Pushing forward(3)

The plan of that day was simple, cross the river and take the west side of the city. Sench had his men on two fronts: those who would cross the bridge and fight the Luksano soldiers head on (20 of the soldier. 4 squads) and a smaller force of soldiers a distance away that would swim across the river and surprise the enemy from behind(10 men, so 2 squads.) it was a risk as the morning was a cool one and those who had to swim in that river might not make it out. But taking a risk was not outside of Sench's ability.

It was said that there were still 30 Luksano soldiers left on the other side and the hope was that their full force was on the bridge. The bridge was 50 meters long, 10 meters wide, it was dense and the battle would be harsh.

Howls squad and Retters squad were the two sent out for a swim.

They were woken up a bit earlier than the rest as to not raise suspicion with the enemy.

Bowin of course didn't need to be woken up, he was already patrolling. Still tired, he and his group were sent on their way. Jace, the boy who first spoke to him in this new world had joined them. Rollo had told him that the poor boy's squad was caught by surprise and almost completely wiped of the map.

Now, Jace the boy who seemed to want warm up that ship by seeking social connections was as quiet as a mouse. He seemed to drag himself forward.

They followed the river through the city, then forest, before they were completely out of sight of any Luksano soldier.

Howl looked at his watch that projected a holographic map of the city, also indicating the position of the other living Federation soldiers, and said, "Alright this will be the spot. We need to be fast, the battle will start soon and I don't know how long Sench can hold on there."

"We'll go first." Retter said, he was one of the oldest ones there at 18 years old, no beard but a unibrow that always made him look angry. He was pretty short for his age, even Bowin was taller than him.

But the way Retter stood, legs wide, schoulders square, portrayed confidence. His squad seemed to have inhereted those traits too.

The Retter squad jumped in the river and began swimming. It was Howl's squads job to watch them cross safely before they would do the same in return. It took a minute or two but they finally arrived.

Howl's squad jumped in. Cold Bowin thought, he also felt heavy with every motion he made. But it wake him right up, also feeling refreshed. Then the worst thing happened, on the other side he saw movement. Shadows of men came to the forefront and Retters squad immediately jumped into actions.

Shots were fired and lights flashed. Enemies.

"Everybody move fast!" Howl yelled. One of Retter's men got shot falling to the ground holding his smoking thigh.

Bowin started sparteling in the water in a attempt to get out as fast as possible, but everything went to slow. They hid behind trees but eventually another of Retters squad got hit. They were outnumbered and 2 to one and it started to show.

One of the Luksano soldiers turned, looking in the water and started blasting at them.

"We need to-" Bowin started, he unintentionally gulped down water, "Go underwater!" Everybody had head it seemed as the all went underwater at the same time.

They couldn't swim to land anymore, not with those guys blocking their way. Lasers zipped through the water but Bowin doubted the were seen at this point. It was still early in the morning

Retreating was also not a option, it would take to long and Retters squad was still under fire. By the time they would be back they might already be wiped out. Combat in water would also do them no benefits as they would be in a mobility disadvantage. The next logical solution came, the would just swim a bit behind Retter. Bowin signaled this, pointing to the better location and the rest followed suit.

The shooting had stopped but not before Howl gout shot in his side. They boys saw this happen and they looked back in horror, Howl on the other hand seemed point them forward as if to say keep swimming, don't worry.

He swam up holding his sid with one hand and the other his hand gun. Apparently he would stick to the old plan.

After only a few moments they came back above water. The climbed on to land, to see that only Retter and another man were still standing. Howl seemed to have made it on land but he lied on the riverbank unconscious. The squad immediately sought cover behind the trees around them and started shooting at the Luksano.

There were seven of them left. Bowin peeked and when he saw his target he aimed carefully. He didn't shoot for a moment, but with a few deep breaths he pulled the trigger and the body dropped.

They didn't ask me what their lives were worth. He thought."We need to capture one of them!" He Yelled

Rollo got another two, Stanly one, Brock also one, but Jace was another story.

He seemed to forget the idea of strategy or care for his own life. Running straight at the Luksano letting out a battle cry, evading fire like a nimble fox and shooting them, taking down two.

He shoulder pushed the third to the ground and held that one on gunpoint. The last Luksano crawled back in panick but Jace stared him down coldly.

"We needed one right, well here he is."Jace said, Bowin saw this all happen his mouth agape. He remembered how Jace told him he was afraid before all of this but he couldn't understand why.

He seemed to be made for this.

"Y-yeah." Stanley went to attend to Howl, he was alive but a shot two times in his attempt to get to land.

So was one of Retters men who was attended by Brock.

Bowin was with the Luksano with Retter on his left side and Jace on his right.

"I can't believe how much damage they did to us." Retter said coolly, "You tell us, were we expected here, is that why your here?"

The Luksano, now without helmet thus being unable to call for back up, stayed silent. He was a red haired boy with pale skin and freckles.

"If they knew they would've been here sooner, it would also imply a spy." Bowin said, "They planned the same thing us."

For a split second the red haired boy flinched.

"Did you see that?" Retter asked, "I think your right." Bowin nodded if that is the case

"They don't expect to see us coming. We have to be fast." He said.

"He's right," it was a exhausted voice, Howl stood behind him, leaning on Stanley, breathing heavily, "We have to start moving now before they start getting suspicious."

"You think you can defeat us!" The red haired boy shouted, "You might have defeated us here but it's far from the end of the United systems of Luksano."

Jace fired a his gun, and the Luksano soldier, with a smoking hole in head, fell backwards.

His body limp and lifeless. Bowin turned to see his squad mate, Jace seems unbothered. "The way things turned out, it was useless to even capture him."

Retter schrugged, Rollo didn't even seem to care.

If this is what is gonna happen, let it happen Bowin thought.

The one squad mate of Retter, Gully, tried to get back on his feet with great difficulty. He was shot in his feet, a campaign ending injury. "I'm ready guys."

"Okay.." Bowin started, "I'll Cary Gully, Stanley you keep Howl. Let's start going."

Gully was kind of heavy, especially carrying him through the uneven and wacky terrain of the forest was heavy load. Something he would have to step over roots, other times the mud was causing trouble.

Yet Bowin didn't complain, he was definitely not the best combat soldier there so he would have to help out in different ways. Be useful to the squad.

Later they would find a road back in the city, now on the other side, this is were the real combat would begin. Howl was in no way capable of battle and even Gully grunted if Bowin moved a bit to fast. Both of them still wanted to fight but they had to be practical.

"Howl and Retter have to be dropped of here." Bowin announced, everyone turned to see him. Howl, leaning on Stanley, clenched his teeth, "Yeah he's right."

"Nobody can see them here, they can hide and we can find them later." Bowin suggested.

"I can't!" Gully said, "I must join, hiding is not my style." "You can't even stand on your own how do you believe you can help." "HOW DARE Y-" "Gully." It was Retter, Gully looked towards the man.

"You can't fight, Bowin is right. Please for your own safety, and that of ours stay here." The angry expression on Gully's face faded in that of defeat.

The let the two soldiers rest in a ally, when Howl sat down he let out a cheeky smile looking at Bowin, "Just yesterday you struggled to make decisions, what happened."

Bowin tried to hide his startled expression, "I don't know what your talking about."

As Bowin tried to back away and head off, Howl held his shoulder tightly, "This is rash I know, but you take over my position for know. Be the squad leader."