Chapter 4: Home and Ramen Guy

I Am Naruto and My Friend Is Sasuke

Chapter 4: Home and Ramen Guy

The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange. As Naruto walked through the familiar yet alien streets of Konoha, he tried to ignore the whispers and piercing stares, but each step felt heavier. The tension in the air was palpable as the villagers' eyes followed him with scorn, anger, and something darker—hatred. A few kids, emboldened by the setting sun, threw small objects in his direction. Stones and trash bounced off the road near him, and one struck his shoulder.

He flinched but kept his head down, forcing himself to walk faster. His heartbeat quickened, and his hands clenched into fists. But when he felt another object hit his back, the emotions became too overwhelming. He broke into a run, rushing through the streets until the sight of Naruto's small apartment came into view. Panting, he reached the door and quickly slipped inside, shutting out the hostile world outside.

Every glare, every thrown object—it wasn't just something he saw; it was something he felt deep down. The rejection, the isolation, and the overwhelming weight of being hated for something beyond his control. He had inherited the original Naruto's memories, but facing it firsthand was different. It was an entirely different level of intensity.

Inside the apartment, the air was thick with a musty smell—a mix of old ramen cups, dust, and the lingering scent of dampness. The single window let in only a sliver of moonlight, casting long shadows across the cramped, cluttered space. Naruto looked around, his eyes taking in the worn-out furniture, the unmade bed, and the pile of old clothes strewn about. The apartment was a mess, but it was more than just that—it felt lonely, almost as if the space itself echoed the pain Naruto endured every day.

Naruto wiped the sweat from his brow. 'The original Naruto... he faced this every day and still managed to smile, still stayed kind. He was stronger than I ever realized.' The thought hit him hard, filling him with a new sense of admiration for the boy whose life he was now living.

He understood now that watching anime or reading fanfics where main characters faced hardships was easy. It was simple to root for someone enduring so much when you were just an observer. But feeling it—the sting of hatred, the cold looks, and the pain of being rejected as Naruto—was different. It was deeper, sharper, and more personal.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto clenched his fists. "I won't fall into darkness," he vowed, his eyes burning with determination. "I've seen too many fanfics where Isekai'd MCs as Naruto turn evil or lose themselves, whether purposefully or unintentionally, but that's not going to be me. I'll stay strong, like the original Naruto, and find my own way forward."

Slowly calming down, he began cleaning, picking up old cups and tossing them in the trash, wiping down the small table, and folding the old and worn clothes scattered around the floor. Naruto spent the next few hours tidying up the apartment. Once he finished, he felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him. But as hunger gnawed at his stomach, he made his way to the refrigerator, hoping to find something to eat. He pulled the door open, and a wave of foul odor hit him like a brick wall. His stomach churned at the sight of expired food piled inside—old containers of ramen, forgotten vegetables, and moldy bread.

Naruto's memories surged forward, flooding his mind with understanding. He recalled how the original Naruto had often scrounged for food, sometimes fishing in the nearby river when he couldn't afford to buy anything. The villagers never sold him anything; even if they did, it was always at an exorbitant price. They avoided him like the plague, refusing to even glance in his direction. This was why Naruto often stored even expired food; there were days when he couldn't find fish or anything else to eat, leading him to consume what was past its prime reluctantly.

"This is why the original Naruto was so short as a kid," Naruto muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. He couldn't imagine living like that—going hungry, scraping by day after day. It was a harsh reality, one that deepened his admiration for the original Naruto's resilience. He truly felt that the original Naruto was like an angel, dedicated to saving Konoha after being treated so poorly.

He began throwing away the expired food. "Better to go hungry than risk getting diarrhea," he said aloud, grimacing as he tossed the last of the rancid containers into the trash. He knew that he wouldn't die from food poisoning due to his Jinchuriki regeneration, but he also understood how unpleasant diarrhea could be, especially after seeing it portrayed in the anime when Naruto drank expired milk.

Naruto continued tossing out the spoiled food, relieved to have cleared the fridge of its foul contents. As he closed the refrigerator door, he paused, memories of the original Naruto surfacing. He remembered how, during tough times, the old Naruto would head to Ichiraku Ramen, a place where he always felt welcomed.

A smile tugged at Naruto's lips. "Ichiraku Ramen… that's it!" he said, feeling a bit of excitement. He quickly searched around the apartment for his money pouch and, after a few moments of rummaging, found it. When he opened it, a handful of coins and a few notes greeted him—his money for this month.

