military ranks

the military are the armed forces tasked to take over planets after the navy has cleared the way for them. Their battles primarily take place on the ground, but sometimes they also breach enemy ships.

Non commissioned

These are the soldiers that dont have any militar degrees, and are drafted from the common folk.


The lowest in the hiarchy. Often new soldiers or just the ones that aren't ambitious. They have to serve for 2 years and if they survive this period they can go back to their normal lives. Their ages range from 14 to 21. Most often boys but girls also slip through.

Squad leader

These guys got a promotion and now lead a squad of three people. They are responsible for on the ground strategies. You can get here by showing potential and killing enemies. There is also a third strategy and that is surviving your way to that position.

Third ship leader(TSL)

A optional rank that is given out primarily in the heat of battle, they do similar things that the SSL does but are third in line to take leadership. You have to be a squad leader to hold this position.

Getting this rank depend on the ship leader and the SSL

Second ship leader(SSL)

This is the second in command on a landing ship, they discuss strategies with the ship leader and do other task like waking the soldiers up or give them basic tasks for the day. This rank will be the first one were you don't lead a squad anymore.

Getting this position depends on the needs of the FSL, there aren't any strict guidelines.

First ship leader(FSL)

This is just the leader of a ship, it holds 50 men of whom he is responsible for. Depending on the scale of the mission he will be in contact with the commissioned

Sector captain(sector captain)

This is the same as a ship leader but depending on the scale of a mission he will be responsible for more people. For example: a mission with just 100 men will not have a sector captain, but a mission with 2000 will have several. When they do hold this position they'll often let their individual shipmates be lead by their SSL.

You have to hold your position of ship leader for at least 4 months and show merit to hold the position. These guys are hand picked by the commissioned leaders. You will communicate with them, which opens the door to many possibilities even outside of combat duties.


These guys hold military degrees, having studied four years. Their often the kids of the wealthy or nobility, but often the common folk do slip through. These consist mostly of men but women are also there

Second lieutenant

These guys are just out of college and therefore don't hold their own ship. They advice the people above them and if their lucky they get to lead their own small missions. This way they can hone their skills. Depending on the scale of the planet that needs to be conquered, they will hold their own campaigns on a different side of that planet.

There could be several of these on one ship.

Lieutenant captain

These guys have their own ship, a smaller one that can only hold 1000 men.


This guys ship is a bigger being able to hold 3000 men. They are put in more dangerous and taxing missions.


This guy is not in charge of any ships he is in char he of every commissioned officer in a given are of space. They'll appoint people to take over planets and often work in conjunction with the navy. With this their responsible for promotions, punishment and other stuff.