10 wives and 50 children

Quitney was in the hangar, working on a vehicle twice his size. Round in shape, pure metal with a window at the front of it. White in color, with red streaks crossing all over the shape.

It shone like it was just made yesterday.

Quitney lied underneath it, screwdriver in hand working on the engine. A bunch of tools next to him ready for use. He had been working on it for a while now, nonstop, he was sweating because of it.

Rayla- the wife of captain Halta- Quitney had learned her name only an hour ago, sat on a chair watching patiently. "I didn't know you were so enthousiast about ships."

"There is lots you don't know about me."

She was still admiring the man. Putting she puts her finger on her lips, "If that's the case I want to find out everything about you."

"Who says I'll let you know?" Quitney snorted.

"Come on, be nice. I just want to get to know you. I already told you lots about myself."

Quitney didn't answer, he was in the middle of schrewing something tight in the engine. With one final yank the bolt was tight. She did tell him a lot.

"Since you've been good, you get two questions."

Rayla mouth fell open with excitement as she let out a little scream. She clapped her hands fast, "This is gonna be fun! Okay," she hummed to herself as she thought, "Why are you so in love with that ship."

"This one? The Lober G250? Because it's one of the best of course. The simple design, its speed on land and in space, the sturdiness of it. It's simply too is awesome." He went on about the technical details of the car, the history of it and the specialized design of it.

This lasted almost a half hour in its own right, "but that isn't what makes it outstanding. Every popular space ship company can make a good ship. What makes it so special is the fact that you can modify it to your hearts content."

Quitney smiled ear to ear as he described it, "This ship, almost everything you see was made with my own hand. My next project will be a Rash 688. Difference? It's very sleek."

Rayla was paying close attention as the man spoke. It's not even like she understood all of the technical jargon he said, she just enjoyed his passion.

"Why do you love ships in the first place?" Was a strategical question on her part, she knew he liked ships, now to know something closer to heart.

For just a second Quitney stopped his working, he continuing as if nothing happened moments later. "On my home planet, they had these races that took place every few weeks. My dad would take me to them. Very fun. One day we managed to speak to one of the racers, he was the best. Spotty Ramf, pretty old but quick witted."

He closed the opening of the engine and finally slipped out underneath the ship. Then he just leant against it. Only wearing a dirty white t shirt and some black shorts. "He let my drive his ship once, when I felt that machine roar under my feet. It was awesome. Ever since that moment my passing interest turned into passion."

He stood on his feet and started clearing his work place.

Rayla, now more interested in this man couldn't help but follow up her question, "Where is your dad now?"

Quitney smirked, "You only had two questions remember. "

"That's so unfair, I was just getting to know you."

"Then be good, there is plenty of time for that."

Hasty steps echoed in the hangar, "Captain! Captains!" It was Wilters high pitched voice coming towards him, the boy stopped a short distance from the two, "I have urgent business concerning Halta's defense."

"A absolute victory a presume-"

"He died," that silenced the captain, Rayla damn near slapped herself when she put her hands on her mouth, "What do you mean he died." She sounded calm. No, more in shock.

"The Federation soldiers had him surrounded, he couldn't escape. Less than half of our troops came back alive. This just came in." Wilter had a grave expression on his face, somewhere even a bit of resentment.

I get it, just a day ago I said that Halta would be enough, now he's dead.

Quitney folded his arms, he seemed in deep thought whereas Ralay had collapsed on the cold ground tears coming from her face, "Mitchel is dead, no."

"Stop your acting, this is a serious place, serious things are happening." Wilter spat, he seemed like he couldn't help himself. Some moral part of him had to say that.

"I couldn't love him the way he wanted," there was a tremor in her voice, "I could never love him the way he wanted, but that doesn't mean I wanted him dead. He was a good man. Oh Lord of lords."

The corners of Wilters mouth had curved to a deadly angle, this woman disgusted him. And even though he was scared of the captain he felt the same about him too. The captain was smiling while all of this was going on, with a flick of his eye Wilter saw, it pissed him of even more."Lords of lords? Don't call out to him when you've done the complete opposite of what he ask of of us. Adultery, you might have to confess this-"

"THIS IS PERFECT!" Quitney his hard voice boomed in the vast hangar, "I thought these guys would be a bore but it seems that they caught my attention." Wilters eyebrow raised in surprise, "What do you mean, that what just happene-"

"Do you believe the Genesia, Wilter?"

