Thanks to the telescope, he could focus on the pteranodon 435 that flew through the skies. The pteranodon had about 400 of energy left out of the 3370 in total, which means that there is little time left for the pteranodon to go down to rest.

With the telescopes active at all times, I could see the energy of the pteranodon that was constantly going down.

Although there are no carnivorous predatory dinosaurs on the herbivorous island, that does not mean that it cannot house carnivorous dinosaurs, the best example is the pteranodon that can cross the skies and the sea to reach this island without obstacles.

But although pteranodones are carnivorous dinosaurs, that does not mean that they are predators like a raptor or a carnotaur can be. Mainly, pteranodones feed on small creatures such as dodos, gallimimus or listrosaur. Generally those are the main foods that the pteranodones are fed, unless the foods are extremely scarce, they would never dare to face a fight with a triceratops or something similar big.


While Fer stared at the pteranodon, his hands did not stay still. Since the special telescope did not obstruct his hands like the normal telescope that could be manufactured, it was not a problem to hold other things in his hands.

The family boleadoras appeared in his hands so that when the pteranodon goes down to the ground catch it. But Fer knew that the dinosaurs on this island behaved very differently compared to the game.

Although his intellect could not be compared to humans, it was much greater than in the game itself. And Fer assumed that they also had wild instincts far superior to the common animals of the Earth,

For that very reason, Fer decided to hide and take advantage of the opportunity when the pteranodon runs out of energy and at that moment throw the bowling machine at him so as not to let him move when he is throwing the tranquilizing arrows.

He hid behind a tree in the lush forest but his line of sight did not fall at all from the pteranodon that as the minutes passed descends more and more towards the shore.


It only took a few minutes for the pteranodon to go down to the ground. And Fer between closed his eyes and at a dizzying speed of 300% of movement speed, a few seconds before the pteranodon went down to the ground, he was shaking the boleadora a few seconds before.


The pteranodon turned his large pointed head so that his large eye the size of a flashlight saw Fer waving his arm with the boledora spinning in the air. The pteranodon felt that his instincts screamed for him to run away, but for his bad luck, he just came down from flying due to lack of energy and the time he was on the ground to rest was only a few seconds, which was insufficient for his energy to return so that he could fly again.


With a sound of lace, the legs and the kind of hands on the wings were paralyzed when they were entangled by the boleadora that had been thrown just a second ago by Fer who was running at full speed.

Immediately, Fer did not waste a second and invoked in his hands the bow with the tranquilizing arrows already embedded and began to shoot at the pointed head of the pteranodon that could not move at all, he could only make helpless roars.








Each tranquilizing arrow did about 30 damage to the head, and each tranquilizing arrow made 105 damage thanks to the information given by the celestial telescope. Fer's hands were like a machine gun shooting, they moved at a very fast speed between shooting and reloading.






The seconds passed and the time of imprisonment of the boleadoras was about to end, with the time that had passed, the energy of the pteranodon has already been more than restored, if the pteranodon does not manage to sleep in the few seconds that remain, then there is no doubt that the pteranodon will fly very far and it will probably be very difficult to see this pteranodon again in a very short time.



Until the forty-fourth tranquilizing arrow, the pteranodon fell on its face. His legs were under his body and his wings partially extended. His head leaned towards the ground and his eyes closed.

Fer approached the pteranodon and a familiar rectangle appeared when he approached a meter of the pteranodon, the rectangle showed a square with the head of the pteranodon and the two bars of the percentage of domestication and sleep. The one with the torpor was purple and although the domestication bar had not yet appeared, Fer knew it was skin-colored.

With a thought, Fer entered the pteranodon inventory and since he had no raw meat or first-class meat, Fer put about 100 narcotics on him and injected them all without hesitation.

The good thing about narcotics is that they can be injected and although the torpor is completely full, unconsciousness continues to rise until the effects of the 100 narcotics pass and that's when the torpor of pteranodon is when it really goes down.

The 100 narcotics gave about 4000 of extra torpor, which means that the time doubled compared to before. In that extra time, Fer would hunt to get the first meat and have a good percentage and make the pteranodon go up many levels, if you add the level of 435, the bonus was at least a few hundred levels when domesticated.

Before leaving, Fer did not dare to leave pteranodon asleep on the ground, regardless of whether there were no predators, level 435 was high enough for Fer to worry.

So Fer made 6 walls of wooden spikes and circled the sleeping pteranodon only leaving a small hole for himself to fit inside.

Leaving everything ready, Fer ran away in search of his prey to get first-class meat for the sleeping pteranodon and get a good percentage.