Angel spent the entire night jumping from one restless dream to the other.

First dream had to do with Ares, and Ava. Second dream wasn't any better. But the third was the one that frustrated her the most.

Because instead of Ava, it was her pressed against the wall.

It was her who Ares ministered those ungodly acts to.

And the horror of it all, was that she enjoyed every second of it.

She woke up from what she would consider a pleasurable nightmare, panting hard.

Her hand went to her chest, as she felt her thundering heart.

Feeling naked, she looked around to ensure she was alone.

The dream had been so real. Like a premonition of what was to come.

"No. God forbid. I'm not a whore," she whispered to herself.

Burying her head on the pillow, she began to pray.

It had been a long time since she prayed. She wasn't even sure if she believed in prayers. But it was better to be proactive, than leave things to fate.