Chapter 7: Full Day of training.

Chapter 7: Full Day of training.

Bang! Bang!

Sasuke's kunai struck the bullseye with precision, embedding deeply into the target. The sound echoed through the training ground as he stood there, focused and determined. It was Sunday, and he had started his training at noon—much later than he intended.

He was training in Konoha training grounds instead of Uchiha training grounds, as other ninjas were training here, which motivated him more, giving up his laziness while looking at others training.

[ Skill:

Intermediate Shurikenjutsu {Level 5}

Exp: 560+1/5000 ]

"I need to stop this," Sasuke muttered to himself, narrowing his eyes at the target. "Waking up late like this will only hold me back."

In his previous life, he had always been a late sleeper. Old habits carried over into this new world, but Sasuke knew better now. The stakes were different here. He wasn't just living in the Naruto world; he was Sasuke now, and with that came expectations—both from the world around him and from himself.

'Yesterday's late sleep doesn't excuse this,' he thought, wiping sweat from his brow. He had stayed up practicing until the middle of the night, working on his Fireball Jutsu.

[ +1]

[ +1]

"If I keep waking up late, I'll just be wasting valuable time," he muttered, clenching his fists. He needed to change, to adapt. His eyes burned with determination as he threw another kunai, hitting the bullseye dead center again.

Despite waking up late, he was resolved to make the most of the day. Noon wasn't ideal, but he couldn't afford to dwell on it. He picked up more kunai and began launching them at the target in quick succession, focusing on speed and accuracy.

[ +1]

[ +1]

[ +1]

[ +1]

Each throw felt smoother, more precise. He could feel the difference in his movements—the result of original Sasuke's training.

[ +1]

[ +1]

After some time, Sasuke took a moment to catch his breath, surveying the training ground. Despite his focus on improving his kunai skills, he couldn't help but notice the other ninjas training nearby. They were running drills, sparring, and practicing various jutsu.

A few glanced his way, their expressions a mix of curiosity and lingering animosity. He knew that some still held resentment toward the Uchiha name; as some of them were arrested by the Uchiha police force multiple times.

Feeling the weight of their stares, he reminded himself that their judgment didn't matter. He was here for one reason: to become stronger. And to do that, he needed to push his limits.

He picked up another set of kunai, his fingers gripping them tightly. As he prepared to throw, he felt the familiar stir of motivation rising within him. If he could max out his Intermediate Shurikenjutsu skill, he knew he would be able to hit moving targets with deadly accuracy.

Sasuke focused on the bullseye again, letting his instincts take over. He threw the first kunai, watching it through the air and strike the target perfectly.


Exp: 641+1/5000]

'Not bad,' he thought, a flicker of satisfaction lighting up his expression.

However, the nagging feeling that his experience gain was low lingered in the back of his mind. I need to do better, he reminded himself.

Determined to make every second count and increase exp, he moved to a moving target.

He launched kunai at the first moving target, feeling a surge of adrenaline as he followed its trajectory. His aim was true; the kunai struck home, embedding itself deep in the wooden target.

[ +5]

'Exp increases, good.' He was satisfied with the gain, and other ninjas looked at him in shock as they couldn't expect him to hit the moving target.

"Let's see how many I can hit in a row," he muttered to himself, cranking up the intensity. He launched one kunai after another, focusing on rhythm and timing. Each successful strike exp gain fueled his motivation even more.

[ +5]

[ +5]

[ +5]

[ +5]

He continued this pattern, gradually losing track of time as he immersed himself in his training. With each throw, he honed his skills, pushing himself further, fueled by the sight of other ninjas working hard in the background. Even as they occasionally shot him glances filled with disbelief, it only encouraged him on.

"I have to improve more; this isn't enough," he muttered silently.

[ Ding! 'Intermediate Shurikenjutsu' leveled up ]

[ Skill:

Intermediate Shurikenjutsu {Level 6}

Exp: 0+5/6000 ]

Sasuke's kunai flew through the air with precision, striking each target with unyielding accuracy.

[ +5]

[ +5]

As the sun began to dip toward the horizon, casting long shadows across the training ground, Sasuke felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. The sound of his kunai striking the targets echoed in his mind, a testament to his hard work. However, the familiar ring of his alarm clock jolted him back to reality.

"Time's up," he muttered, glancing at the clock on his wrist. It was already four o'clock in the evening. He had planned beforehand to practice shurikenjutsu in the first half of the day and chakra control in the second half.

