Chapter 2: Surveillance and Basic Taijutsu

I am Naruto and My friend is Sasuke

Chapter 2: Surveillance and Basic Taijutsu

The sun hung high in the sky, casting long shadows over the rooftops of Konoha as the village bustled with its usual afternoon energy. In the Hokage's office, ANBU operatives stood before the Third Hokage, their masks concealing their expressions.

"Hokage-sama, we've observed Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. They've returned to their usual behaviour, but there's something odd," one of the ANBU reported. "They were speaking in a language we could not understand—sounded like a code."

The Third Hokage leaned back in his chair, his eyes thoughtful. "A code language, you say? Given their rivalry and how they interact, it's not impossible they could have developed such a thing. Despite their conflicts, they sit together in class and have formed some bond, however fragile. Perhaps this is simply their way of communicating in private."

He paused, contemplating the implications. "For now, continue to keep a close eye on Naruto. If this code becomes a threat, we'll reassess."

The ANBU bowed and disappeared, leaving the Hokage in deep thought. He believed Naruto and Sasuke's bond, despite its ups and downs, could explain their use of a private language. It wasn't something to be alarmed about yet, but it was curious.

Meanwhile, in the dimly lit depths of another building in Konoha, Danzo Shimura sat in his chamber, listening as a masked Root member relayed the same information.

"A code language, you say?" Danzo's eyes narrowed. "It's possible that Sasuke, the last Uchiha, developed this code and allied himself with Naruto. If so, this makes them both more dangerous than we thought."

Danzo's fingers drummed against the wooden table. "I want them both. The Jinchuriki and the Uchiha. Sasuke's skills as a Uchiha could be honed further under my watch, and Naruto's Jinchuriki power would be a valuable asset."

He stood, his expression cold and calculating. "Increase surveillance on them. I want to know their every move. If they show any sign of planning something that can be used to our advantage, report to me immediately."

The Root operative nodded before vanishing into the shadows, leaving Danzo alone with his thoughts.

The pieces were in motion, and both the Third Hokage and Danzo knew that Naruto and Sasuke's bond could tip the balance of power in unexpected ways as they grew.

Danzo wants Sasuke to power up his Sharingan so he can acquire the eye for himself when it reaches its peak.

At the Konoha Academy, Iruka-sensei stood at the front of the classroom, his voice steady as he instructed the young students on the basics of shinobi behaviour. The afternoon sun filtered through the windows, casting shadows that danced across the desks.

"Being a shinobi isn't just about strength or skill," Iruka explained. "It's about knowing when to act and when to remain hidden. Sometimes, the smartest move is to wait and observe, blending into your surroundings. Caution is a shinobi's greatest weapon."

He paused, glancing around the classroom to ensure everyone was paying attention. "Recklessness, on the other hand, can put you and your comrades in danger. Being reckless—"

Before he could continue, several pairs of eyes instinctively turned toward Suresh, who was now Naruto. Kiba snickered, nudging Shikamaru, while Sakura let out a sigh, already anticipating what Iruka would say next. Even Choji and Shino, usually quiet, glanced briefly in Naruto's direction.

Suresh felt the eyes on him and knew exactly why. He had to stay in character, so he plastered on a wide grin and gave a loud, exaggerated laugh. "What? Reckless? Me? No way!" he declared, waving his hand as if brushing off the comment.

Iruka's eyebrow twitched, but he continued, undeterred. "Yes, Naruto, I'm talking about you. A shinobi must learn discipline, and that means avoiding careless behaviour."

Suresh rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, giving his best impression of Naruto's classic apologetic smile. "Hehe, got it, Iruka-sensei. I'll try not to be reckless!"

Alex, as Sasuke, let out a small sigh, his expression stoic. "Idiot," he muttered, but deep down, he knew Suresh was doing a good job keeping up the act.

Iruka sighed, his expression softening as he resumed the lesson. "Remember, every action has consequences. Being cautious doesn't mean being weak—it means being smart."

Time passed, and the afternoon sun hung lower in the sky as the students were led outside to the academy training grounds. The air was warm, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of nearby trees. Suresh felt his legs ache from standing for so long during a punishment earlier, and he rubbed his calves, trying to ease the discomfort.

Iruka-sensei gathered the students in a circle, his expression serious. "Alright, everyone, it's time for some practical training. Today, we'll be focusing on basic taijutsu techniques. Remember, taijutsu is the foundation of hand-to-hand combat for shinobi. Mastering it is essential."

Suresh's eyes lit up, and he felt a rush of excitement despite the soreness in his legs. "Finally, something physical!" he thought. He glanced at Alex, who was standing nearby with his arms crossed, maintaining his calm, stoic Sasuke expression.

Iruka demonstrated the basic stances and movements, encouraging the students to imitate him. "Spread your legs slightly, balance your weight, and keep your guard up. Taijutsu isn't just about strength; it's about speed, precision, and balance."

As Iruka-sensei instructed the class on basic taijutsu techniques, a strange sensation washed over Suresh and Alex. Suddenly, small digital windows appeared in front of their eyes, showing stats that hovered just above their classmates' heads. Suresh blinked, momentarily stunned, while Alex's eyes widened.

