
Chase grit his teeth as he walked down the streets of Atlanta, his arm wrapped in bandages so it can heal. Truthfully, he could've healed with more if he drank Alexis's blood but he refused. He already took too much during his fight with Vlad and didn't want to risk taking more. Looking around, he eventually saw her. In a long crimson dress, he black hair shining in the moonlight, she turned to him and smirked, "Ah. You actually showed up. A lot more casual than me"

"What do you want?" He asked, getting straight to the point

Vicky just giggled, "Isn't it obvious? To reward you for killing my brother," she answered, grabbing him by the hand and walking to a nearby club. When he looked around, it looked fairly normal. But the moment Vicky whispered into the bouncer's ear, he could tell something was up. He followed her inside and immediately they were greeted by the owner, "Good evening, Junior. Is the room ready?"

"Yes ma'am. Like you never left" The large muscular man answered, leading them up the stairs, getting a good view of the dancing crowd below before opening the door for them, "Enjoy your stay, ma'am"

Inside was a completely crimson room, keeping with the general aesthetics that he had expected from a Vampire's room in a club, a massive window that took up almost the entire wall that gave good view of the city and all the luxury items a college student could only dream of, whether it be the latest books, newest generation of video game consoles and more, "Like the room?" Vicky asked, sitting on the black bed that blended in perfectly with the low lighting, "I set it up just for you when I finally turned you"

"So you admit it. You've been plotting this for a while," Chase asked, his awe turning to rage as he grit his teeth as he turned from the window

Vicky sighed, "Yeah. Well, my father was. I simply carried it out"

"What? So your father decides who you turn?"

"Decided. Past tense," She corrected "And no, not always. But well, it's complicated."

"Then explain it to me," Chase insisted, his tone changing from anger to a much more pleading one. While he still felt immense rage at what Boss hypothesized, he wanted to see the best in her. He sat down beside her, looking attentively into her sky hazy red eyes

Vicky sighed and nodded, "Alright. You deserve some answers . But first was that information I gave you any help?"

Chase hummed as he tried to think about it. While true that Jason and Alexis found the information as well and Boss got the rest from the Nosferatu he captured before their investigation, he didn't have any desire to upset her, "The others found the location but that just means you were being truthful. One step closer to being able to trust you"

Vicky couldn't help but giggle, "See that's what I always liked about you. Real 'glass half full' kind of guy," She joked before laying back on the bed, her arms stretched out, "So, I guess I should tell you," she offered, "Or I can show you"

"You can?"

"Yeah, just let me make the call. Until then, up for another bad movie night?"

"Ya gonna suck my blood again?" He joked before picking a movie. The two would just relax, mocking whatever they chose to watch. By the time the first movie was one, a woman covered in all black, save for her emerald eyes

"Ah, you're here," Vicky said, greeting the woman with a warm smile, "Chase Dixon, meet Chizu"

"Lady Victoria, how often do I need to request to keep things formal? If your brothers were to-"

"My brothers have no stake in my life," She assured

The woman, apparently called Chuzu, sighed in response, "I am Chizuru Yamaguchi, Lady Victoria's personal assistant and Head Scholar of Magic for the New Wallachia movement"

"Huh? So you're involved in that too?" Chase asked, trying his best to keep calm

"Yes. Though Lady Victoria and I have differing beliefs. But that is for another time. I need to hurry before anyone notices I am missing. Lay down," Chizuru commanded, her tone sharp as a knife. Both out of curiosity and a bit of fear, he complied, laying flat on the bed. Chizuru's green eyes glowed in the darkness as Chases pupils started to dilate. Now trapped in his own mind, he began to remember

Chase Dixon, age 7, he sat underneath a tree, sobbing. The rain drops that made its way past the branches bouncing off his dirty blonde hair as he laid there with his head hidden behind his knees, pulled tightly into place by his arms. He was so caught up in his own sorrow that he didn't notice the little girl in a black dress around his age standing in front of him

"Why are you crying?" She asked, making him finally poke his head out from his knees. He seemed a bit nervous, shrinking back against the tree in fear. Noticing this, she held her hands up where he could easily see them, "It's ok. I won't hurt you. I just saw you over here and you seemed sad"

"Y-Y-You won't hurt me?" Chase stuttered out through his tears, his fear clearly fading from his eyes. The girl simply smiled and sat beside him, waiting for him to explain what had him so sad, "Some g-g-guys...They t-t-took my v-v-vampire?"

