The Naked Man(18+)

Fleshy clapping, a lot of it at a very consistent pace. With it comes a subtle wetness, like pressing your hand in a shallow puddle and creating a suction like sound. A man grunts as he jolts back his head, the woman that's bended over in front of him breathing heavy. She was slightly tinted, her hair curly, reaching all the way to the top of her ass. It is round, moving like oceanic waves with every thrust. She starts moaning, she couldn't help it, no, it felt to good to her.

They had been doing this the whole night without rest and she was about to reach her tenth.

Her moans get loader and loader, she doesn't care, the captain his room is isolated. Nobody would hear them.

Quitney didn't know who she was exactly but but he started seeing her around a few days ago. A body too curvy for him to ignore, and whenever she looked at him those upturned eyes would draw him in. Today he got the chance to have her to himself, he was going to make use of that. With one hand on her breast, the other around her hourglass waist he kept thrusting.

Quitney folded over her back, as he held her tightly, she froze, taking in the tinteling sensations that went trough her whole body.

He shot everything he had in her, she started overflowing with his semen.

Later they laid together under the sheets, her hand were embracing him as they said sweet nothings to eachother. Maybe he was going to have another round with her. If he had time at least, what he did know was that this woman was one of his officers wives. And when he would wake up this morning with her not on his side he would not be happy

He had to be fast, he had to be hydrated. He stood up from the bed, walking to the sink that was in his room, he took a cup that was on his bedside table.

Quitney was a dark skinned man, coal like. Seeming almost a bit to unnatural for human standards. It was a result of generations upon generations of humans growing up on a planet that was way hotter than their home planet "earth."

His pupils where big, eyes a fiery red, the same for his hair. The woman eyed him up and down as he took massive gulps out of his cup. He knew that she was looking, and also why. He was a massive man, muscled, biceps the size of a head, chests that were hard and rippled. He leaned against the counter.

The lady and her seductive eyes stayed focused on him, "How can you be this much man?" Quitney snickered, "I am what I made myself."

He put his cup in the sink, standing like a lion ready to jump on his prey. The woman braced herself,

Knocking, it was against the steel doors of his room. Soft, not demanding and submissive.

Quitney opened it, the woman threw the blanket over herself as fast as she could. The door opened, a shriek. It was a short young man with a baby face, Wilter stood at the door with his hands in the air as if he was going to get attacked.

"Captain! Wu-why are you naked." He backed of slowly, his eyes darting on Quitney involuntary. Quitney smiled, "We're all men here, what's the problem."

"It- it's indecent!" His face already was intense, but it became more red every second. Quitney schrugged, putting his hand firmly on Wilters shoulder, if the boy wanted to run if he wouldn't be able anymore, "No shame in it Wilter, now, state your business."

Wilter still seemed a bit frozen but after a moment he relaxed, somehow, "The Federation troopers have arrived on this pla-" he stopped suddenly as his eyes shifted deeper in the Captain room.

Quitney turned to see who he was looking at, it was the woman, she hid her head under a blanket when she saw that she was noticed. "She's hot right," Quitney smiled widely, "I met her a-"

"Is that Lieutenants Halta's wife!" Wilter exclaimed, his jaw was on the floor, eyes popping out the socket.

The captain scratched his chin, "Is that who she is?"

"Yes that who she is! If the lieutenant sees you he'll kill you!"

"Please don't tell!" Could be heard from that room.

The young man put his hands in his head. Quitney laughed out loud, putting both his hands on his hips, "Well if Halta thinks it's necessary, he can try."

"Why would you do this, why would you put the relationship of this crew on the line like this. Captain, this is not something you're supposed to do."

The captains face softened a bit, his eyes dazing around like he was genuinely searching for a answer. He honestly didn't know why he did what he did. He had sex with his uncle's wife once, also the wife of his brother, several women of his village and now thousands in total.

He was certain that a few of those thousands were his cousins. There honestly wasn't a limit of what he would stick his dingle dongle in.

The heavens should be happy he didn't have a sister, they should be happier that his mom died in childbirth. He closed one eye, "because I want to." Yes, at some point in life he had dedicated himself to the pleasure of women. He grinned.

The boy stood there aghast, his eyes were dead it seemed like.

"Come on Wilter I don't have all day. Can't you see the lady is waiting for me." Quitney had started tapping his foot impatiently while gesturing to the bed, where you could only see a blanket underneath which someone was clearly hiding.

