Arcadian Resistance

The aftermath of the firefight left Jamie feeling the familiar exhaustion creeping into his limbs, but there was no time to rest. Covenant forces were still out there, regrouping for another assault, and Arcadia's defenders were stretched thin. Jamie stood with Merrick and Callahan in the aftermath of the battle, surveying the damage. The civilian transports had gotten away, but the streets of Pirth were littered with debris and the remains of Covenant and UNSC forces alike.

"Status report," Callahan ordered, pacing in front of the small group of Spartans and Marines who had held the plaza.

Merrick's expression was grim as he wiped a streak of dirt from his face. "We're down to about 60% combat effectiveness, sir. We lost some good men in that last push. Ammo's running low, and if the Covenant send more armor, we're going to be in trouble."

Jamie clenched his fist around his rifle. The Covenant weren't going to stop. They never did. Even now, the distant thrum of Banshees screamed across the Arcadian skyline as Covenant air patrols searched for more human targets. This was a war of attrition, and the UNSC didn't have the numbers to hold Arcadia indefinitely.

Cortana's holographic form flickered into existence near Callahan, her sharp eyes scanning a display of incoming intel. "The Covenant are moving quickly. Our scouts report that they're setting up forward bases across the planet's surface, and more ships are arriving in orbit by the hour. We need to be ready for another wave."

Callahan's brow furrowed. "Then we have to hit them before they get organized. If we let them dig in, Arcadia's as good as gone."

"Agreed," Cortana replied, crossing her arms. "There's a primary Covenant base located about 20 kilometers outside of Pirth, just beyond the northern mountain range. From the reports we've intercepted, they're using it as a staging ground for the invasion. If we take it out, we can slow their advance, give the UNSC time to fortify our positions."

Jamie listened closely, trying to keep his nerves in check. A base assault on Covenant forces that outnumbered them significantly was dangerous, even for Spartans. But if they didn't strike now, the entire colony would be glassed within days.

"Jamie, Merrick, you'll be taking point on this operation," Callahan said, turning to face them. "We'll send a small team with you—hit the Covenant base fast, destroy their supplies, and cripple their ability to coordinate further strikes."

"Understood, sir," Jamie replied, his voice firm despite the weight of the task ahead. He had no choice but to rise to the occasion. This war was escalating, and failure wasn't an option.

The Pelican swooped low over the mountains, its engines roaring as it navigated the narrow passes and valleys. Inside, Jamie, Merrick, and a small squad of Marines prepared for the coming fight. Arcadia's terrain was rough, covered in dense forests and jagged cliffs, and the Covenant base was nestled deep in the wilderness—making a direct assault nearly impossible.

As the Pelican neared their drop point, Jamie double-checked his equipment. His BR55 Battle Rifle felt solid in his hands, but the small rocket launcher strapped to his back would be the real equalizer when they faced the Covenant's heavy armor.

"How're you holding up, Spartan?" Merrick asked, his voice low as they made final preparations. "It's been a hell of a ride since Harvest."

Jamie chuckled quietly, shaking his head. "Feels like I've been at war forever, but I'm still here. Still fighting."

"That's what matters," Merrick replied, slamming a fresh magazine into his rifle. "Just remember, these bastards aren't invincible. They can bleed, and they can die. We'll make sure of that."

The Pelican banked hard to the right, and the pilot's voice came through the comms. "Approaching drop zone. Covenant patrols in the area, so we're going in hot. You've got two minutes, Spartans."

Jamie took a deep breath, steadying himself. The last few weeks had been a whirlwind of battles, but this one felt different. More dangerous. More desperate. If they failed to stop the Covenant here, Arcadia would be another glassed ruin, just like Harvest.

The Pelican's ramp dropped, and the wind whipped into the hold. Jamie followed Merrick out, the ground rushing up to meet them as they hit the dirt running. The dense forest stretched out before them, thick with trees and underbrush, but there was no time to admire the scenery. Ahead, Covenant patrols were already moving through the forest, likely part of the perimeter defense around their base.

"Eyes up," Merrick called out over the comms. "We've got movement ahead. Stick to the trees and stay low."

Jamie moved forward cautiously, his visor picking up the heat signatures of a group of Grunts and Jackals moving through the forest. He signaled to the Marines behind him, then lined up his rifle on the lead Jackal. A single burst of gunfire took it down before it could react, and the Marines opened up on the rest of the patrol.

Plasma fire erupted in return, but the Spartans moved with precision, using the thick trees for cover as they pushed forward. Jamie fired in controlled bursts, dropping Grunts with ease as they scattered in panic. Within moments, the patrol was neutralized, and they pressed on deeper into the forest.

As they approached the Covenant base, the trees thinned out, revealing a massive, fortified structure built into the mountainside. Purple metal walls gleamed in the sunlight, and the air buzzed with the sound of Covenant machinery and patrols.

"There it is," Merrick said, his voice tense as they crouched behind a rocky outcrop, observing the base from a distance. "We've got to take out their anti-air defenses first. Otherwise, our backup won't make it through."

Jamie scanned the base with his binoculars, spotting several Shade turrets positioned along the perimeter, their cannons trained on the sky. Covenant patrols moved in and out of the gates, including Elites directing squads of Grunts and Jackals.

"We're outnumbered, but we've got the element of surprise," Jamie said. "We take out those turrets quickly, then hit their supply caches."

Merrick nodded. "Let's move."

The squad split into two teams, with Jamie leading one toward the nearest Shade turret. They moved quickly and silently, using the forest's cover to stay out of sight. As they closed in, Jamie could see a pair of Grunts manning the turret, their attention focused on the sky.

"Take them out quietly," Jamie whispered to the Marine beside him.

The Marine nodded, creeping forward with a silenced pistol. With a single shot, both Grunts slumped over, dead before they even knew what hit them. Jamie rushed forward, planting a C-12 explosive on the turret's base.

"Charges set," Jamie reported over the comms. "Moving to the next."

As they moved toward the next turret, the familiar crackle of plasma fire erupted nearby. Merrick's team had engaged the Covenant, and the element of surprise was rapidly fading.

"Go loud!" Merrick's voice boomed over the comms. "We've got hostiles on our six—take them down!"

Jamie's team sprinted to the next turret, opening fire as Covenant forces began pouring out of the base. Grunts, Jackals, and even a pair of Elites charged toward them, plasma fire lighting up the forest.

"Cover me!" Jamie shouted as he planted the second charge. Plasma bolts whizzed past him as he crouched low, securing the explosive. The moment it was set, he dove for cover just as a plasma grenade detonated nearby, sending dirt and shrapnel flying.

"Turrets are down!" Merrick's voice came through, followed by the sound of heavy gunfire. "We've got Covenant armor inbound!"

Jamie peeked out from behind his cover and saw a Covenant Wraith lumbering toward their position, its plasma mortar already charging.

"Take it out!" Callahan barked over the comms, his voice urgent.

Jamie pulled the rocket launcher off his back, taking aim at the Wraith's exposed power core. He fired, and the rocket streaked across the battlefield, slamming into the Wraith with a fiery explosion. The Covenant tank staggered, its armor buckling under the impact, before a second rocket from Merrick finished the job.

The Wraith exploded in a brilliant flash of light, and Jamie felt a surge of adrenaline. But there was no time to celebrate. The Covenant base was still active, and more enemies were pouring out of its gates.

"Push forward!" Jamie yelled, rallying his squad. "We take the base now!"

As they advanced, the sound of UNSC Pelicans roaring overhead filled the sky. Reinforcements had arrived, and the tide of battle was turning. Jamie gritted his teeth, charging toward the Covenant base, knowing that this victory would be hard-earned.