Christmas in Romania

Christmas came quick as Chase left his room. In the brief time he was gone with Vicky, Phil and Marie had decorated the entire mansion with gold and silver lining the stairway and reefs placed just about everywhere they could be. As he walked, Alexis came out of her room as well, seemingly shocked to see him "Well well, didn't expect to see you here after you vanished yesterday"

Chase chuckled, nervously scratching at his head, "Sorry. A friend was in town and I haven't seen her in forever"

Alexis raised an eyebrow, her skepticism written all over her face before saying, "Just a friend huh? Right" She said before walking past him, her fake jealousy completely throwing off any suspicion Chase had that she was onto him. As they walk down the stairs, they find themselves in the fully decorated living room, a buffet of meats, vegetables and even some sweets from all across the world, "How did we sleep through all this cooking?"

"I dunno but I'm already in love! Even at the Tomb's, I never saw this much food!" Chase cheered, immediately rushing to gorge himself only to be bound in wrappings, "C'mon, Phil! You can't taunt me with food like this and expect me not to eat"

"I know but we must wait on everyone" Phil said, sitting down as he pet Spot, "Besides, this is a holiday we did not celebrate in my time. I would like to share it with everyone instead of burning through it," he explained when suddenly there was a knock on the door

"I'll get it" Marie said and opened the door to see a familiar woman with emerald eyes in all black. Immediately, Marie got into a defensive stance, "Who are you?"

"Chizuru Yamaguchi. Is Chase Dixon home?" The woman asked, unphased by the ghoul despite having no spells prepared

"Chizuru?" Chase asked, hearing the conversation with his enhanced Vampiric ears, rushed between them "Relax, Marie! She's cool. But how did you get here? Between the veil and Jubokko forest, the only way through is teleportation right? And doesn't that require knowing where you're going?"

Chizuru didn't answer as she simply let herself in, "I bring an invitation from Lord Urien Blackhart,"

"Urien? What could he want with Chase?" Marie scoffed

"Simply put, he has a proposition and he would like to make it at the party he is holding for all the clan leaders"

"Ah, clan leaders....great" he said with a sarcastic roll of his eyes, "Well, I'll tell you now. I ain't going without Boss and my team. Going there alone is suicide"

"He figured you may think that. As such he as approved your allies as guests,"

"We'll be there" A cold yet dominating voice said as boss approached, his eyes narrowed beneath his hat

Marie looked at him with a stern glare, "Are you sure? Everyone will be-"

"I am aware of that Marie. But it would be a good opportunity to learn more about our enemies. I would argue that is worth the risk," Boss countered, his glare softening as he looked down at her worried face, "It will be fine. Worst case, I can depend on you and Alexis to get us out"

"So, are we not eating the delicious food laid out specifically for Christmas?" Chase asked, seemingly pouting like a child at the thought of not filling his belly on such a delicious meal. Marie simply responded by putting it all away, contained in such a way that preserved it to eat later

"We will continue when we get home. After all, holiday cheer lasts beyond the day itself. Can you go tell Jason?"

"There is no need. Lord Urien sent a second messenger specifically for him. He figured a more combat capable Vampire would be required for him"

Meanwhile, Jason groaned as he awoke beside Sarah, looking around the still empty dorm before getting dressed. Rummaging through his pants, he pulled out a box that filled one of his pockets before gently shaking her awake, "Morning Sleepyhead"

Sarah groaned and pulled herself up, her hair looking more like a rat's nest than its typical ponytail, "Huh? What are you doing up so early?" she asked, her voice still groggy

"Well, I gotta get to work but I had to give you this personally," Jason answered before sitting beside her and wrapping a necklace around her neck, a small silver chain with a diamond hanging off of it, "Merry Christmas, babe" 

Sarah just smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you so much! I'm still working on your present but..."