"Of course I do captain, don't you?"

"I'm not sure, but I've fought with Jitai on a number of occasions, I seen what they can do. What the church is preaching must hold some truth."

Rayla was sobbing on the ground, gently Quitney knelt and put his hand on her. He whispered something to her, she turned head, it was full of tears, "Really?" She asked, a broken voice. "Yes of course." He responded softly.

He turned to Wilter again, "I could honestly not care if the church is right. Ganasia. A peaceful universe where everyone is happy all the time, sure. I don't care, I don't care about a lot of things anymore. I'm gonna retire."

Thanks to Quitney saying it so casually, the last phrase flew past him. Then it hit him, his face contorted, "What!"

Quitney wasn't surprised at the surprise. He was the captain Quitney, he captured Santos 15 years ago and ever since that he guarded this place loyally. This place had become his home, even his worst advisories wouldn't expect him leaving.

"Of course I'll fend of the stacks Federation this time, but after that I'll be done." He put a hand up in a calming sentiment.

"B-but your captain Lian Quitney, your legend belongs in Santos." Wilter said.

Quitney laughed, then he calmed himself, "I haven't been captain Quitney for a long time. It got to annoying, same story. We kill people we don't know, over and over. I was once like you, loyally serving the United systems of Luksano, throwing my full faith in its decisions. But I'm done now. I wanna do something else, something that interest me. I'm going to some far of planet, marry ten wives and have fifty children. Definitely starting a space ship repair shop.That sounds intriguing now."

Wilter was frozen, he didn't say anything for a few moments. In the meantime Quitney put on his military jacket.

"Your just leaving, everybody here depends on you. The universe expects this of you, but your leaving because of your lust, for some ships!?" Wilter spat.

The confidence didn't leave Quitney, "I'm leaving because I want to. But not before I've fended of these invaders, that would simply be a dick move. But after they're gone I'm going to do what my heart desires."

Rayla held on to Quitney's shoulder as they left the hangar, she stil seemed a bit distraught but less than earlier. Wilter was frozen for a few moments before he followed them. Quitney dropped Rayla in his room to be alone, there she could mourn for a while.

Then they went to the control room of Lieutenant Vorst, a pale looking guy with a stern expression. They discussed a plan to break the Stacks federation.

When the plans were made Quitney went outside, the walls were 200 meters tall and made of pure steel. Quitney stood at the very top of it so he could see far out in the distance. He looked over the landscape thoughtfully.

After a few moments his eyes flicked to Wilter, who followed him the whole time. He looked dissatisfied, a bit pissed of. Quitney smiled, "I know what your thinking, your a man of Ganasia so your thoughts go a bit like this: "How can a man igore his duty for his own wills. I cannot believe that he is a legend."" He said it mocking Wilters squeaky voice.

Wilter didn't crack a smile, instead a slight flinch in expression showed that Quitney was right,

"I just don't get it, when duty calls a man can't ignore it, he does the right thing. But you've shown over and over that you'll do whatever you want."

Quitney lifted his eyebrow, "Shouldn't I?"

"Life isn't about doing what you want. It's about doing what is expected of you."

Quitney shook his head slowly, his eyes closed in some kind of disappointment, "Rayla, the woman who I know you think is a whore,married Halta when she was just a kid. She was married of, but she never managed to life her live freely. Halta was so possessive that he even brought her to this planet, that was doomed to be invaded. She did this because her family expected this from her, she would do a lot because her family expected of her. Yet do you know how I managed to get her naked?"

Wilter stared at his feet for a moment before making eye contact with Quitney again, "I don't know."

"I told her what I'm going to tell you now. You can't live according to others their expectations. Only life by your standards."

The sentence had Wilter staring in Quitneys red eyes for a few moments, before he frowned, "Bullshit! Seems like a selfish way to life. How can you face your family with that mindset."

Quitney bursted out laughing, he had a deep laugh, unfiltered and loud, "Maybe it is." He shouted at the sky, "But all of us have to be brave enough to be selfish right. My family has a live of their own already. "