Chapter 3: First Clash

I Am Naruto and My Friend Is Sasuke

Chapter 3: First Clash

[Author: From this chapter Suresh and Alex names will not be mentioned, only Naruto and Sasuke. Suresh is Naruto and Alex is Sasuke.]

The sun hung high in the sky, illuminating the training grounds of Konoha as Naruto and Sasuke stood facing each other, ready for their first spar. The excitement was palpable, a mix of adrenaline and determination coursing through their veins. A panel appeared in front of them, showcasing their taijutsu stats.

Basic Taijutsu

Naruto Uzumaki

• Level: 1

• Experience: 10/100

Sasuke Uchiha

• Level: 4

• Experience: 48/400

"Only level 1, huh? I'll gain EXP in this match!" Naruto thought excitedly.

"Looks like Original Sasuke has already trained in taijutsu," Sasuke mused, feeling eager at the prospect of getting his first win over his friend in this new world.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this!" Naruto exclaimed, his eyes shining with determination. "Let's give it our all, Sasuke!"

Sasuke smirked, adjusting his stance. "Just try to keep up, Naruto. I won't go easy on you."

"Alright, on my mark… Go!" Iruka-sensei announced, stepping back to observe the match.

Without hesitation, they charged at each other. The moment their fists connected, a small thud echoed. Naruto swung wildly, throwing a series of punches, but Sasuke expertly dodged and retaliated with a swift, powerful kick to Naruto's side.

HP Update

Naruto HP: 100/100 85/100

Sasuke HP: 80/80 78/80

The blow knocked the wind out of Naruto, and he staggered for a moment, feeling a sharp pain shoot through him. Gritting his teeth, he felt his Jinchuriki healing factor kick in, soothing the pain but not erasing it entirely. "You're gonna have to do better than that, Sasuke!" he shouted, charging forward again, determination burning in his eyes.

Sasuke smirked. "I plan to." He sidestepped Naruto's charge and delivered a quick jab to Naruto's stomach.

HP Update

Naruto HP: 90/100 85/100 (HP healed from 85 to 90)

Sasuke HP: 78/80

Naruto felt the impact, a sharp pain radiating from his stomach. He stumbled back slightly but quickly regained his composure, pushing through the hurt. "I won't give up!" he yelled, swinging a fist at Sasuke, who blocked it but staggered back slightly.

HP Update

Naruto HP: 85/100 88/100

Sasuke HP: 78/80 75/80

As the fight escalated, Naruto's unexpected agility caught Sasuke off guard. I won't give up easily, he thought, surprised at how Naruto managed to land a few solid hits. He's not as weak as I thought…

The crowd around them buzzed with excitement. "Go, Sasuke!" a group of girls cheered, clapping their hands in support.

Kiba yelled, "Come on, Naruto! Show him what you've got!" His voice boomed across the training ground, igniting Naruto's competitive spirit.

Hinata, watching from a distance, silently cheering for Naruto. She believed in him and hoped he wouldn't back down.

With every hit, they exchanged not just blows but spirit and resolve. The sounds of their combat echoed, with Iruka-sensei calling out reminders and encouragement. "Focus on your footwork, Naruto! Sasuke, keep your guard up!"

Naruto grinned through the pain, adrenaline coursing through him. He threw another punch, landing a solid hit on Sasuke's shoulder, the impact resonating through both of them.

HP Update

Naruto HP: 80/100 75/100

Sasuke HP: 50/80 42/80

As the fight dragged on, Sasuke's skills began to surface, allowing him to adapt and counter Naruto's wild attacks. Okay, this is better, he thought, regaining confidence as he dodged and retaliated. But every time Naruto took a hit, he noticed the Jinchuriki's healing factor kicking in. Damn it! He heals so fast. How am I supposed to win against that?

"Your moves are improving, but you need to think more strategically!" Sasuke advised between breaths, his focus unwavering despite the fatigue.

Naruto laughed, a breathless sound. "I'm not trying to think; I'm just trying to hit you!"

The crowd watched in awe, mesmerized by the fierce determination displayed by both boys. Iruka-sensei kept an eye on their health, impressed by their willingness to push each other to the limit.

As they fought on, both Naruto and Sasuke reached critical points, their HP dwindling with every hit.

With each blow landed, the cheers from the crowd grew louder. Sasuke's calculated moves contrasted sharply with Naruto's relentless energy.

Naruto suddenly charged again, throwing a wild punch that caught Sasuke off guard. The impact knocked Sasuke back, causing him to stumble slightly, but he quickly regained his footing.

HP Update

Naruto HP: 58/100 52/100

Sasuke HP: 20/80 18/80

The hits were taking a toll on both of them. Naruto felt the sharp pain of each blow, but his healing factor kept him going. As he felt his HP rise slightly, he thought, I can't give up! I'm just getting started!

Sasuke, panting slightly, felt the strain of every hit and the frustration of not being able to end this quickly. Why won't he just quit? he grunted, "You'll have to be stronger than that."

Finally, after a series of exchanges, they both swung at each other simultaneously, connecting with a loud crash. The impact reverberated through their bodies, and in that moment, both boys collapsed to the ground, utterly spent.

