Chapter 54: Trillion-Billion Black Hole, The Staff of God

Gazing at the shattered planet, Kuka was almost stunned. Suddenly, a light bulb next to it flickered, emitting a two-word message.


It was taken aback.

It knew who the messenger of this light signal was.

The next moment, its hundreds of eyes looked forward in unison.

"Ignore everything else, we continue the attack!"

Hundreds of warships continued to charge towards the seemingly invincible enemy.


Inside the purple thornbush-like warship, a deep purple creature made a "Ruru~" sound.

It seemed to be laughing.

It was mocking the Hundred-Eyed Race's audacity.

Even after witnessing such a devastating attack, they still dared to approach.

A signal was sent from the sphere on its head, directly to the warship.

The warship once again adjusted its core's restrained energy.

Another laser beam shot out from the center of the warship, this time without any restraint or scattering. Instead, the laser beam expanded in a fan-like manner.

Instantly, numerous Hundred-Eyed warships were hit.

Although the Hundred-Eyed Race lost some energy, it was still a terrifying weapon capable of destroying an entire planet.


A series of explosions blossomed in space, without flames or smoke, only the dazzling light from shattered warships and the overflowing energy within.

This was not a fair battle.

It was simply suicidal.

In reality, they had little protection, and could have easily escaped by turning the Hundred-Eyed Star.

But their master would not allow it.

It seemed the master still believed the enemy was not an invincible foe.

Kuka could only hope that the master truly had a plan.

It must not be allowed to live, and at the very least, the safety of the elders and younglings still on the Hundred-Eyed Star must be ensured, protecting them from annihilation by the enemy's advanced technology.

"Commander, our warships are unable to break through," one of the Hundred-Eyed Race pleaded.

"Even if we did, what could we achieve?"

"As you know, our warships are not equipped with powerful weapons. All our energy is supplied to the thrusters."

"Don't we have a secret weapon?"

"Where are those warships now?"

In the main control room of the flagship, all the Hundred-Eyed creatures were anxious.

The losses were devastating.

They were still a full 12 light-years away from the enemy, a distance that would take a considerable amount of time to cover.

During this time, the enemy could freely attack them, as if they were mere ants.

In this single round of attack, they had lost nearly a hundred warships.

They were no match for the enemy.

This was not a strategic sacrifice.

Kuka, too, thought of the 'secret weapon' as it listened.

Currently, they had only 962 functional warships, including the damaged ones, out of the original 1287.

This meant that 325 warships were missing.

These missing warships did not carry excessive troops and had departed from the Hundred-Eyed Star earlier than the rest.

Rumor had it that these warships were equipped with a weapon capable of countering the enemy, while the rest were merely sacrificial pawns.

But as the supreme commander of this fleet, Kuka, like the others, had only heard of these warships and had no idea where they had gone.

"No questions, no hesitation. We just need to charge forward," Kuka's message was as hard as iron, chilling the hearts of the Hundred-Eyed creatures around him.

Was there no room for maneuver?

They had already lost over 100 warships, and the enemy had switched from the main cannon to countless laser weapons.

The dazzling lights were like scythes of death, reaping their fleet.

A laser beam struck their flagship, effortlessly piercing the left side.

"We don't even have a decent magnetic shield!"

Some of the Hundred-Eyed creatures became so distressed that their bodies turned transparent, revealing their internal organs.

Another laser beam followed, hitting the bow of their ship. Fortunately, it was slightly off target; otherwise, the entire control room would have been penetrated, leaving none of them alive.

The enemy seemed to have locked onto their flagship.

More attacks ensued.

The warship could only predict the enemy's attacks, but the lasers were too dense, and while the enemy could afford to miss, they could not afford a single mistake.

Death loomed over them.

Far away, more warships faced the same fate.




Everyone was counting, wondering how many warships had been destroyed.

Yet, they had only moved one light-year so far.

Just then, the laser barrage suddenly stopped.

"Is a bigger attack coming?"

The Hundred-Eyed creatures were not hoping for a ceasefire; they feared the enemy would use the main cannon to sweep them away like dust.

But this time seemed different.

"The enemy warship is moving!"

Kuka stared intently at the screen.

Could it be that the enemy felt the distance was too great and wanted to finish them off at close range?

Such arrogance, treating them as mere insects?

But something was amiss...

"The enemy warship is not heading towards us but another location, moving towards the Barnard's Star binary system..."

The screen quickly switched to show the direction of Barnard's Star.

Although they couldn't observe it with high precision, they caught a glimpse of a flickering light.

Each flash indicated an energy burst.

"The Dyson Sphere around Barnard's Star seems to be under attack."

"There might be creatures from the enemy's civilization above it, and the warship is going to rescue them."

The Dyson Sphere was under assault.

Kuka thought of the other 300+ warships.

Could it be...

Were those warships there?

"Should we pursue, Commander?"

One of the Hundred-Eyed creatures asked, already knowing the answer but hoping for a different command from Kuka.

