Chapter 21: The Super Divine Water

The Cat Sage glared at John Doe and said, "Who told you that you need to go on an adventure to obtain the 'Super Divine Water'? Was it that unreliable Master Roshi of yours?"

John quickly shook his head, "No one told me. I just assumed that if defeating you was all it took to get the 'Super Divine Water,' there would be many people trying to take it from you."

Hearing this, the Cat Sage flew into a rage.

"Am I weak? What makes you think you can just defeat me and get the 'Super Divine Water'?" he said, still fuming. He grabbed his cane and tapped John on the forehead.

John knew he had said the wrong thing, so he didn't dodge or resist, only slightly blocking the cane with his hand.

The Cat Sage took a moment to calm down and continued, "You can drink the 'Super Divine Water' if I acknowledge your strength. If someone can take it from me by force, I won't stop them."

"Do you think the fourteen people who drank the 'Super Divine Water' in the past did so by politely asking me?"

"Obtaining the 'Super Divine Water' is easy, but surviving its effects is another matter. That's why no one in history has been able to increase their strength by drinking it. Many people stronger than me, even stronger than you, have tried, including those whose strength surpassed the gods. Yet, every single one of them died from the poison. Are you still sure you want to drink it?"

The Cat Sage poured a cup of the red 'Super Divine Water' from the teapot and pushed it towards John.

John looked at the cup, the liquid inside seeming highly toxic. He gulped, remembering the stories of those who had suffered from drinking it. Suddenly, he felt hesitant about consuming it.

The Cat Sage noticed John's hesitation and tried to dissuade him further. "Your martial arts talent is exceptional. You're the most talented young man I've seen in centuries. If you train diligently, becoming the strongest in the world is within your reach."

"I think you don't need to take this risk. When I inherited the title of Cat Sage, I also tried drinking the 'Super Divine Water,' but I was too afraid and spat it out. It's okay to be afraid."

John thought for a moment. His presence in this world had already started to alter the story's trajectory. If he couldn't transform into a Super Saiyan, and neither could Goku, how would they stand a chance against Frieza?

He had wished to change his destiny by becoming a Saiyan using the Dragon Balls, but now, if he couldn't even muster the courage to drink the 'Super Divine Water,' how could he hope to become a Super Saiyan?

Goku or Vegeta would have gulped down the 'Super Divine Water' without hesitation.

With this in mind, John ignored the Cat Sage's words, picked up the cup, and drank the 'Super Divine Water' in one go.

"Bitter, so bitter!" The moment the liquid touched his tongue, John felt like he had tasted the most bitter substance in the world. He almost spat it out.

But he endured the bitterness and forced it down his throat.

Immediately, every cell in his body seemed to be in agony, as if millions of knives were piercing him.

John felt like he was dying and couldn't help but scream in agony.

The Cat Sage, who had been trying to convince John not to drink the 'Super Divine Water,' was shocked to see him drink it. He stood by helplessly, watching John writhe in pain, his screams gradually becoming hoarse and weak.

John was in so much pain that he wished he could pass out, but he couldn't. The intense agony stimulated his nerves, and his screams grew softer as his voice became raspy.

Despite this, John didn't die. It was as if the 'Super Divine Water' refused to let him perish.

As the liquid continued to transform his body, a golden image appeared in John's mind—a golden-haired warrior with flames surrounding him.

John immediately recognized the warrior as a Super Saiyan. The warrior seemed to be fighting some kind of monster, but John couldn't make out its form.

After defeating the monster, the Super Saiyan turned to face John. His eyes were filled with anger, but there was no trace of madness, only a calm determination.

The warrior seemed to be speaking, but John couldn't hear him. He focused his mind, trying to listen to what the ancient Super Saiyan warrior was saying.

Gradually, John could make out his words. The warrior spoke in a deep voice, "The key to becoming a Super Saiyan is controlled anger. When your strength is sufficient, control the anger and pain within you, and when the time is right, release it all at once. That's how you transform into a Super Saiyan."

After delivering this message, the golden warrior slowly faded from John's mind.

As the vision faded, John woke up from his trance and felt the intense pain dissipate like a receding tide. He had survived.

John climbed to his feet, facing the Cat Sage's astonished gaze. "Cat Sage, how long was I out?" he asked.

"Five hours," the Cat Sage replied. "But that's not important. What did you experience during those five hours?"

"Pain, nothing but pain," John said. "It was as if every cell in my body was screaming in agony."

John didn't mention the vision of the Super Saiyan, knowing it was likely a result of his Saiyan heritage and not something others could experience.

The Cat Sage was disappointed. As the only person in recent centuries to drink the 'Super Divine Water' and survive, he had hoped to gather information about who could withstand its effects. But all he could get from John was the word 'pain.'

The Cat Sage was well aware of the agony caused by the 'Super Divine Water.' He had witnessed the fourteen people who had drunk it in the past, all of whom had screamed in torment until their deaths. No one knew the effects of the 'Super Divine Water' better than he did.

"Well, if that's all you experienced, then so be it," the Cat Sage said. "But now that you've drunk the 'Super Divine Water,' what do you plan to do next?"