Chapter 55: Neutrino String Weapon, 1000 Warships

Among the vast amount of combat information that Kagg transmitted back, there was also data on the enemy's energy type.

The Wall, as expected, was primarily an application of electromagnetism.

In that case, they only needed to consider using uncharged high-energy particles to directly penetrate the Wall and attack the enemy.

But there was another problem.

All particles in the universe are influenced by the four fundamental forces, and the enemy had a stronger grasp of these forces. How could they bypass the enemy's other defense lines?

The answer lay in the brief moment between the enemy's use of these forces and the next wave of energy accumulation.

This was the only opportunity they could seize.

Combining these two factors, Yan Xia and Ella devised a plan.

The Staff of God!

These seemingly ordinary metal rods actually contained highly advanced technology.

Ella watched as the rods rapidly approached the enemy warship.

As expected, the enemy deployed the Wall, fearing that the rods might contain high-energy weapons.

But the Wall was useless.

The purple creatures inside the warship relaxed their guard, as the Wall's ineffectiveness meant that the rods were not high-energy devices, just metal rods that could be dealt with by countering their kinetic energy.

Weak creatures!

Feeble resistance!

They could simply use laser weapons to melt and crush this pathetic opposition.

It wasn't arrogance, but the terrifying technological gap that made them akin to 21st-century soldiers facing Stone Age tribes.

Lasers from the warship struck the metal rods, and their surfaces began to crack and melt.

But at that moment, a smaller core rod emerged from the outer shell, resembling an upside-down nail less than 20 meters long, continuing its approach towards the warship at a faster speed of 41,000 km/s.

The purple thornbush-like civilization sensed something amiss.

They continued to attack with lasers, but to their surprise, countless laser beams passed through the rod without any effect.

What was happening?

An unexpected situation unfolded.

They immediately wanted to use gravitational waves again, as all matter was subject to gravity.

But they realized it was too late.

The object was almost upon them, less than 700,000 kilometers away, a distance too close for the gravitational device to activate.

They changed tactics.

Since gravity was ineffective, they would use the other two forces: strong and weak nuclear forces.

However, the strong force also passed through without hindrance.

They instantly thought of a possibility.

Could it be... fundamental particles?

The rod was made of a fundamental particle unaffected by the strong force, and in the universe, the easiest to detect, capture, and utilize was the neutrino.

Neutrinos are only influenced by the weak force and can be made into macroscopic objects. To achieve such high speeds, they must have used 'string' technology to 'glue' the particles together.

Due to the increase in mass after gluing, their speed decreased, falling short of the speed of light.

So, they used the weak force!

Within half a minute, the purple creatures reacted and activated their specialized weak force device.

As the required energy was much less than that needed for gravitational waves, it only took 23 seconds to activate.


The weak force field expanded like a sphere from the warship's surface, colliding with the neutrino bundle in 5 seconds.

But the front of the neutrino bundle, like a nail head, suddenly produced a series of black holes, blocking the weak force from affecting the neutrinos.

Those were the quark creations!

The explosion lasted for 10 seconds.

The neutrino bundle penetrated the weak force field!

Finally... it reached the ship's surface.

Penetrating inside, the neutrinos' binding force reached its peak, compressing them instead of releasing them.

Due to their small size, neutrinos could pass through almost any object without causing any significant impact. Every living being or object is penetrated by millions of billions of neutrinos every second.

But with control over 'strings,' it was possible to add more strings to neutrinos, similar to adding or removing electrons from an atom, causing a transformation.

This was Ella's first application of string control.

It was a crude attempt, only causing a certain degree of 'string fusion' in the neutrinos, transforming them into other fundamental particles and then combining them into more macroscopic matter.

These unstable substances would undergo fission, fusion, and decay reactions simultaneously, releasing massive amounts of energy.

And the result was...

The neutrinos that penetrated the warship underwent these transformations, exploding from within and shattering the entire purple thornbush-like civilization's warship.

The countless purple creatures aboard the warship couldn't believe their eyes.

Of course, with their level of technology, they could easily understand this.

But they had never imagined encountering such a bizarre weapon with its layered surprises.

Moreover, when had their enemy mastered 'strings'?

This was a question they couldn't answer, and before they could, the terrifying energy consumed them.

Five years, the time it took for the enemy's ship to reach the Barnard's Star binary system.

The 'natives' had defeated the 'civilization.'


Two months later, Yan Xia received a message from Ella.

"The plan is going smoothly!"

But he didn't relax, as the war was not over, or perhaps it had just begun.

The Wall in the Hydra Constellation still existed, and within it was a single 10,000-meter-long U-shaped warship.

However, after the success of the plan, he could finally leave the core.

He walked to the side and opened a door in the room, revealing a cockpit.

Indeed, his hibernation chamber was not a small isolated space but a spaceship hidden within the core.

The melting point of light metal was 87,000 degrees Celsius, while the temperature inside planets was only a few thousand degrees. Even a massive rocky planet like Proxima Centauri C had an internal temperature of only 13,000 degrees, allowing the spaceship to exist.

Yan Xia sat in the pilot's seat and activated the ship.

He would now spend the next five months traveling through the elevator tunnel he had constructed in the core.

After that, he would leave the Proxima Centauri system.

Because the enemy was on its way.


The Hundred-Eyed fleet was on its way to the Hydra Constellation.

Their speed was much slower than the enemy's, and after eight years, they had only traveled 0.19 light-years. It would take a long time to reach the Hydra Constellation.


As they sailed in solitude, a string of black dots appeared ahead.

These dots grew larger as the telescopes zoomed in.

Every Hundred-Eyed creature in the fleet felt their lives were at stake.

These dense black dots were all warships.

And each warship was identical to the one they had faced before.

A single one was enough to destroy them, to destroy the fleet of the Kat civilization. Now, there were hundreds, no... a full thousand of them.

Could they, or any civilization they had ever encountered, withstand such a massive fleet? Could they defeat it?

Before they could marvel or panic, countless lasers struck them.

The warships shattered.

Countless Hundred-Eyed creatures were instantly frozen by the cold of space, dead.

The massive fleet passed by them at a distance of about 900,000 kilometers without slowing down.

The entire Hundred-Eyed fleet was in ruins, with only scattered spaceships and fighters remaining.

Kuka sat in a fighter, watching the fleet's retreating silhouette, then looking around.


An intense sense of oppression enveloped his heart.

They couldn't win!

Should they flee?

He was torn.

But at that moment, he received a message devoid of any emotion.

"Head to the Hydra Constellation!"

Perhaps there was still a glimmer of hope.

He began gathering the surviving members of his race and continued their journey towards the Hydra Constellation.