"It's fine. I'll be waiting" He said, though not really seeming to care as he heard a knock on the door, "Here, I'll get it"

"You're in my dorm, dummy. What if it's a faculty member. Just hide" She commanded, to which he reluctantly complied and burrowed under the blankets. Sarah quickly got dressed, putting on a red tank top and jeans before opening the door, "Hello.."

"Hello, is Mr. Jason Tombs here?" A soft spoken voice asked as a young man, barely high school age with silver hair and...blood red eyes

"You've got the wrong dorm kid," She said, trying to shut the door but with just his pointer finger, he stopped it with ease

"I was asking as formality. I know he's here. Don't worry. I'm not with the staff. Simply a messenger" He assured, a warm smile hiding an immeasurable bloodlust, "Can you come out from under that blanket Mr. Tombs?"

Jason scoffed as he came out of hiding. He approached, nervously reaching for the cross in his pocket, "What do you want?"

"To talk to you. Privately" he demanded, his eyes glowing even more red as he compelled him to do so. With heavy steps, Jason complied, following him out of the dorms and onto the rooftop. His movements were so unnatural as if he were in a trance. Noticing his bizarre actions, Sarah followed closely behind him. Up the stairs she crept, listening to the conversation. She heard Jason groan, peaking around the corner to see him clutching his forehead

"Like I thought, damn blood sucker"

"You were threatening me with a cross. I could not risk a confrontation," The white haired boy countered, "Or did you want your lover to know of Vampires? After all, it would explain oh so much about Chase's actions as well as your own"

"Just hurry up and tell me what you want" Jason demanded, completely dodging the question. The whole time, he remained on guard as if he were a mere cornered cat

"I want nothing more than to give a message. My name is Elijah Blackhart. But you may call me Eli. My father humbly invites the Kin Slayer and his associates to a party at his Castle in Romania. Lady Chizuru will be awaiting you all at the docks"

"Father? No! Eli, don't you remember? You're not a Blackhart! You're-"

"My blood relation doesn't matter," Eli interrupted, "My work here is done. We of the Blackhart family look forward to your attendance" he said with a simple bow before leaving, basking in the shelter the staircase provided before looking further down as if he had sensed something. Though nobody was there now, he simply smirked before leaving

Not even an hour passed before Marie appeared to take him to the mansion. Jason immediately marched in, looking between the group of which all but Chase and Boss were present, "Where is Chase?"

"Downstairs but first are you alright? Did you-?" Phil started, seeming concerned. Knowing Jason's hot blooded attacks on Vampires, he could only imagine what happened with the messenger. However, Chase dodged the question entirely, rushing down into the cave. When he got down there, they were doing what could loosely be called sparring. Chase groaned, holding his gut in pain as he laid in a puddle of blood

"Get up. Do you truly think you can waltz into a party of the strongest Vampires if you can't even last against me?" He asked, reaching for a crossbow only for it to be cut right down the middle by Jason's blade, "What are you doing?"

"I could ask you the same damn thing!" Jason shouted in a rage, checking him over, "Shit, he's lost a lot of blood. Get Alexis down here now!" He demanded, glaring daggers at Boss who just stared back before complying. While that was being handled, Boss simply went back to work, polishing weapons off the rack, "What the hell is your problem? That training was way too far!"

"You're already well aware of the party I presume. We leave tonight and I must ensure that he is ready in case we're attacked" Boss answered, his voice cold and indifferent as he didn't even look at him 

"So you abuse him to wear him down?" Jason scoffed

"Is this what you came to talk to me about?"

"No. Elijah Dixon is alive, though he now goes by Elijah Blackhart" He answered. That seemed to provoke a response from boss as he stopped, even dropping the blade he was sharpening. The echo and that alone was all that rang through the cave 

Night would soon fall. The group with tense nerves would approach the docks. They were all so shaken that their enhanced senses all so focused on the potential threat before them. Awaiting them was Chizuru as well as an unexpected visitor who rushed to hug Chase, "I was worried you wouldn't come"

"Trust me, I'm still apprehensive about it" Chase muttered softly into her ear before returning a hug of his own, "But now that I know I have all my friends there, it feels like I pressure's been lifted off of me a bit," he assured with a smile, earning the shocked reactions of his compatriots, "Also I thought you didn't like boss. So why are you here?"