"Your...Vampire?" She asked. In response, he pulled up a picture on his phone. It was of him with his parents, holding a toy Vampire still neatly packaged in its box, "Oh. I see. Do you like vampires?"

"M-M-Monsters of any kind. They're so c-c-cool. I have a lot of monster toys..." He said, drying his tears as he was slowly losing his stutter, "But they took it and..."

Before he could even finish his story, she was already dragging him away by the wrist. He tried to struggle but her death grip was practically inescapable. Despite not being told where, she seemed to know where the kids were. It didn't take long for them reach the kids under a bridge, prying at the box, "Hey!" The girl shouted, her voice cold and authoritative as she marched to them, "That's his toy. Give it back!"

They looked at her, simply laughing at her demands, "Wow Chase! You need a girl to stick up for you?" One of the boys, presumably the 'leader' mocked. But this time, the girl's eyes glowed blood red as she repeated herself

"Give it back. Then leave and never talk to him again" She demanded, stern as if she were a king giving orders to her servants. Standing at attention, the kids heard the order then obeyed, tossing the bag to her before running into the rain, eventually out of sight. The girl then turned to Chase, offering the bag to him, "I am Victoria Blackhart, a vampire. Wanna be friends?"

Chase snapped up, panting heavily as he remembered, looking at Vicky who was simply smiling beside him. Catching his breath, he couldn't help but chuckle, "You really were a bold one, just telling that to someone you just met"

"You did say monsters were cool. Besides, I got a great friend out of it for the next six years" She reminded

"Only a friend huh?" He asked, clearly teasing her and earning a light punch on his burnt arm

"Ok maybe a little, jerk" She said with a smile before laying down, "Let's get this done. I won't lie, it will hurt but I'm here for you"

Chase nodded and rolled to face her, the two pressing their foreheads together as if to make a link between their minds, and Chizuru began the process once again

Vicky and Chase, age 13, the two walked around the school together. Oddly she always insisted on not meeting his new friends, specifically Jason Tombs. He didn't know why but he wasn't going to press the issue, "So you still down to go see that horror movie tonight? Dad already bought tickets," Chase asked, grinning ear to ear with excitement. Over the years, Vicky had developed the same love of horror movies that he did

"Yeah, about that...My dad's coming to visit. You think we can go some other time?"

"Your dad? Wait, so does that make him....y'know? A king?" Chase asked, clearly forgetting who she was for a moment. She certainly didn't act like royalty but with what he was told, it was the logical conclusion. Vicky couldn't help but laugh

"Not yet. We're still trying to get ourselves organized. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if he was crowned such in the next few years. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow," She explained before running off. Once out of sight, he smile twisted upside down, clearly dreading where this was going. Hesitantly, she teleported to her apartment, where a man was already waiting, his face in shadow as he drank blood from a wine glass. Besides that, all she could make out was his black and red suit with fringes of gold, "You sure have a thing for theatrics, father," she joked before going to put her back down

"And you have some nerve. Did you honestly think I wouldn't find out what you did eventually?" He asked, standing up which made her instantly freeze, "You exposed yourself to a human, not just any human but a friend of the Inquisitors"

"How are we meant to live as equals if people don't know we exist? Besides, Chase didn't know anything before I told him. He still doesn't know what an Inquisitor is" She argued but her father's stern glare silenced her

"You are correct but until we can ensure our safety, we cannot be so reckless," He explained, gently rubbing his chin as he thought of how to rectify this, "Then there is only one way to rectify this. You will sire him. Besides, having emotional leverage on the Inquisitors may be used to bring them to the negotiating table"

Victoria let out a sigh of relief, grateful the worst case scenario never came to pass. Deciding not to risk that, she simply nodded and went to bed, "I'm sorry Chase..." being her last words as she just wanted night to come sooner

Back with Chase later that same night, Chase was grinning ear to ear on the ride back home. He sat in the back, ecstatically recounting the events of the movie even though they had just seen it together, all while is younger brother rested in the seat next to his. The man, tall and muscular with jet black hair, couldn't help but chuckle "Glad ya liked it, kid. Happy birthday"