Wilter was looking around as if to find someone with which he could share this absurdity, but when he found none he swallowed his spit.

"The Federation soldiers have landed on this planet, by the pace their moving at they'll be at our doorstep by tomorrow." He paused a moment before looking at his captain, then at the lady that was still attempting to hide.

There was a sense of disgust in his expression carelessly hid in the sense of urgent duty. "Sergeant Forst has made these observations and is now waiting for your next orders."

He then looked at Quitney, the captain looked back, it was silent for a few moments. "Oh right now, ahh" at this moment he was only thinking about the broad that layed behind him. But he knew somewhere in the back of his mind that this was also important.

He put his hands on his chin thinking, then he opened his eyes for a split second as if he realized something. "How many federation soldiers?"

"3000, sir." Wilter seemed hesitant to say sir, but he still spat it out. Quitney didn't seem to care.

The captain smirked, "Give Lieutenant Halta 3000 soldiers so he can face the federation outside. Leave the defense to Forst he is doing a good job." He stayed silent for another few moments thinking, "Send someone here with some food I'm hungry. That's it." He said satisfied, nodding, he was planning to close the door.

"Yes sir!" Wilter said, he seemed hesitant to leave, "Captain." The captain stopped his action, raising his eyebrow expecting something.

"I think it would be good if you were also on the field." Wilter wasn't one to come up with strategic advice. He kept his ideas to himself, and someone of his rank was definitely not expected to do something like this.

Quitney smiled, "I'm glad that your brave enough to give your own input. But Halta is a smart man, he'll stop the attack, or at least do some damage."

"But captain, the federation needs this planet, they'll be more motivated to take it. I think we need to play its safe. Your legendary on the field, if you squash them now, we'll buy a lot of time for the navy to free us from this siege. Have some backup."

Quitney waved his hands dismissively, "Like I said kid, Halta got it covered. If he doesn't, I'll step in." The captain was about to close the door.

Wilter clenched his lips determined, "Captain, I know I'm a low level officer but this could determine the fate of the Luksan-" Then he stopped, his eyes lowered, anger was about to slip out, "Don't tell me your sending out Lieutenant Halta… so you can sleep with his wife longer."

The captain stopped his hand from reaching the button that would make the door close, "Your fast you know." He sighed, "That played a part in my decision."

"A PART!" The boy exploded, "A part, you can't hinge the fate of the United systems of Luksano" he really emphasized the name there, "on the fact that you wanna sleep with some guys wife!"

Quitney chuckled, but then he became serious very fast. The captain was a lot taller and buffer than every single person in the base, so when he stopped with his antics, laughing and goofing off, he was still a dark beast of a man.

Wilter took a step back, fearful of the sudden tone shift. He kept looking at the captain's hands expecting his head to be crushed with those massive things. Those fiery eyes focused on the boy burned his soul.

"You think I'm a fool Wilter." He said, the boy never really realized how deep the man's voice was. The sheer tremor of it sent shivers down his spine, "No, no captain, I was just-"

Quitney walked closer to the boy, to which he kept backing up, "Then why would you assume I would do something as stupid as risking the life of the United systems of Luksano on something as futile as that." He pointed back to his room.

The boy's back hit the wall, it was cold and unwelcoming, but he preferred it over the giant that pushed him into it.

His hands flattened on the wall as if he wanted to merge with it, but he couldn't. "No captain, I just assumed you-"

"Assume, you don't assume, you are my soldier under my care." The captain poked Wilter with every word he spoke, Wilter looked at the ends of both sides of the hall to see if someone could safe him.

He had rarely seen this side of the captain, and when he did see it, it was aimed at the higher officers only.

Quitney continued, "Halta is a competent leader, that's the main reason why I am sending him out. Because I trust him to get the job done." A part of Quitney knew that if Halta knew why he was out, all the trust would be broken. But he had to play this scary part for a bit, the boy was getting on his nerves. Even if he had to be a hypocrite.

"I do wanna fuck his wife, but you know what, I am a man. If I want to fuck your mom on the great Plaza streets of Ganasia with a carrot up her ass which I proceed to eat, I will. You understand."

"Yes, captain." The boy was pressed against the wall and seems fearful of the captain his gaze. Order had been restored. The captain walked back to his room, door closed. Moments later the fleshy clapping continued, the moaning returned.

Wilter, who now had stayed against that wall for several moments, shook his head, he had orders which he had to pass on to Sergeant Forst. He walked away from the room.