"Well I'm here for you obviously," She answered, grinning ear to ear, "I may not like your boss but honestly, I was worried one of my brothers would try something funny so I asked Chizu to take me"

"Worried is the understatement of the year, Lady Victoria. I only agreed because you would not cease your childish begging," Chizuru corrected, paying little mind to them beyond that as she formed a blood red magic circle, "Everyone step in. I will take you all to Lord Urien's castle"

One by one, they all stepped in. Chase went to do so only to be stopped by the firm grip of boss's fingers on his shoulder, "I believe I told you never to hunt for her"

"I didn't. She came to me" Chase answered, shaking him off as he stepped into the circle. In an instant they appeared on a balcony overlooking an Oak forest and a small city, "Wow! We don't have this sort of view back home. I'm guessing this place uses a similar barrier right?"

Vicky giggled, "Good eye. You must be spending a lot of time studying to identify it so quickly. But yes, it shields and hides us from outsiders until someone determines it is time to make the existence of Vampirekind known"

"It would be beautiful if it weren't so disgusting," Boss scoffed as he entered. Inside was a massive ballroom. Vampires of all kind from the hideous Nosferatu to bird-like Chonchon were all present. Almost immediately, they were met with conflict as large man with ash grey skin towered over them all, a beast of pure fat as he ate a piece of chicken

"You have some nerve Kin Slayer. News of your slaughter beneath Atlanta has reached my ear"

"I would hope so, Jerimiah. You've only got the one," Boss mocked with ease, "Chase, this is Knife-Eared Jerimiah"

"That's Jerimiah Kruger, Duke of the Nosferatu Clan, to you!" He demanded, attempting to slam his large fist against the table, only for it to be easily stopped

"Now now, Kruger. That is no way for a Duke of New Wallachia to behave" A gentle voice said as Eli stood there, easily holding him back before his smile turned to a glare that made the elder vampire launch back. A hearty laugh echoed over the classical music filling the room

"My son is quite right. Still there is no need for such a show of force" the approaching man taunted. He wore a similar attire to Vlad, typical Dracula style suit and cloak but with accents of blue and gold. His silver hair was not too unlike Elijah's though pulled back into a ponytail, "I am honored that you accepted my invitation, Kin Slayer"

"You know I only accepted to scout you freaks out, Urien. You're all my target so drop the false niceties" Boss stubbornly demanded, "Are you not worried you'll end up like your brother?"

"Ah yes, poor Vladimir. So weak and frail, his blood magic was all that made him capable only for him to succumb to the sad truth of our kind" He said with almost a dramatic sense of sorrow as the hand not woefully covering his eyes shook with a chalice of blood, causing some to fall

"Careful you don't drop your fancy cup," Chase said, narrowing his eyes as Urien's attention was drawn to him. He came closer, leaning down to his level as he inspected him

"Ah, you're the Dixon boy my sister sired. I take it you're the Kin Slayer's new tool?"

"Try apprentice" Chase corrected with clear spite. Urien just continued inspecting him until he found something, a bruise still healing

"I cannot speak for everyone but I personally do not leave my apprentice bruised," He countered, "Nonetheless, enjoy the festivities. We will discuss my proposal"

With that, Urien left with the Duke following suit. This left the group huddled together, intentionally leaving Eli and Victoria out, "Listen, keep an ear out and if you see anything suspicious, find one of us. Am I clear?" Boss said sternly. Everyone nodded except one, Chase who was seemingly distracted. To snap him out of his trance, Boss would elbow him, "Am I clear?"

