
As they go back a little, I look at them, they most likely are seniors, "What happened?" I ask Abhi, keeping my cool.

"Bro, they harassed Ratika," Abhi says, his eyes flashing with anger.

"Go back and protect Ratika," I tell him firmly, stepping in front of the seniors. "Let me handle this."

Before I can complete my sentence, one of them throws a punch at me, but it's as if I see it coming in slow motion, You know like those filmy movies. I catch the hand mid-air, surprising everyone, especially the attacker.

"You doom," I smirk, my voice low and steady.

They look at me, stunned, then at the hand I'm holding. "Who the hell do you think you are?" The senior snarls.

"I'm your new junior, Senior" I reply, my eyes cold and determined.

Without waiting for a response, I push the senior away, my body moving with a grace and power that feels almost unnatural.

The other two move in, but I'm ready. I dodge a swing and deliver a swift kick to the stomach of the first one. "L...Max my fighting skill," I murmur under my breath, feeling the surge of power from the genie's gift.

The second senior tries to grab me, but I sidestep and land a punch that sends him reeling back.

The first one is back on his feet, looking at me with a mix of anger and fear. "You're going to regret this," he snarls.

"Sure," I say, my voice filled with the weight.

Sensing that they're losing, the seniors back down, muttering curses as they slink away.

I turn to Ratika, who's clutching her books tightly to her chest. "Are you okay?" I ask, my eyes filled with concern.

Her eyes fill with tears of relief, and she nods. "Thank you, Big Brother," she whispers.

Abhi stands there, his mouth hanging open in amazement. "Bro," he says, "where did you learn to fight like that?"

I give him a wink. "Let's just say I've had some... unique training," I say with a grin. "Let's Go."

They nodded Together, we walked away from the scene, our hearts pounding with adrenaline. 

As we walked away, the drama of the moment still lingering in the air, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for using Cuyle's powers. Yet, the relief on Ratika's face and the newfound respect in Abhi's eyes made it difficult to fully regret my actions. The evening had taken an unexpected turn, but in the end, we were all safe and standing together, stronger than before.

"You know, Big Brother," Ratika says, her voice still shaky, "I never knew you could fight like that."

"It's not something I'm proud of," I admit, my voice softer than usual. "But I'll do anything to protect those I care about."

"You're amazing," she says, her eyes shining with admiration.

"Thanks, Ratika," I say, my cheeks reddening slightly. "But let's not make a habit of this, okay?"

Abhi chuckles his own tension easing. "Yeah," he agrees. "But it's good to know you've got our backs."

Abhi looks a little sad as he clutches his hand, "I need to train more!" he murmurs.

We continue our walk, the sun setting behind us, casting long shadows on the ground. The air is crisp, and the scent of rain is in the air—a stark contrast to the heat of the fight we've just left behind.

We dropped Ratika at her home and went to the bus stand.

"So, what's next?" Abhi asks, his voice eager.

"Well," I say, "now that we've dropped Ratika home safely, how about we get some dinner at home?"

Abhi nods eagerly. "That sounds wonderful," he says.

As we enter the house, the warmth and familiarity of home wraps around us like a blanket. The smell of mom's cooking wafts through the air, a comforting scent that grounds us in the present after the adrenaline rush. I head straight to my room, my thoughts racing with the day's events.

I enter the bathroom and strip off my sweaty clothes, feeling the chilly tiles under my feet.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and can't help but stare. The reflection staring back at me shows a man who's not just physically changed but also mentally and emotionally transformed. The workouts with L have sculpted my body, Even my dick become larger, making my old underwear feel uncomfortably tight.

"Huh, I guess it's time for an upgrade, haha" I murmur to myself, a hint of amusement in my voice.

As I step out of the bathroom, Abhi is sitting in front of the computer, his fingers flying over the keyboard. "Must be chatting with Ratika," I think to myself, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Come to think of it, Cuyle said she sent a jinn for me, When is she going to meet me?" I asked myself.

"L," I call out, "when can I expect to meet the jinn that Cuyle said?"

