Chapter 6: Molding Chakra

Chapter 6: Molding Chakra

The sun hung high in the sky, its warm rays filtering through the small window of Naruto's apartment. The clock ticked, showing it was already past 11 o'clock. Naruto rolled left and right on his bed, still asleep until—thud—he tumbled onto the floor.

"Ow!" he grumbled, rubbing his head as he pushed himself up. Blinking his eyes open, he remembered where he was—the Naruto verse. It took a moment for the realization to sink in, and when it did, he glanced at the clock again.

"Crap!" he yelped. "I'm late for the Academy!"

Scrambling to his feet, he hurried around, grabbing his clothes. His mind raced as he thought about Iruka-sensei. According to the memories he inherited from Naruto, Iruka was strict about punctuality. If he showed up late, he knew what was coming: standing at the back of the classroom for two or three hours. He winced, remembering the embarrassment from yesterday.

But then, he paused, his eyes catching sight of the small calendar pinned to the wall. He blinked, squinting at today's date—Sunday.

"Oh, right… it's a day off," he muttered, letting out a long sigh of relief. "Lucky Sunday, no Academy."

He sank back down, feeling the tension melt away. "I almost freaked out for nothing." Smiling a little to himself, Naruto ran a hand through his messy hair, feeling grateful for the break.

After the initial relief, Naruto decided to make the most of the day. He headed to the small bathroom, splashing cold water on his face to shake off the lingering drowsiness. As he washed up, he glanced at his reflection, seeing the familiar whisker marks and blond hair. "Still me… still Naruto," he muttered, a mix of excitement.

He then went to take a bath after brushing his teeth. Once refreshed, he walked back to his room and rummaged through the small wardrobe. He grabbed a fresh pair of clothes, nearly identical to his current ones.

'Well, looks like in the anime world, they wear the same type of clothes every day, making us think they don't change clothes,' he thought while wearing them.

Naruto grabbed his money pouch from the counter, feeling its light weight, but he shrugged it off. "Ichiraku Ramen it is!" he exclaimed with a grin, rushing out of his apartment. As he made his way through the familiar streets of Konoha, the warmth of the sun did little to alleviate the chill he felt from the cold, hostile gazes of the villagers.

Soon, he arrived at Ichiraku Ramen, the scent of freshly cooked broth and noodles making his mouth water. "Hey, old man, I'm back!" he called out as he took his seat at the counter.

Teuchi grinned at him. "Naruto! Back for more, huh?"

"You bet!" Naruto replied, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. He decided to try something different this time. "I'll have the chicken ramen today. And, of course, a pork ramen after that. Gotta mix things up!"

Teuchi laughed. "Coming right up!"

As Naruto devoured the chicken ramen, he glanced down at his money pouch. Each bowl cost 80 Ryo, and he only had 1,200 Ryo left in total. "Man, this isn't going to last long if I keep eating like this," he thought, but the delicious taste of the chicken broth made it hard to stop. After finishing the chicken ramen, he ordered his usual pork ramen and then a third bowl of miso ramen to complete the meal.

Naruto sighed as he reached for his pouch again, handing over 240 Ryo for the three bowls. "I really gotta be careful with my money," he muttered under his breath. "Guess that's the price for good food."

"Teuchi-san, can I get five more bowls to-go?" Naruto asked, knowing he needed to stock up for later since he was going to train and couldn't waste more time to come again. "You know, just in case I need some fuel for training."

Teuchi nodded. "Of course, Naruto! That'll be 400 Ryo for the takeout."

Naruto winced a little as he counted out the coins. "Yeah, I can manage." He handed over the money, feeling the pouch grow significantly lighter. "That leaves me with only 560 Ryo now… I really need to ask Sasuke for some help later."

With the parcels in hand, he thanked Teuchi and Ayame, waving goodbye as he left. "Thanks, old man! Ayame! See you later!"

After a satisfying meal at Ichiraku Ramen, Naruto hurried back to his apartment, carefully placing the parcels on the small table in the living room. He felt energized, ready to dive into his training. There was no time to waste; Sasuke was already out there, honing his skills for according to his estimate.

Sitting at the table, he opened his status panel, his fingers moving swiftly as he navigated through his skills. I can't waste any time!

[ Ding! You have levelled up ]

[ Ding! You have levelled up ]

[ Ding! You have levelled up ]

[ Ding! You have levelled up ]

[ Name: Naruto Uzumaki ]

[ Title: Konoha's Jinchuriki, Demon Fox, Prankster ]

[ Level: 6 ]

[ HP: 300 ]

[ Chakra: 215 ]

'Level up! Go.' Nauro was happy, he understood it was due to spar with Sasuke.

Next just like Sasuke, Naruto also spots that his chakra didn't increase so the window poped up explaining the reason.

[ Level: Describes the approximate power level of a person. It increases as the person's power grows. The level can also increase if the person becomes skilled in using chakra. (Level doesn't increase if only chakra increases.)

Chakra: Indicates the total amount of chakra. The chakra doesn't increase by leveling up but by practicing the chakra molding technique. ]

'I didn't understand why Naruto's chakra reserves were so low, especially since he was an Uzumaki. I expected him to have more, even at just seven years old.' His doubts were now answered as he quickly opened his skill panel. He also understood that he had to control his chakra properly to level up quickly; otherwise, it would be a waste of his insane chakra reserves.