With little more than a light jolt, Chase just looked at him, muttering "Crystal.." before walking away, specifically dragging his brother onto the balcony

"What's his problem?" Alexis asked to which Victoria nervously chuckled

"That might be on me..."

Chase stared at his brother under the pale moonlight. The two stared at each other in silence for some time, Chase's face contorting as he tried to hold back his emotions. Besides the choked out sobs, all that could be heard was the sound of the party inside and the cold night air until finally, Eli broke the silence, "Is something wrong?" he asked before without hesitation, Chase lunged onto him, trapping him in a death grip as he bawled into his black suit, "Gl-Glad to see you too brother but...Can't br-breathe..."

Chase quickly let go, rubbing his tears, "I thought you were dead...When I found Vicky, I was..."

"I know. We must have gotten separated," He muttered, clutching at his skull as if trying to force a memory, "Even for me, that day is a haze. But I remember surviving off scraps I could find in the dumpster then father found me"

"Father? You mean-?"

"Yes, adoptive father of course," Eli corrected, trying to avoid the confusion. Afterall, best to be as clear as possible with a species that is known for dominating minds of the lesser, "But he raised me as his own so I treat him as my own"

"And what about our father..." 

"What about him? I mourn him but that can't stop me from having a new life" He answered, his face contorting into confusion "Why do you care so much? Don't you understand? We're Vampires now. We can't live our old lives anymore"

"I don't think so. After all, I still have all my friends from when I was human. I go to the same school. The only difference is that I fight Vampires at night now"

"And deal with a boss who expects you to do everything he says without telling you anything. Did you even know how are parents died? Did you hear it from him? Or did he just keep you in that mansion reading and shooting crossbows?" Elijah countered, making Chase go silent, "It seems I hit the nail on the head. But why do you stay with him?"

"Besides threatening to kill me?" Chase asked, his shoulders shrugging as he took a moment to think, "I guess I simply don't see a better option. It's either him or the guys who were turning humans into frenzied shock troops and wants to take over the world"

"And what's so wrong with that? Do you think Vampires invented these things you demonize them for? No, these were human beliefs and tactics first"

"And it's wrong when humans do it, too"

Elijah sighed, looking off into the Romanian city lights, "This debate is going nowhere. How about this?" he asked, turning to Chase with a suggestion, "After this party we meet and I show you my side of things rather than telling you. If your problem is you only have one perspective, I can show you another"

Chase gently rubbed his chin, thinking about the offer. It was tempting. He didn't want to believe his brother to be some monster after all and his trust of Boss has been strained at best. Nodding his head, he held out his hand "Deal, but only if you do the same for me when school starts up again. Sound good?"

"I spent time as a human too. I doubt there's much you could show me," Elijah reminded, rolling his eyes but still smiling as he shook his hand, "Deal"

Back indoors, the group had split up as well with Boss going to find Urien while Jason gathered information. This left the girls alone who were just relaxing by the blood fountain, "Do you guys not have water or something? Even a beer?" Alexis asked, disgusted by the taste of Vampire blood besides Chase's

"It's the one surefire thing Vampires of all kinds can consume," She explained as she took a sip, "So how did you meet Chase? I would assume he would want that effects girl as his Ghoul"

"Trust me, he's better than that. He wouldn't stoop so low." She assured with a chuckle as they found a place to sit, "As for me, he saved me from a Nosferatu. He needed a Ghoul"

"And you agreed?"

"It's what my dad taught me. No matter what, always repay your debts"

Victoria let out a sigh, sadness painting over his face, "I suppose our fathers have a major effect on both our lives"

"You too huh? Well, I won't pry" She assured. As they talked, a man in a dark brown coat appeared. Compared to the other two the other two Vampires of his kind he was much more brutish, wearing a tight black undershirt that emphasized his bulging muscles. Even his face looked more bestial with sideburns that made his hair look more like the fur of a gorilla, "Can I help you?" Alexis asked, keeping a clenched fist behind her at all times