He understood the importance of chakra control; mastering it was essential for executing jutsu effectively. It was time to shift his focus.

Sasuke made his way to a quiet place, seeking the solitude necessary for his chakra control practice. He found a suitable spot beneath a tall tree, its leaves rustling gently in the evening breeze.

Reaching down, he picked a leaf from the ground and placed it on his forehead, positioning it carefully. He took a deep breath, centering himself, and began to focus his chakra.

"Just stick," he murmured, willing the leaf to adhere to his skin. He concentrated, channeling his chakra outward, but the leaf fluttered to the ground.

[ Chakra: -1 ]

"Damn it," he muttered, frustration creeping in. He picked up the leaf again, brushing off the dirt. "Let's try that again."

He placed it back on his forehead and focused once more. This time, he tried to visualize the chakra flowing from his body, wrapping around the leaf like a warm blanket. But again, it slipped away, falling to the ground with a soft thud.

[ Chakra: -1 ]

Sasuke gritted his teeth, feeling the pressure build in his chest. He was determined not to give up. He picked up the leaf for a third time and reset his stance. Closing his eyes, he focused deeper, letting everything else fade away.

[ Chakra: -1 ]

[ Chakra: -1 ]

After several more attempts, he finally felt a shift within him. As he concentrated, he felt the chakra respond to his will, wrapping around the leaf. He opened his eyes just in time to see the leaf sticking to his forehead!

"Ha! I did it!" he exclaimed, a smile breaking through his previous frustration. But his triumph was short-lived as the leaf slipped and fell again.

"Okay, focus," he chided himself, determined to master this technique. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before trying once more.

This time, he poured his energy into it, feeling the warm flow of chakra as he focused intently on the leaf. As if sensing his determination, the leaf remained firmly in place for more than ten seconds.

[ Ding! Skill: Chakra Control has been acquired ]

[ Skill:

Chakra Control

Level: 1 / Max Level: 5

Description: This skill determines the user's ability to manipulate and utilize their chakra effectively. ]

[ Chakra Control

Level 1

Exp: 1/100 ]

[+1 ]

[ +1 ]

'I gained the skill.' He had a smile on his face as he looked at the newly gained skill.

After resting for a few minutes to regain his chakra, he placed the leaf on his forehead again but it fell after sticking for ten seconds.

However he didn't stop, he kept practicing as leaf fell again and again, but with each attempt, the time it stuck to his forehead improved. Sasuke focused intently, pouring his chakra into the exercise. He could feel the strain of concentration, but he pushed through, determined to master this skill.

[+1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ Chakra: -1 ]

[ Chakra: -1 ]

He kept practicing until nightfall, the sun dipping below the horizon as shadows stretched across the training ground. The air grew cooler, but Sasuke barely noticed; he was engrossed in his task, driven by a fierce desire to succeed. In between he took few breaks to regain the chakra, as he doesn't want to faint by spending all of his chakra reserves.

[+1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ Chakra: -1 ]

[ Chakra: -1 ]

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of effort, he felt a shift. The leaf clung to his forehead longer than ever before. Excitement surged within him as he concentrated harder, envisioning his chakra flowing smoothly and steadily.

With a final surge of effort, the leaf stuck firmly to his forehead like chewing gum. Sasuke's heart raced as he realized he had succeeded. Just then, a notification appeared before him:

[ Ding! Skill: Chakra Control leveled up ]

[ Skill: Chakra Control {Level 2 / Max Level: 5} ]

[ Exp: 0/200 ]

He couldn't contain his grin. He had levelled up the chakra control skill! The leaf remained steadfast on his forehead, an indicator of his hard work.

Eager to test his newfound control, Sasuke jumped, bent over, and performed various movements, but the leaf stayed glued in place. Each motion only confirmed his progress.

'Looks like I will no longer gain any experience from this exercise,' he thought as exp didn't increase, realizing that he needed to practice tree climbing.

'Grrr.' His stomach grumbled all of a sudden, making him realize that he hadn't eaten anything since the afternoon.

'I forgot to eat,' He felt silly for forgetting that simple thing, but he was completely engrossed in training.

He quickly made his way home, washed up, cooked a simple meal, and ate. He then jumped into bed, feeling tired from training all day.

End of the chapter. __________________________________________________

Power stones, please.

Tell me how the story is going? Should I pick up the pace or training chapters like this are fine?