[ Skills:

Observe {Level Max}: Allows the user to check another person's status.

Basic Taijutsu {Level 1 / Max Level: 10}: Fundamental hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Basic Shurikenjutsu {Level 3 / Max Level: 10}: Basic skill in throwing shuriken and other projectiles like kunai.

Hand Seals {Level 0/Just recorded}: The skill of performing hand seals quickly and accurately to execute jutsu.


Chakra Molding {Level 1 / Max Level: 3 }: The ability to mold chakra effectively, essential for executing various jutsu. Mastery increases the efficiency and potency of chakra usage.

Bloodline Skill: Locked ]

As Naruto scanned his status panel, his eyes landed on his skills. Seeing his Level 0 and Level 1 skills filled him with annoyance. I can't believe I'm still stuck at the basics while I am pretty sure Sasuke is probably racking up impressive skills, what was Naruto doing all this time while Sasuke was training, he thought, clenching his fists in frustration.

"I cannot wait; Sasuke will put more distance between us if I slack off." He clenched his fists, wanting to be stronger than his friend Alex, just like in the anime where Naruto is stronger than Sasuke.

Determined to make the most of his training, Naruto formulated a plan. First, I should focus on my chakra molding technique to increase my chakra reserves. He remembered the importance of having a strong foundation and how critical it was to master the basics. Once I improve that, I can work on chakra control.

After solidifying his skills, he planned to ask Sasuke to get him the multi-shadow clone technique. That should really help me take off, he thought, excitement bubbling inside him at the prospect of mastering that jutsu.

With his training plan set, Naruto stood up, ready to begin. No more waiting! I'm going to catch up to Sasuke and get even stronger than him!

Naruto sat cross-legged on the floor of his small apartment, determined to focus. 'Naruto didn't practice chakra molding, so I have to practice it myself,' Naruto thought, hoping it wouldn't be too tough.

He closed his eyes and began to meditate, trying to combine his physical energy and spiritual energy according to the technique he had read about. I can do this, he thought, picturing the flow of spiritual energy and physical energy within him and tried to combine them.

[ Skill:

Chakra Molding { Level 1 } 

Exp: 10/100 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

At first, it was frustrating. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to synchronize the two energies. Come on, Suresh! Focus! he chided himself. He tried again, visualizing the energies circulating through his body, but the energies felt chaotic and disjointed.

After multiple failed attempts, frustration bubbled up inside him. Why is this so hard? he thought, groaning inwardly. Just as he was about to give up, he took a deep breath, reminding himself of his goal. If I don't get this right, I'll never catch up to Sasuke!

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

Determined, he refocused his mind. This time, he imagined the energies flowing like a river, harmonizing instead of clashing. Gradually, he felt a shift. The physical energy began to blend with his spiritual energy, creating a warm sensation within him.

With newfound clarity, he continued to meditate, pushing past the distractions. Moments later, he felt the connection solidify, and a rush of chakra surged through him. I did it! he thought, opening his eyes with excitement.

[ Chakra +10 ]

Feeling invigorated, Naruto realized he had finally gotten the hang of it. He stood up, fists clenched in triumph. This is just the beginning!

He continued to train as time passed.

[ Ding! Skill Chakra Molding leveled up ]

[ Skill:

Chakra Molding { Level 2 }

Exp: 1/200 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ Chakra +10 ]

[ Chakra +10 ]

[ Chakra +10 ]

He was so engrossed in meditating that he didn't even notice the notifications.

[ Ding! Skill Chakra Molding leveled up ]

[ Skill:

Chakra Molding { Level 3 }

Exp: 1/300 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ +1 ]

[ Chakra +10 ]

[ Chakra +10 ]

[ Chakra +10 ]

As he was busy practicing, time passed by, and soon it was noon, then evening, and finally night.

[ Ding! Skill Chakra Molding leveled up ]

[ Skill:

Chakra Molding { Level Max}]

[ Chakra +10 ]

[ Chakra +10 ]

[ Chakra +10 ]

Finally, when he felt warm and full of energy, he realized he could no longer increase his chakra and decided to stop. He opened his eyes and noticed that his apartment was completely dark. Wow, it's really late, he thought, quickly switching on the lights. Looking at the clock, he was surprised to see that it was already night.

His stomach growled loudly, echoing in the silence of the room. Guess I'm hungrier than from training, he mused. He quickly reached for the ramen he had taken out earlier, feeling grateful he had stocked up. As he slurped down the noodles, he couldn't help but smile. This is just what I needed!

After finishing his meal, Naruto rubbed his stomach happily, feeling satisfied. He took a moment to bask in the warmth of a good meal before opening his status panel to check his chakra levels.

[ Chakra: 4955 ]

'Whoa! That's a lot! And the Chakra Molding technique reached max level!' he thought, his eyes widening in amazement. He felt a surge of excitement knowing that all his hard work was paying off. This is massive Naruto's chakra reserves, he thought excitedly.

He then went to bed, feeling tired from molding chakra all day.

End of chapter. _________________________________________________________________

Power stones, please.

One extra chapter for 50 power stones. 47 To Go!