"What do you want, Godywn?" Victoria asked, a clear disdain in his voice

"No need to be so hostile, sister. I simply came to say hello. You never introduced me to your friend," He said in a gruff, somewhat flirtatious tone

"We're not friends. We were just talking about a mutual friend of ours. Now piss off" She demanded, evoking a laugh from him. He just came closer, specifically ogling Alexis

"Oh c'mon. That's not up to you is it? Now, do you have an answer, beautiful?" He asked, to which Alexis simply sent him flying with a swift punch to the jaw, enraging him. He launched up, claws and fangs laid bare for all to see as he roared at the girls who just laughed, "What's so funny?!"

"Probably that you're so undesirable that a Ghoul was able to lay you on your ass" Victoria said, causing the party goers to burst into laughter, now that they knew the full context. Humiliated, he ran off for now. Victoria let out a sigh of relief and looked to Alexis, "My brothers are like that. Slightest bruise to their ego and they fly into a rage"

"Makes them easier to deal with though"

"True. Still, I'm sorry you two are going through this at all. But I lack the power my brothers have and I cannot bring myself to forgive the Kin Slayer" She explained, making Alexis break her cold expression and begin laughing, "What?"

"Is that really your issue? Nobody cares if you forgive him" She assured, "Honestly, with how rough he was on Chase in that last spar, I don't fully trust him either. But I'll stick around with him until my debt is paid"

Victoria hummed, seeming to think it over. The logic makes sense and it's not like she didn't consider it. She just didn't know if she could do that, "I'll think it over"

"Alright. Marie and I will keep a room ready" She assured before a loud dinging rang through the hall. Urien stood atop the stairs, a Ghoul holding a bell

"Preparations are ready! May all clan leaders as well as the Kin Slayer and his party follow me!?" He insisted and sure enough, the clan leaders obeyed. They followed him up the stairs down a long hallway. Boss waited for Chase, Jason and Alexis. Marie and Phil were already with him, acting as bodyguards in case anyone tried to make an attempt on his life

"May I say, I do not like the looks of this?" Phil asked as they followed, "We're isolating ourselves in a room of Vampires who want nothing more than to see us finally die"

"I trust you to get us out" Boss responded, blunt as ever as they entered the room. The inside was fairly large, but all that was in the room was a large circle, illuminated only by the moonlight and a few torches

"What are they doing here?" Jerimiah asked with clear disdain, his pride sour from the initial encounter

"Tui-Tui-Tui! Allowing your enemies into such a meeting. It's quite the power move", said an older Chonchon, with a beard that give him the visage of a wise owl

"It's foolish, Tulan and you know it" scolded a pale woman with bloodshot eyes. She looked completely normal other than the missing lower half of her body that roamed around. The twelve clan leaders would continue to bicker and argue until...

"Silence!!" Urien demanded and with one thunderous command, all chatter stopped, "If you must know. I have a unique offer for the Kin Slayer"

"We decline" Boss immediately says before Chase elbowed him in the arm hard, cutting him off

"We'll hear what you have to say. But be quick. We've have Vampires to kill"

Urien smiled, "I'm glad to see you're more open minded than your master. I understand your time is valuable but I insist I make my offer last so you know what to expect. Unlike some Vampires, I prefer to be open with my associates" he assured much to the annoyance of Boss both towards him and his own protege. With that out of the way, he lightly tapped the table, causing strange symbols to appear above the heads of each Vampire before coming together to make a crimson map of the world, "As of tonight, I declare this city New Wallachia. I have called you all here to determine where each clan will conquer. My brother and I have already assumed responsibility for Romania and Australia" 

"Clan Chonchon would serve best serve as intelligence agents. It would be wise for us to be world wide" Tulan spoke up

"Clan Nosferatu would be better suited than some pesky bird," Jerimiah argued, making the former sorcerer laugh

"Lose all that excess lard you carry and learn to hide that ugly mug and maybe you'll have a point"