Kuka had no choice; their purpose was to attack, so they had to give chase.

Just as he was about to give the order, a ray of information entered his mind.

"Direct the fleet to the Hydra Constellation!"

Hydra Constellation?

Wasn't that the home of the alien civilization?

The warship they were facing had come from there, and now they wanted to take advantage of the enemy's vulnerability to launch a sneak attack?

Kuka didn't know.

He didn't need to know.

He was just a ruthless machine, giving orders without emotion.


"We're heading to the Hydra Constellation!"

Upon hearing the first two words, all the Hundred-Eyed creatures rejoiced.

But the rest of the message left them stunned.

Why go to the Hydra Constellation? Could their warships destroy the enemy's home?

Was this just another way to send them to their deaths?

However, they could also sense that this was not their commander's decision, and no one blamed Kuka.

So, they went...

At least it couldn't be worse than before.

Moreover, it was now evident that their master had a plan and wasn't just sending them to their doom.

The decision to divert all energy to the thrusters was part of a strategy to reach the Hydra Constellation.

This was the only hope left in their hearts.


On the other side.

The U-shaped warship accelerated, reaching a speed of 12,478 km/s.

But it still took 5 days to reach the Barnard's Star binary system.

After all, Barnard's Star was 0.2 light-years away from Proxima Centauri.

The space here was filled with debris, and the Dyson Sphere built by Yan Xia and Ella was in ruins.

However, it wasn't Yan Xia and Ella who were furious, but the purple thornbush-like civilization.

They had control here, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers stationed.

Although there were some small spacecraft, none could defend against the enemy's warships and weapons.

In their minds, the enemy's resistance was insignificant.

This was a moment of complacency, and they were about to pay the price.

At this moment, they began sending signals to search for surviving life, but the universe was silent, with no response.

Just then, they received a message indicating damage to the warship's hull.

The purple creatures noticed this and prepared to send a maintenance team to investigate, thinking it might be a malfunction.

But as soon as the message was sent, more similar incidents occurred.

Their ship became riddled with holes.

All the purple creatures were shocked and quickly investigated.

They discovered a microscopic creation similar to their own civilization.

The difference was that this creation was the size of a quark and was not alive but a mechanical structure, much larger and countless times more precise than their own 'ghost' creations.

Moreover, these creations could store excessive energy.

They seemed to have mastered the technology to compress strings into a dense arrangement within an extremely small area.

Such a high-density body only required a slight nudge in the string domain to release its energy in an instant, creating a black hole on the femtometer scale.

This black hole existed for a very short time, only 0.248 seconds, but it was enough to destroy matter within that femtometer range.

However, this black hole was not a significant threat, not even to a spacecraft, let alone a living being.

But the problem was...

There were too many of them!

According to their observations, there were 17.5 billion of these quark creations in a cubic meter.

What was the total number of these creations?

Trillions upon billions?

It was impossible to calculate!

Their enemy could not possibly possess such advanced technology.

But here it was.

"Gravitational waves!"

"Release gravitational waves."

Only gravitational waves could affect black holes, causing the tiny black holes to move through space, as if surfing on the slopes created by the waves.

The gravitational effect also altered the distance between objects, pushing the quark creations further apart.

But even so.

This wave of black hole attacks had already left their warship severely damaged.

Even the internal devices were affected, with many becoming dysfunctional.

This was the second time their warship had been hit, and it was worse than the first.

They were enraged.

In their eyes, the so-called Federation was just an ant that could be easily crushed, but this ant could bite, and it had some value as a pet. They had tolerated it for 100 days.

But now, this ant had turned into a giant rat, biting a chunk of flesh from their bodies.

How dare they!

Just then, a large number of warships emerged from behind the star, charging towards them like the previous ones.

Was this their only tactic?

The purple thornbush-like civilization felt that their enemy had exhausted all its tricks.

Well, their anger needed an outlet, so they would deliver the final blow.

The core energy was released once more, and the planet-destroying laser beam swept across the fleet, leaving nothing in its wake.

All they saw was destruction!

The enemy was nothing but a bunch of insignificant ants.

This was the consequence of daring to challenge them.

After waiting for 100 days, the enemy's hidden strategy was revealed, and it seemed they had overestimated the civilization they were facing.

They had initially planned to enslave this civilization.

Now that the entire system had been destroyed, there was no longer any significant value in it, so they might as well blow up the entire star system.

This was the current thought of the purple thornbush-like civilization.

But just then, from the wreckage of the destroyed warships, a black needle accelerated towards them, its speed exceeding 22,000 km/s.

What was that?


The purple creatures were baffled.

It seemed to be just a 1000-meter-long metal rod.

Inside Barnard's Star A, Ella was closely monitoring the battlefield.

From the discovery of the quark machines to the present, she couldn't create them, but she could utilize their properties.

Of course, the most critical moment was now.

"Staff of God activation count: 187!"

"Calculating data..."

"Probability of the enemy blocking the Staff of God: 2.37%!"