New Plan

"Let's see what you've brought us," Mrs. Kapoor says, her eyes scanning the document with a sharp gaze.

I watch her read, her expression unchanging. The silence stretches taut, filled with anticipation.

Finally, she looks up. "Your ideas are quite innovative, Jain," she says, a smile playing on her lips. "I'm impressed."

"When Anushka told me that not only did you improve the outline, you also gave some major problem solutions, I didn't understand what to say, except," Mrs. Kapoor said, "We really appreciate your help." 

My chest swells with pride. "Thank you," I reply.

"Your passion for renewable energy is evident," she continues. "And your dedication to the community is commendable. I believe this collaboration will be very fruitful."

We spend the next few hours discussing the finer points of the paper, her sharp business acumen evident in every question she poses. 

"Thank you, Mrs. Kapoor," I say, my voice steady. "It's an honor to work with you."

"Before we finalize," she says, "I'd like you to review the updated contract."

I scan the document, and my eyes widen at the figure for the outline. "It's 80,000 for the outline," I murmur. "And we're to receive a 2% share of the profits upon successful implementation."

"Indeed," she confirms. "Your expertise and the value you've added to the project are well worth it."

"And the problem you solve, it gives us more than one month of manpower." She explains.

I nod, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "I understand," I say. "It seems fair."

"Excellent," she says, extending her hand. "Welcome aboard, Jain."

"But's it okay? You came alone, Is Mrs. Sen okay?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah, She's fine, She trusts my decision," I said and extended one's hand for a handshake.

The handshake feels like the seal of a destiny-changing pact. With a deep breath, I take the pen and sign my name, forever binding myself to this new chapter of my life.

As I make my way back home, feeling the weight of the signed contract in my pocket, I decide to stop by the bank. The cheque is a symbol of our family's newfound fortune, and I'm eager to secure it in a safe place. The bank's coolness is a stark contrast to the heat outside. The teller's eyes widen as she sees the amount. She confirms the details and processes the deposit with a professional smile. With the cheque securely in our account, I leave the bank feeling a mix of relief and excitement. The future is brighter than ever before, and I can't wait to share this news with Abhi and Mom.

As I step into the quiet apartment, the memories of my past life's loneliness briefly wash over me. But I shake my head firmly, pushing those thoughts aside. The room has been tidied up, a stark contrast to the chaos that often reigned before. Abhi's definitely been busy.

Making my way to my desk, I boot up my laptop with a newfound sense of purpose. The glow of the screen pierces the shadows of the room, illuminating the path ahead. I navigate to my D-Mart account and begin to make some calculated purchases, investing in stocks that I know will skyrocket in the near future. The thrill of the hunt and the promise of success dance through my veins. It's as if I can see the market trends bending to my will, a silent nod to the power that Cuyle has granted me.

The sound of the door opening pulls me from my financial strategies. "Abhi," I call out, "you're home!"

"Yeah, I am," he replies, his voice filled with excitement. "You won't believe what happened at college!"

"Well, I might," I say with a knowing smile. "But tell me anyway."

He rushes over, and together we sit.

"So, tell me what happened?" I asked, eager to hear about his day.

Abhi's eyes light up with excitement. "Today, after we introduced ourselves, the teacher asked us about computers. You wouldn't believe it, but most of the students didn't even know the full name of a computer, let alone coding," he says, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"Then you did it right, didn't you?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Thanks to your guidance," he says, beaming with pride. "I didn't just install software or answer simple questions. I made a calculator using C++!"

I chuckle and ruffle his hair. "That's my buddy," I say.

"You know, not even teachers but even the girls in our class are looking at me differently now," he adds with a cheeky grin.

"Really?" I tease. "Then I have to tell Ratika about it."

Abhi playfully begs. "No, bro, please not that," he says with a dramatic wink.

"Alright, I'll keep it between us for now," I say with a smirk. "But speaking of Ratika, next week is her birthday, right?"

His face lights up even more. "Yeah, it is," he says, his voice filled with excitement. "Yes, But what should I do bro? give me some advice."

"Well," I say, leaning back in my chair, "you're in a relationship with her, or do you want me to start dating?"

He laughs. "Come on, Bro, your advice is always the best, oh yeah and if you want, many girls in the track are eyeing you."

I shake my head. "Let's focus on Ratika's birthday," I say, smiling at his enthusiasm. "How about you take her out to dinner at that fancy restaurant she mentioned?"

"See, That's why I asked you." Abhi smirk.

"Just make it special for her." 

"But what if I mess it up?" he asks, his expression turning serious.

"You won't," I reassure him. "Just be yourself, and maybe get her a small gift, something personal, like a necklace or earrings, and propose to her."

"Propose?" Abhi's voice is a mix of excitement and terror.

"Yes," I say gently. "It's time to tell her how you feel. It's a big step, but if she's important to you, it's worth it."

"What if She won't accept." Abhi looks so serious.

"Nope, I'm sure she accepts you," I assure him.

He looks at me with hopeful eyes. "Will you come with me?"

"No, no," I say, standing firm. "It's her day. and You are the one who should go."

"No brother please come, or I die of nervousness, and Ratika also like it if you come," Abhi begs.

"Okay, okay," I say, giving in to his plea. "But only if it'll help you relax."

Abhi's face breaks into a grin. "It will," he says. "I'm just so nervous about saying the right thing."

"Don't worry," I reassure him. "Just speak from the heart."

He nods, his expression thoughtful. "And what if she really says no?"

I pat his back. "Then she says no," I say simply. "But the important thing is that you try."

He takes a deep breath and nods. "I'll do it, do my best," he says, determination in his voice.


"By the way what are you doing?" Abhi asked looking at my laptop screen

"Just buying some stocks," I reply, turning my laptop screen towards him so he can see.

"Stock's, like stocks of products?" Abhi asks, looking confused.

"No, it's different," I explain, keeping it simple. "It's like buying a piece of a company and hoping it does well so the value goes up, and you make money."

"Oh," he says, his eyes still wide. "It sounds complicated."

"It can be," I admit, "but it's also a way to invest in the future and grow our wealth."

"You're so smart, Jain," he says with a hint of admiration.


As I'm explaining the stocks to Abhi, Mom enters the room, her arms laden with a steaming basket of momos. The scent of spices fills the air, making my mouth water. "Momos!" I exclaim, taking a break from the screen.

"Yes, your favorite," Mom says with a warm smile, placing the basket on the table. "I know you've been working hard, so I thought I'd treat you both."

Abhi's eyes light up at the sight of the snack. "Thanks, Mom," he says, grabbing a couple.

I close my laptop and join him, eager for a taste. The dumplings are as delicious as ever, the flavors exploding in my mouth. It's a comforting reminder of home and family amidst the whirlwind of recent changes.

"So," Mom says, sitting down with us, "anything new happening that I should know?"

"Well," Abhi starts, his cheeks flushing slightly, "Ratika's birthday is next week."

Mom eyes sparkle. "Oh, how wonderful," she says. "What do you have planned?"

"Bro said I should take her to a fancy restaurant," Abhi says, looking at me for approval.

I nod, popping another momo into my mouth. "It's a good idea," I say after swallowing. "I am going too, So don't worry."

Mom nods thoughtfully. "Have you decided gift for her?" she says. "Give her something she likes."

The room fills with the sounds of us planning Ratika's birthday surprise, the warmth of Mom's kindness, and the excitement of new beginnings.