The blonde haired woman beside him in the passengers seat, her sky blue eyes reflecting against his own, "Do you feel any different? 13's a pretty big year!" She asked, giving him pause

"Honestly...Not really. Oh well! I'm officially a teenager. I'm sure I'll feel like it soon!" He answered with his usually goofy grin. While she still giggled in response, he could see the look of worry on her face in the mirror

From one of the buildings, Vicky watched, a sunken look on her face. Clearly nervous, she looked to her father who placed a hand on her shoulder with a sympathetic look in his otherwise soulless eyes, "Are you sure this is okay? What about his parents?" she asked

"Believe me, I do not envy it. Should he desire, he can return to them once our kind's safety is secured," Her father answered. They would continue to to watch when suddenly Vicky noticed something, a massive red dot on her father's forehead. With visible shock, she pushed him off the roof. She proceeded to jump after him, narrowly dodging the blast of fire that burned her back and lit her clothes ablaze. Her father quickly caught her, growing his wings both to pat out the fire and take flight, looking for the attacker, a man in a rugged brown coat and hat covering most visible features besides his handlebar mustache. The father growled, "Victoria, keep up the chase. I'll handle him"

"But one good shot and he'll-!" She started to argue, but he simply gave her a kiss on the forehead as he gently placed her on the nearest roof

"I know. Which is exactly why I need you to run," He countered. While hesitant, she still ran, chasing after the car at top speed. She didn't dare look up as explosions above her as buildings began toppling onto the highway below. Her fear only rose though when a piece of one of the buildings began to fall right over her target. Narrowing her eyes and gritting her teeth, she rushed over faster than ever before, using her magic to increase her speed beyond that of a typical Vampire. But just when she was in reach...everything went black.

When she awoke, flames covered the surrounding area, the sound of any sirens potentially coming to the rescue were drowned out by the cackling of the fire. Beside her though was a skeleton. If not for the fangs on the skull, she would not have known it was the burnt remains of her father. She clenched her fists in rage, fighting through the tears as she searched the wreckage, navigating around the destroyed chunks of buildings and vehicles. Eventually she found Chase stumbling through the crash site. He had a broken legs and was clearly bleeding, "Chase!!" she called out, rushing to catch him

"Vicky...What are you-?" He started to ask but she was quick to talk over him

"Don't worry about that right now! L-Look, I can fix you up. Just show me your-"

Before she could finish instructions, a bullet grazed her cheek. An intense burning sensation almost made her go mad but instead, she kept calm. Her eyes flashed crimson as she looked into Chase's, quickly rewriting his memories before speeding off. A few more bullets from the oncoming Inquisitors grazed her but she was too focused on survival to notice, 'I'll be back for you, Chase. I promise!'

The two finally woke up as the memory came to a close. They both look to each other, visibly saddened by the events, " lost your dad that day too huh?"

"Yeah...The last thing he wanted was for me to turn you. So I waited for my time and did it. I'm honestly surprised my hypnosis lasted all these years" She admitted

"About that. He didn't seem like how I'd expect him to be. Talking about negotiations and living as equals?"

"Doesn't add up with what your boss told you right?" She asked, "Yeah. Thank my brothers for that. They took the New Wallachia movement and perverted it. Most Vampires were already thinking it. They just needed someone to act on it. Ever since then, I've just been lying in wait for the moment either I was strong enough to kill my brothers and take the movement for myself or find someone who else who is strong enough to kill them. Guess if there is a god, he has a real sense of humor"

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm strong enough yet. I would've been dead without Boss and the others and even then.."

"Yeah but still! You haven't even learned all your traits yet and you killed one of them. Granted, it was the weakest one by a pretty wide gap but that's more than I could do!" She exclaimed with an unusual twinkle in her eye

"Well why don't you join up with us? I'm sure Boss wou-"

"No," She said, he voice filled with venom as any excitement she had was replaced with a cold gaze, "I understand it's what Kin Slayers do. But I can never work with the guy who killed my dad. It would get too personal and we'd get nothing done"

Chase went silent, barely receiving more than a nod as Chizuru vanished, hoping her brothers did not notice she was missing. After a brief moment of silence, "Well then, wanna play that racing game you used to suck at?" he asked, trying to take both their minds off the subject.