[ Ding! Basic Taijutsu is acquired ]

[ Name: Naruto Uzumaki ]

[ Title: Konoha's Jinchuriki, Demon Fox, Prankster ]

[ Level: 2 ]

[ HP: 100 ]

[ Chakra: 200 ]

Suresh rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was imagining things. But the stats remained, floating just above him. He glanced at Alex, whose eyes had locked onto the numbers. Alex gave him a subtle nod, acknowledging that he could see the same thing.

"What… are these?" Suresh whispered, keeping his voice low as he went near Alex.

"Stats, like an RPG game," Alex muttered back, still keeping his Sasuke-like calm demeanour.

Alex's panel showed up as Suresh focused on him.

[ Name: Sasuke Uchiha ]

[ Title: Last Uchiha, Genius Uchiha ]

[ Level: 4 ]

[ HP: 80 ]

[ Chakra: 96 ]

As Iruka Sensei continued his explanation of the basic Taijutsu techniques, Suresh leaned closer to Alex, trying to keep their conversation discreet.

"Dude, this is insane," Suresh whispered, his eyes darting back to the floating stats above their heads. "Are we actually seeing RPG stats like in a game? How is this even happening?"

Alex nodded slowly, his expression serious. "Yeah, I can see them too. It looks like they show our abilities and titles. This might be RPG Naruto World. This is wild!"

Suresh glanced at his own panel again. "I'm level 2, That's kinda low, isn't it? I thought Naruto was stronger than that."

"Remember, we just got here," Alex replied, still focused on his own stats. "I'm level 4, but my chakra's only 96. We have to train if we want to improve."

"We will be the strongest versions of Naruto and Sasuke," Suresh declared, and Alex grinned at his words.


Suresh imitated Iruka's stance, but his legs wobbled a bit from the lingering soreness. "Man, these Naruto legs aren't built for this yet," he muttered under his breath.

Some of the other students seemed to struggle, too—Kiba was eager but sloppy with his movements, while Choji seemed more interested in the snack pouch tied to his belt. Shikamaru sighed, his stance half-hearted, muttering something about how troublesome it all was. Hinata, on the other hand, practiced quietly with a focused expression, her movements precise and graceful.

"Didn't they train in their clans?" Alex wondered, puzzled, as he observed some of the kids, like Kiba, Choji, and Shikamaru, displaying sloppy techniques. They should have been better trained by their parents. In reality, their parents hadn't trained them yet, as most of them were too young and only began when they reached the third year of the academy or requested training themselves.

Only Hinata is trained by her father who wants the best whereas Sasuke, he trained on his own to surpass his brother.

Iruka walked around the group, adjusting stances and giving feedback. When he reached Suresh, he raised an eyebrow. "Naruto, focus on your stance. Your center of gravity is off. If you don't correct it, you'll be wide open for attacks."

Suresh straightened up, trying to mimic the correct form. "Got it, Iruka-sensei!" he said, flashing a thumbs-up.

Alex watched from the side, his eyes scanning the group, observing everyone's movements as Sasuke would. When Iruka gave him a nod, he executed the stance perfectly, earning murmurs of approval from the other students.

Suresh noticed some of the kids glancing between him and Alex, comparing the two. "Show off," Suresh mumbled, but there was a hint of a smile on his face. He knew Alex was doing his best to play the role, and it was working.

Iruka clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention. "Alright, pair up! We'll practice some simple sparring techniques. Remember, no chakra—just focus on using proper form and controlling your strength. Let's start with Sasuke and Naruto."

Suresh turned to Alex, giving him a challenging grin. "Looks like it's me and you, Sasuke."

Alex smirked, folding his arms. "Try not to embarrass yourself, Naruto."

"As if." Suresh smiled confidently.

"Form the Seal of Confrontation!" Iruka-sensei called out.

As the students formed the seal, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement. Sakura and Ino stood nearby, exchanging glances, their eyes gleaming with anticipation for Sasuke's performance. "Come on, Sasuke! You can do it!" Sakura cheered, her voice bright and encouraging.

Ino chimed in, "Show Naruto who's really the best here!"

Kiba, bursting with enthusiasm, shouted, "Naruto! Go for it! I know you can win!" His voice rang out loud and unapologetic, filling the training grounds with energy.

Meanwhile, Shikamaru leaned against a tree, a bored expression on his face, while Shino observed silently, his attention focused on the fight ahead. Hinata stood a few steps back, her gaze directed toward Suresh with quiet support, silently rooting for him.

Suresh felt a surge of confidence as he was Naruto, the main character, but he also sensed the pressure of the moment. "Alright, let's do this, Sasuke," he said, turning to Alex with a determined grin.

"Just don't hold back," Alex replied coolly, assuming his battle stance.

Iruka stepped back, watching closely as the two friends prepared to spar. "Remember, it's all about technique and control. Let's see what you've got!"

With that, the training ground erupted into cheers and shouts as Suresh and Alex readied themselves for their first sparring match, eager to showcase their abilities while navigating the challenges of their new roles.

End of the chapter.__________________________________________________________

Power stones, please. _____