HP Update

Naruto HP: 75/100 60/100

Sasuke HP: 18/80 10/100

"Not… giving up…" Naruto panted, his eyelids growing heavy. The mental exhaustion was setting in after the excessive regeneration; he felt light-headed but couldn't allow himself to give in.

"Yeah… same here," Sasuke muttered, his body finally succumbing to fatigue. I can't lose to him like this, he thought desperately, but darkness began to creep into his vision.

Experience Gain Notification

Naruto: [+20 EXP for Taijutsu Skill]

Sasuke: [+2 EXP for Taijutsu Skill]

The crowd fell silent, shocked by the intensity of the clash. Iruka-sensei quickly rushed forward, ready to check on the boys, who had pushed themselves to the brink.

In a nearby office, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, watched their fight intently through a crystal orb. He felt a wave of relief wash over him; there were no problems with them, and they were fine, just like before—rivals.

Back at the training grounds, Iruka-sensei knelt beside the boys, concern etched on his face. "Naruto! Sasuke!" He checked their vitals, relief flooding him as he saw their steady breathing. The excitement of the match was quickly replaced by the reality of their situation. "You two really went all out, huh?" he said, half-amused and half-worried.

Realizing they needed medical attention, Iruka carefully picked them up, carrying them on his back, and made his way to the campus hospital. As they entered, the doctor looked up, his expression quickly shifting from routine professionalism to shock. "Not again!" he exclaimed, eyes wide as he spotted Naruto and Sasuke being carried in. "Twice in one day? What are these kids doing?"

Iruka sighed, rolling his eyes. "You know how they are. They push themselves too hard. They just had their first sparring match, and it seems they took it a bit too seriously."

The doctor shook his head, trying to suppress a chuckle. "At this rate, I should just set up a cot for them here. It's almost like they're competing to see who can end up in the hospital more often!"

With a nod, Iruka helped the doctor place both boys on separate examination tables. As the doctor began checking them over, he couldn't help but admire their resolve. "Their determination is impressive," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "But they really need to learn their limits. Let's hope they don't make a habit of this."

The doctor approached Naruto first, assessing the boy's condition. "It looks like Naruto is just experiencing mental exhaustion; he'll heal on his own." He paused, glancing at Naruto's serene expression. "He'll be fine; just needs some time to recover."

Next, he turned his attention to Sasuke, who lay unconscious but stable. "Now, let's see how you're doing, Sasuke." The doctor performed a series of hand signs and activated the Mystical Palm Technique, channeling chakra into Sasuke's body to heal his physical injuries. A gentle green glow enveloped Sasuke, and the doctor focused intently, restoring some of his lost health and easing his pain.

"You pushed yourself hard today," the doctor murmured as he worked. "This should help you recover quickly."

After about half an hour, Naruto stirred slightly, blinking as he slowly regained consciousness. "What happened?" he mumbled, still feeling groggy.

"You both fainted after a fierce match," Iruka explained, a smile on his face. "But you should be proud of yourselves. Your determination was remarkable."

Sasuke opened his eyes next, rubbing his forehead as he sat up. "I wasn't done fighting," he grumbled, shooting Naruto a look of annoyance. "Next time, I'll make sure you stay down."

Naruto grinned back, his competitive spirit rekindled. "Not if I can help it!"

Naruto and Sasuke exchanged a determined look, and Naruto said, "New world, 0 wins, 1 tie." Thus began their count of wins.

Iruka chuckled, relieved to see their spirits intact. "Just remember, both of you have a long way to go. Let's use this experience to train harder together."

As night approached, Naruto and Sasuke headed home, while Iruka-sensei returned to class, dismissing everyone and allowing them to leave for their houses.

While leaving, Sakura and Ino exchanged glances, their eyes wide with disbelief. "I can't believe Naruto actually got Sasuke knocked out!" Ino exclaimed, her voice a mix of shock and admiration. "He's usually the only one getting knocked down!"

Sakura's expression was a mix of surprise and irritation. "Ugh, why does it always have to be like this? Why can't he just show some restraint?" She crossed her arms angrily.

Meanwhile, Hinata stood at the edge of the departing crowd, her heart racing with concern for Naruto. She bit her lip, watching him with wide eyes. "I hope he's okay… he pushed himself so hard," she murmured softly, her gentle voice barely audible amidst the chaos.

On the other side…

"I shouldn't have allowed them to fight until the end," Iruka-sensei wondered if he had made the right decision. A flicker of doubt crossed his mind as he recalled the intensity of the battle. Despite still harboring some resentment towards Naruto, he had let him continue the fight even after enduring brutal hits from Sasuke.

"Over the past seven months at the academy, Iruka had watched Naruto grow. Initially, he struggled to let go of his animosity towards the demon fox residing. However, witnessing Naruto's unyielding spirit, resilience, and kind temperament began to chip away at Iruka's lingering hatred

Seeing Naruto push through the pain and never give up during the fight reminded Iruka of his duty as a mentor. He realized that Naruto was just a kid who couldn't even take care of himself properly over seven months. Iruka understood that it was time to fully let go of his hatred.

As he reflected on Naruto's relentless determination over the months, Iruka resolved to support him as a true mentor, embracing the bond they could share instead of clinging to past grievances.

End of the chapter. ________________________________________________

Power stones, please....

Is fight sequence good?