Vicky giggled "If by 'suck at' you mean beat you every single time, then you're on!"

Back at Graham Stoker University, Jason was wandering around the campus, eventually going to the lab. Having been so caught up in Vampire hunting, he had completely forgotten the other parts of his life. He hadn't contacted his family since confirming Chase's 'death' and he hadn't talked to Sarah much outside of class either. Navigating up the stairs, he made his way into the SFX lab. Immediately he felt a sense of excitement as he saw a film playing inside. It wasn't even horror, more in line with Sci-Fi action if anything. In the middle of the room sat Sarah, in her stained work outfit eating popcorn. All it took was one explosion for him to reveal himself with a loud cheer. She quickly turned around, shutting off some sort of device, "Jason! What are you doing here!?" she asked, rushing over to him

Feeling himself calm down, he looked at her worried face. Once he was fully relaxed, he chuckled, "I could ask you the same thing. Just because the labs are still open during the break, doesn't mean you should use them. You should be relaxing"

Sarah glared, pouting as she punched his arm, causing him to cry out in pain, "Yikes! What happened at that new job of yours to make you cry out like that? she asked, almost jumping out of her skin

"Nothing, just overworked myself," He lied. Even she could tell there was more than that as she gave him a stern glare. Quick to change the subject, he looked at the large projector shaped device

"Oh, you remember that thing I showed you and Chase at the Halloween party?" She asked, "Well, I was trying to find ways to actually implement it in things beyond my phone. So I got this old projector from storage and modified it to transmit the same signal. I even did some tinkering and figured out how to make it trigger other emotions"

"You never cease to amaze me," Jason said in awe of her ability. Surprisingly though, her smile wasn't the big prideful look he was used to. Instead, it was a simple, almost somber smile, "Hey what's wrong?"

"It's just...I miss you being so in awe of everything I do. Besides classes, I barely see you or Chase anymore," She admitted, her smile quickly fading, "You guys keep vanishing to your 'new job' and when you come back, you're both hurt or mad at each other and you won't ever tell me why!"

Jason sighed, "I know. I'm sorry"

"If you're sorry, then hurry up and tell me!"

Jason was tempted to. Truthfully, he expected he would have no choice sooner or later. He let out a loud gulp before reluctantly answering, "I can't. I made a promise. But I'm here now. So let's catch up"

Sarah just sighed, knowing he was serious. When there was a promise to be kept, Jason would never be the one to reveal a secret, "Sure. But before we sweep this under the rug, just promise me if it gets too dangerous, you'll get out of there"

"C'mon, babe. It's me, remember?" He answered with a confident smirk, pulling her close "The last thing I'd ever do is something that may pull me away from you"

"H-Hey! Don't try and smooth talk me. I'm being serious!" She huffed but buried her face deeper into his chest before backing away and looking up at him with an awkward smile, "Well, now that the serious talk is done. Would you want to go see a movie?"

"Name it and we're as good as there" He answered, pulling out a motorcycle key. Before long, they were already on the way. Jason drove through the streets of Atlanta faster than a speeding bullet, running multiple red lights and driving between buildings without a care in the world. It was dangerous but exciting, just how they liked it. In a drive that would normally take an hour with traffic accounted for, they arrived in half that time and parked just outside the theater.

"Hey look what they're replaying," Sarah pointed out as she removed her helmet. She was pointing to a movie with a tattooed man reaching for his blade with blood red background, "Doesn't that bring back memories"

"Yeah, things were so much more simple back then," Jason admitted as he remembered back to when they first watched it

Chase Dixon, Age 10, the young boy looked around as he was in a large mansion. His parents had come to visit some friends but he had little to do besides look around. He bumped into a few people, all giant compared to him and some even wearing strange black body armor with white and gold coats, before bumping heads with someone. He groaned as he fell back, rubbing his forehead

"Hey, sorry about that. You ok?" A brown haired boy asked, holding his hand out to help him up, "Wait, you're that Dixon kid right?"