"Why not work together?" Elijah suggested, "Our movement is all about coming together to ensure Vampire superiority. If you two truly believe in our movement, cooperation should not be out of the question"

"Tue-Tue-Tue! The boy speaks the truth. Although, I question how loyal Clan Nosferatu truly is to this cause," Tulan argued, earning a growl from Jerimiah who reluctantly nodded, agreeing to the terms

"Clan Jiangshi will continue to occupy China and its surrounding nations," spoke a man in a red robe, his decaying skin covered by a paper seal. For whatever reason, it did not seem stiff as it did in the books. A unique mutation to better blend in perhaps, "However, due to the booming population, we have an abundance of fledglings who I can send to other nations"

The talks would go on, Chase making a mental note of every detail as the lines were drawn. Elijah as well would take much more literal note, greeting the leaders with a warm smile, "Very well. With your territories established, lastly you will all report anything of note to the first in the new line of Vampire Kings, our new Dracula. Do you all agree to these terms?" he asked and one by one, they agreed, "Good All Hail Lord Dracula"

"All Hail Lord Dracula! Hail Lord Dracula!" The Clan leaders cheered in almost cultish manner. Urien reveled in the chants, soaking them in as if it were the cool soothing moonlight. After some time allowing them to stroke his ego for him, he waved them out, leaving just himself, Elijah and the Kin Slayers

"So what do you want from us?" Chase asked, seeming unconvinced. All he heard was what confirmed his existing suspicions, Vampires simply wanting more power

"Quite simple really. I want you all to work for me," Urien answered, "You heard Tulan. There are doubts about who is and is not devoted to our movement. I need someone to silence these false devotees. The Kin Slayer could easily fill that role"

"And why would we agree to that?" Marie asked, "In case you forgot, we do not agree with your 'Movement'. Why would we ever help it?"

"Oh no, I'm not asking you. I'm not even asking your master, Lady Marie. I'm asking him," Urien corrected, his eyes turning to Chase, "You three are too old. Too stuck in your ways. I'm asking the new blood"

Chase looked around, uncertainty filling his mind as he looked to his allies. Boss, Marie, Jason and Phil made no effort to hide their disapproval while Alexis stayed mostly numb to the information. On the other hand, he turned to Elijah who simply smiled, "How long do I have to think on it?" were his only words, shocking the group

"Take as long as you like. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day. I would know," Urien joked and with that final remark they stepped out. Boss immediately glared at Chase, clenching his fist

"What were you thinking? Did you forget he's the enemy?"

"And what would you rather I do? Decline on the spot and risk dying?" Chase countered, preparing an iron hook in case a fight broke out. Thankfully, Phil's wrapping held Boss back

"Now now, it's been a long night. Let us go home and celebrate tomorrow" He insisted, looking to Chase, "I'm sure you will come to the right decision"

"I hope so," Jason muttered, walking right past him "Because I can't support you if you make the wrong one"

Once they were returned to the manor, Elijah returned to his father. With blood magic, he walked down the stone corridor, crimson banners and rugs now adorning the walls and floors. Opening two large doors, he found himself in a throne room, the clan leaders all kneeling on the left and right sides of the room and at the end was Urien, sitting in his black throne, a large bat with eyes of ruby decorating it and armrests carved into the shape of bat wings. To his left stood a disgruntled Victoria and Chizuru while on the right, an ecstatic Godwyn. Elijah walked down, stopping right at the stairs that lead up to the throne before taking a bow of his own, "Father, the Kin Slayer and his party have left. We can now proceed"

"Very well," Urien said, a smirk coming across his face as he looked to Chizuru, "Expand the veil to cover the city. Ensure nobody can flee" He demanded before standing up, his bellowing voice echoing through the room "Now all the true party begins. Feed, sire, kill all the mortals you see fit within the walls of this veil! Vampirekind is the top of the food chain! This has been a fact mortals have long forgotten! So send a loud message, demanding they remember!!"