One day, he was about to leave his house in the direction of his work, however he could not react to the situation, when he went out the door of his house and suddenly appeared on an island quite familiar to him.
honestly it's too early to tell but what i can say is that I am enjoying the story 😌
5 months ago
very good
5 months ago
1st thing I liked is that he has a piece of clothe
2d thing is that he is making progress slowly but at a good pace
3d thing it's a ark fanfac it's rare to find those
so all the best everything is good
hope it doesn't get left like other fanfacs
História muito boa pena que tem poucos capítulos ☺️☺️🥲🥹,..,.,
,tem vários mods (super mods) mode de arma mods de dinos tem vários 😶
honestly it's too early to tell but what i can say is that I am enjoying the story 😌
very good
1st thing I liked is that he has a piece of clothe 2d thing is that he is making progress slowly but at a good pace 3d thing it's a ark fanfac it's rare to find those so all the best everything is good hope it doesn't get left like other fanfacs
Cadê capítulo porra 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤.,.,.,.,..,m,m,mm,.,..,.,,..,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,..,.,.,,..,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,....,.,.,.,..,..,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,..,,...,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.
História muito boa pena que tem poucos capítulos ☺️☺️🥲🥹,..,., , , ,tem vários mods (super mods) mode de arma mods de dinos tem vários 😶 , , , , , , , , ,..😶🥹😶🥹😶🥹😶🥹😶🥹😶😶🥹😶🥹😶🥹😶🥹😶🥹😶🥹😶🥹😶🥹😶🥹😶 , , , , ,