The L's voice, smooth and calming, echoes through the mind. "Master, she is indeed working on strengthening her connections and abilities. According to Cuyle, she'd be building her power for more than two years before we could meet.". However, if you find yourself in need of immediate relief, I am here to assist you, I can seduce any girl for you with my power."

The offer lingers in the air, but I shake my head. "No, thank you, L," I reply. "I'm good, mentally and physically. But I appreciate your concern."

The L nods, understanding in his eyes. "Understood, Master," She says.

The conversation with L reminds me of the gravity of my situation and the balance I must maintain. But for now, the most pressing issue is dinner.

"What's for dinner?" Abhi calls out.

"Mom's making butter chicken," I reply. "Your favorite."

The smile on his face is all the answer I need.

"After dinner, I make sure to back up my thesis outline onto a USB drive," I say to Abhi as we sit in our shared room. The warmth from the meal fills my stomach and the comfort of home surrounds us. "It's important to keep everything safe."

With a yawn, I lean back into the bed. "Before I turn in for the night, I decide to check my progress," I say to myself, navigating to the part of my mind where L resides.

"L, can you give me an update on my current status?" I ask.

The L's presence flutters in my mind, a gentle reminder of the power I hold. "Master," she says, "you've made remarkable progress. Your all skills are at an advanced level, your physical strength is well above average, and your charm has grown significantly."

The words float in my head, and I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. "Thanks, L," I murmur. "It's still hard to believe."

Abhi looks over from his phone. "What's going on, bro?"

I smile. "Just checking," I say.

He nods, a hint of awe in his expression. "Okay," he says.

"Let's get some rest," I say, turning off the lights. "Big day tomorrow."

We both agree, and the room falls into darkness, the gentle hum of the fan lulling us into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning, the sun peeks through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. I stretch and yawn, feeling surprisingly refreshed despite the excitement of the previous night.

I grab my phone to check the time and notice a message from Ratika.

"Thank you again for yesterday," it reads. "You were so amazing."

I can't help but smile at the message. "Thanks, Ratika," I type back. "Glad everyone's okay."

I get dressed and head to the bus stand, my heart feeling lighter than it has in a long time. As I wait for the bus, I spot Lily across the street, also waiting for the bus. She looks as radiant as ever, her eyes sparkling with life.

"Hey Lily," I call out, waving.

Her eyes widen in surprise, and she waves back. "Hi Jain," she says, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Where are you heading today?" I ask, crossing the street to join her.

"Oh, I'm going to the big market in low town," she says, her voice a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"What a coincidence," I say with a genuine smile. "I'm heading there too."

Her eyes light up, and she takes my outstretched hand as we board the bus together, her blush deepening. The bus ride is filled with small talk and laughter, and I find myself feeling more connected to her than ever before.

The bus pulls up to the market, and the bustle of activity outside is a stark contrast to the quiet bus. "Thank you," she says, her hand lingering in mine for a brief moment. "I had a great time."

"Me too," I reply.

With a final smile, she heads off into the crowd.

As the bus pulls away, the scent of spices and the sounds of haggling fill the air, reminding me of the vibrant life that awaits me outside the confines of my old, lonely apartment.

"Ah, the office," I murmur to myself as I step out of the bus. "Another day, another step closer to making our dreams come true."

The office building looms ahead, a symbol of the future and the opportunities that await us. I enter, the cool air-conditioning a welcome relief from the heat outside.

Mrs. Kapoor's office is on the 10th floor, and as the elevator ascends, my heart races. The doors slide open, and I take a deep breath, stepping into the bustling space filled with busy employees.

"Good morning," I say to the receptionist, a young woman with a professional smile. "I have an appointment with Mrs. Kapoor."

"Good morning, Mr. Sen," she says, checking her schedule. "Please go right in. She's expecting you."

The doors to Mrs. Kapoor's office are open, and she looks up from her desk as I enter. "Ah, Jain," she says, her voice warm. "Come in, come in."

The room is spacious and well-decorated, a testament to her success. She gestures to the chair across from her desk, and I sit, my nerves fluttering.

"I heard you created a new outline for this project?" She asks, sliding a set of papers across the desk.

I nod. "Yes," I say firmly, "It's ready."