"Uh, yeah, Chase Dixon..." He answered nervously as he looked around

"Sweet, I'm Jason Tombs. Let's go see a movie or something"

"H-Huh?! You just met me and you wanna go see a movie?" Chase asked, visibly bewildered by his straight forward nature

"Why not? Better than being trapped in this stuffy mansion right?"

"But what about our parents? Won't they be worried...?" He asked, his concern only growing more and more. It was clear Chase was not entirely comfortable talking with others. After all, he had only had one friend up to this point and she wasn't here to help him out. Chase simply laughed and grabbed his arm at the wrist

"Don't worry. Once they hear you're with me, they won't be concerned in the least" He assured and dragged him to the limousine. If not for the knowledge of who the young man was, one would assume this was a kidnapping. A man in a tuxedo awaited them, holding the door open for them and closed it when they stepped in, "To AMA please!" he kindly declared and the man obeyed. Speeding through the streets, traffic laws be damned, he made it to the massive movie theater. Posters lined the walls, illuminated in the night by red and gold lights. The letters 'AMA' practically popping out from the rooftop in big red letters, "So, take your pick"

Chase closely inspected the posters, trying to see which one caught his attention. Eventually, he found one, of a tattooed man reaching for his katana with blood red background, "Wh-What's this one about?" He stuttered out, reverting to his nervous self without Vicky's presence

"Oh that one? I saw a trailer not too long ago. Something about a Vampire who hunts other Vampires," Jason explained. The mere mention of Vampires seemed to make his eyes light up which made the Tombs youngest chuckled as he walked in and bought two tickets. On the way in though, they found a girl, cornered in the hallway. Chase had recognized them as a group of bullies he had seen at school. They all adorned matching leather jackets with flaming skulls on their backs. One of them was holding a strange device that looked like a cell phone, just out of her reach. She let out angry grunts and growls as every time she jumped up to get it, he would either raise his arm higher or one of his three cronies would push her back down. While Chase was hesitant, Jason started to casually approach, prompting him to follow. After all, his parents would already likely be mad at him if they found out he left. Imagine if their friend's son got hurt on his watch, "Picking on a girl, huh? Not cool, man"

That got their attention, turning to them like a pack of hungry dogs, "What did ya just say, pretty boy?"

"I'm just giving you tips. By the way, leather jackets have been out of style for the longest. It makes ya look like you're trying too hard" Jason answered without a shred of fear to be seen

"You tryin to get ya ass kicked?!" Another one exclaimed, visibly angry as he pulled out a knife

"J-Jason... Maybe we should back off" Chase insisted but Jason simply pushed him behind him

"If they try anything, just stay behind me," he said calmly. But Chase's eyes narrow as he swallowed all his fear with a single loud gulp before stepping up

"N-Now that I think about, some of these guys...did the same to me. I...I won't let it happen to anyone else"

Jason was shocked but not at all displeased as he put up his fists, "You heard him, punks. Give us your best shot"

Immediately, the four boys all drew out knives and attacked. Despite advantage in man and firepower though, They went down fairly easy. A solid shot to the groin from Chase was enough to take down his two while Jason decided to be a show of, toying with them as he dodged and ducked their blades before taking them each out in a punch to the abdomen. The girl watched in shock, "Wow...Thanks for the help," She said, recovering her phone from the bullies, "I swear, this is why my parents don't want me to come to the movies alone"

"Wh-What is that? It looks like a phone but..."

"Oh this? Nothing special, just an electronic skeleton key. I attached it to my phone so I'd always have it on me"

"So I'm guessing you got in here without paying for a ticket," Jason assumed

"Why? Gonna tell the staff?"

"And risk having to explain the four beat up buffoons? No thanks" Jason answered with smile, wrapping his arm around his dumbfounded buddy "Anyway, enjoy your movie. My friend and I have a movie of our own to catch"

"Fr-friend..?" Chase stuttered, visibly shocked

"Yeah man. You don't fight some dudes with knives and not become friends afterwards" He said before continuing to the movie. Oddly enough, the girl followed them the whole way there

"Wanna go see it again? For old times sake?" Sarah asked, snapping Jason out of his memory. He turned to her, clearly considering it but eventually, he shook his head

"Nah, not without him. How about that one romance novel they're adapting" He offered. Sarah simply nodded and with that, they made their way in, unaware of the shadow watching them from above....