind him.

He remained impassive, simply observing.

Just as I expected.

he thought. It felt good to know he still made an impact, even if subtly.

With an agile gesture, the attendant made a silver insignia float before him.

Here is your Rank Domínio insignia. — She handed it to him carefully, as if aware of its value.

The object was delicately forged, with the symbol of a hammer shining in blue, pulsing like a small flame.

With this rank, you can already accept basic combat missions, explore ruins, or conduct magical investigations. He held the insignia, feeling the gentle flow of energy coursing through its surface.

A work of a good craftsman, he thought. He pinned the insignia to his cloak, formalizing his entry into the guild's system.

Now that you're registered, I suggest taking a look at the mission board, — she said, her tone more professional.

As you are Silver, you'll be able to participate in larger hunts and magical investigations. And of course, the ruins are always a good source of knowledge... and danger. She smiled slightly, but there was something dark about it.

Be careful, — she continued, now more serious. — The oldest ruins still hide secrets that can cost the careless dearly.

He merely nodded, thanking her with a brief gesture before turning to leave.

The gears of this world were already starting to turn around him again, and he could hardly wait to see where it would lead him.

As he approached the mission board, he noticed the multitude of tasks floating, organized by difficulty and level.

Shimmering runes moved back and forth, reorganizing the missions in real-time, offering new opportunities to the guild members.

He observed the system with slight admiration. It was efficient, clear, and the use of mana to manage all that information seemed a masterpiece of organization.

Beginner Rank (Bronze) tasks predominated, simple and routine: collecting ingredients, escorting merchants along safe routes. Nothing that caught his attention.

However, the Domain Rank (Silver) missions, now accessible to him, were different.

They required more commitment and courage: hunts for magical creatures, investigations in areas dense with mana, and other more dangerous challenges. A specific panel stood out.

Exploration of Magical Ruins. The symbol of the Division of Magical Relics was engraved at the top, and the rewards were generous. It was clear that these places held dangers to match.

He fixed his gaze on a mission that seemed tailor-made for someone like him. Something sparked his interest.

Mission: Recover Lost Magical Relic

Description: An artifact lost from the Pre-Magic Era has been located in one of the magical ruins of Tirath, east of Luminah. The relic in question is known to be spherical and has dense, concentrated mana, as well as unknown properties, but potentially valuable for arcane research and for strengthening the guild.

Danger Level: Medium-High

Reward: 150 gold coins.

Requirement: Minimum Domain Rank (Silver).

Recommendation: 4-5 Adventurers

Tirath... The name resonated in his mind like a distant, yet familiar memory. He found himself immersed in thoughts of a past life.

Those ruins were once home to bothersome creatures, and at certain times of the year, the concentration of mana would rise, enhancing their strength.

Back in my time, it was merely an inconvenience, but now... I can't help but wonder what those young mages are truly capable of.

He recalled the herbs that grew around the ruins.

Those plants were incredible for extracting and concentrating mana. A true natural energy booster. If they're still around, they could be a shortcut.

With a slight smile, he thought,

Or maybe they're a trap; who knows, perhaps the herbs have developed their own defenses over the years.

Elara, the attendant, called him again, this time with the magical clipboard in hand.

Have you decided on your first mission? — she asked, already seeming to anticipate that he would choose something significant.

Yes. I'm going to Tirath, — he said, handing her his insignia for mission registration.

She paused while recording the request, and for a moment, her gaze revealed a hint of concern.

The ruins of Tirath are not a common place... — she began, her voice lower.

But with your mana connection, I believe you can handle the dangers. Just be aware because these ancient relics can be unpredictable.

He nodded, understanding the warning.

With the mission accepted and registered, he pinned the silver insignia to his cloak. The next step was clear.

Exploring Tirath would be the start of his journey to reclaim his power and uncover what had happened to the world and to mana while he was sealed away.