Naruto's eyes brightened. "Time for some ramen," he whispered as he grabbed a portion of the money and bolted out of the apartment, sprinting down the familiar streets.

As night arrived, the streets were empty, making Naruto relax as he hadn't fully adapted to the original Naruto's life yet.

When he arrived at Ichiraku Ramen, the warm glow of the shop's lights and the delicious aroma of freshly cooked noodles greeted him. The owner, Teuchi, smiled as he saw Naruto approach. "Hey, Naruto! Good to see you, kid! Hungry for some ramen?"

Teuchi's daughter, Ayame, waved from behind the counter. "Naruto, welcome! What will it be today?"

Naruto felt a rush of comfort and happiness, realizing that this was one place where he wouldn't be met with scorn. "I'll have a bowl of miso tonkotsu ramen with extra pork!" he said eagerly, choosing the same dish the original Naruto loved.

Teuchi nodded, preparing the order with a grin. "Coming right up! And for you, it's on the house."

Teuchi was one of the few people who saw Naruto as just a kid. Sometimes, when Naruto ran out of his monthly allowance, Teuchi would provide ramen for free. It could be said that Teuchi and his daughter Ayame had helped raise Naruto in their own way.

When the steaming bowl of ramen was set before him, the savory aroma filled his senses. He clasped his hands together. "Itadakimasu!" he exclaimed, unable to skip the familiar ritual.

Naruto dug in immediately. The rich, savory broth and tender noodles hit his taste buds, and his eyes widened in delight. "This is amazing!" he exclaimed between bites. 'Now I know why the original Naruto loved this so much.'

Teuchi and Ayame exchanged warm smiles, clearly delighted by his reaction. "Glad you like it, Naruto!" Ayame said, beaming.

"Always a pleasure to see you enjoy our ramen," Teuchi added, his eyes crinkling with pride.

After finishing, Naruto set the empty bowl down and bowed slightly. "Thank you for the ramen, Teuchi and Ayame. It was the best!"

"Anytime, Naruto," Teuchi replied with a grin. "You're always welcome here."

Naruto left the ramen stand, feeling lighter and more at peace. When he reached his apartment, he washed up, changed into his night clothes, and then flopped onto his bed.

In bed, Naruto sighed, staring up at the ceiling. "What a day it was…" he whispered, thinking back over everything—from the initial shock of being transported into Naruto's world with his friend Alex, to the harshness of the villagers' treatment, the overwhelming emotions, and the new sense of admiration he felt for the original Naruto in just one day.

Naruto lay in bed, his thoughts swirling as he replayed the day's events. Despite everything, one question lingered in his mind: why hadn't the Third Hokage ever told the citizens of Konoha the truth about the Nine Tails? He couldn't make sense of it. The Third Hokage was supposed to care for him, so why keep something so important a secret?

In reality, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen, had attempted to reveal the truth, but Danzo and the elders, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane, had intervened. They threatened that if he informed the citizens about the Nine Tails, Naruto would have to join Danzo's Root organization, allowing them to control and monitor him to prevent any potential danger from the beast sealed inside him. If the Third Hokage refused, Naruto would have to endure the hatred of the villagers as he grew up.

Danzo convinced the elders that by facing the villagers' hatred, Naruto would develop resilience and strength, helping him avoid falling under the Nine Tails' influence. They believed that experiencing such adversity would forge Naruto into a stronger person. Not wanting to subject Naruto to Danzo's manipulative schemes, the Third Hokage reluctantly agreed to keep the secret. He knew that revealing the truth would make it impossible for Naruto to grow without falling under the influence of the Danzo.

Hiruzen had weakened with age, making him less decisive and more vulnerable to the pressures from Danzo and the elders, who had their own agendas. This loss of power contributed to the village's failure to intervene during the Uchiha massacre.

The Third Hokage's heart ached for Naruto, knowing the pain he would have to endure yet feeling powerless to change the course of events.

Naruto shook his head, feeling a pang of frustration. "I'll figure it out," he said firmly. "I'll talk to Sasuke about this tomorrow."

With that thought in mind, Naruto closed his eyes, drifting into a deep sleep, unaware of the complexities surrounding him. He yearned to change Konoha and its people, believing he could only achieve this by becoming Hokage, just like the original Naruto. He wanted everyone to let go of their hatred; he didn't want anyone else to endure the same animosity he faced.

End of the chapter. __________________________________________________________

Power stones, please. -----