The Long Night

The aftermath of the Covenant Wraith's explosion had barely settled when Jamie and his squad continued their push toward the Covenant base. The enemy forces had been momentarily disoriented, but Jamie knew that wasn't going to last. The UNSC's reinforcements had arrived, giving them an edge, but they were still deep in enemy territory—and the Covenant had no intention of losing Arcadia without a fight.

Jamie charged forward with Merrick at his side, their boots pounding against the dirt as they closed in on the entrance to the base. The Covenant's fortifications loomed before them, a twisted structure of purple and blue alien metal that seemed to pulse with an eerie light. Plasma fire sizzled around them as Grunts and Jackals regrouped, trying to mount a defense.

The UNSC Pelicans swooped in overhead, dropping off more Marines, who spread out to provide suppressing fire. The battlefield had become a chaotic blur of gunfire, explosions, and Covenant screeches as both sides fought with a ferocity that Jamie hadn't experienced since Harvest.

"Push up! Don't let them get organized!" Merrick barked, his voice booming over the comms as he emptied a magazine into a squad of Jackals trying to form a shield wall. Their energy shields flickered and failed under the concentrated fire, and the UNSC forces surged forward.

Jamie dropped into a crouch behind a piece of Covenant debris, his HUD flashing with updates as he scanned the battlefield. Ahead, a large, shimmering energy gate stood as the main barrier to the Covenant base. Elites stood on either side, barking orders and coordinating the defense. Jamie knew that if they didn't take down that gate soon, the Covenant would continue to send reinforcements into the fight, and the UNSC's small window of opportunity would close.

"Callahan, we've got to breach that gate!" Jamie called into the comms, signaling his fireteam to focus on the Elites guarding the entrance.

Callahan's voice crackled in response. "Understood, Spartan. We're prepping a Scorpion to move in and clear the way, but it'll take time. Hold your position."

Jamie grit his teeth. Time wasn't on their side. The Covenant had already begun mobilizing inside the base, and the sounds of more Banshees and Phantoms inbound from the sky didn't help his sense of urgency.

"We can't wait," Jamie muttered to himself. He turned to Merrick, who was crouched beside him, reloading his weapon. "I'm going to take out that energy gate manually. If we wait for armor support, the Covenant will overwhelm us before we even breach."

Merrick looked at him, his brow furrowed with concern. "You know that's suicide, right? That gate's heavily defended."

Jamie nodded, but his resolve didn't waver. "I'll be faster alone. You and the Marines cover me. Take out as many Covenant as you can and keep them off my back."

Merrick hesitated for a moment before giving a sharp nod. "Fine. Just don't get yourself killed. We're not done with this war yet."

With that, Jamie broke into a sprint, using the scattered debris and Covenant wreckage as cover as he made his way toward the gate. Plasma fire erupted around him as he moved, but his augmented reflexes allowed him to dodge and weave through the deadly bolts. His MJOLNIR armor absorbed the few hits he couldn't avoid, though his shields flared dangerously under the sustained barrage.

"Covering fire!" Merrick's voice rang out over the comms, and a barrage of UNSC gunfire cut through the air, forcing the Covenant forces to pull back from their entrenched positions. Jamie could hear the distinctive thump-thump-thump of a Marine firing a grenade launcher, sending explosions rippling through the enemy lines.

Jamie reached the edge of the Covenant gate, dropping behind a large metallic crate for cover. His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline surging through him as he formulated a plan. The energy gate was powered by two generators, both embedded into the walls on either side of the entrance. Taking them out would require precise timing—and speed.

He took a deep breath and activated the C-12 explosives he'd strapped to his armor before the mission. They were heavy, but powerful enough to blast through Covenant technology. He would have to plant them on both generators while under fire, then detonate them from a safe distance—if he made it that far.

"Alright, Jamie, now or never," he muttered under his breath.

He bolted from cover, sprinting toward the first generator. The moment he moved, the Elites guarding the gate spotted him, barking orders to their subordinates. Plasma fire rained down on him, but Jamie kept moving, dodging left and right as he sprinted. His shields flared again, dangerously low, but he reached the first generator in one piece.

Quickly, he slapped the C-12 charge against the glowing Covenant device, securing it with a magnetic lock. The generator hummed ominously as it tried to power the gate, but Jamie had no intention of letting it finish its job.

"One down," Jamie said, rolling back into cover as more Covenant forces converged on his position. He peeked around the corner of the debris, spotting a squad of Grunts and a pair of Elites moving in on him.

"Merrick, I need suppressing fire now!" Jamie called over the comms, his voice tense.

"Copy that! Keep your head down!" Merrick responded.

The roar of UNSC weapons filled the air again, and Jamie saw the Covenant forces falter as bullets and explosions tore through their ranks. A grenade landed near the Grunts, sending them flying in a shower of plasma and alien gore. The Elites held firm, their energy shields flashing under the assault, but the distraction was enough.

Jamie sprinted toward the second generator, his eyes locked on the prize. He could feel the heat of plasma bolts zipping past him, and the roar of a nearby Banshee screamed overhead, but he didn't let it slow him down. His goal was clear.

The second generator was just ahead. Jamie slid to a stop behind it, pulling out the last C-12 charge. He was breathing heavily now, the strain of the battle starting to wear on him, but he pushed through the exhaustion. He had to.

"Charge set!" Jamie yelled, slapping the explosive onto the side of the generator.

As he moved to dive back into cover, an Elite Major rounded the corner of the gate, its plasma rifle aimed directly at Jamie. For a split second, Jamie locked eyes with the alien warrior—its mandibles flared, and it snarled in defiance.

Jamie reacted instinctively. He raised his battle rifle and fired three precise shots, each one finding its mark. The Elite's shields flared, absorbing the first two hits, but the third punched through its armor, and it crumpled to the ground in a heap.

Jamie ducked behind cover, his breathing ragged. "Both charges set. Detonating in three... two..."

A massive explosion rocked the battlefield, sending shockwaves through the air as the energy gate collapsed in on itself. The Covenant base's outer defenses flickered and died, leaving the entrance wide open for the UNSC forces to storm.

"Gate is down!" Jamie called over the comms, his voice triumphant. "Let's move!"

The UNSC forces surged forward, pouring into the now-exposed Covenant base. Marines and Spartans pushed through the gap, their weapons blazing as they mowed down the disorganized Covenant defenders. Phantoms overhead began to retreat, their pilots realizing too late that the UNSC had broken through.

Jamie stood up, his muscles aching but his spirit unbroken. They had done it. The Covenant base was vulnerable, and the UNSC was poised to strike at its heart. The war for Arcadia wasn't over yet, but this was a decisive blow.

Merrick jogged up to him, clapping him on the back. "Hell of a job, Spartan. You just made this fight a lot easier for us."

Jamie gave a tired smile, his helmet visor flickering as he assessed the situation. "We're not done yet. We've still got to take out their command center."

"One thing at a time," Merrick said, his voice lighter now that the immediate danger had passed. "We've got the advantage now, thanks to you."

Jamie nodded, feeling the weight of the battle lift slightly from his shoulders. The Covenant were relentless, but so was humanity. He would keep fighting, keep pushing, until they drove the aliens off Arcadia for good.

As the UNSC forces moved deeper into the Covenant base, Jamie couldn't shake the feeling that this victory, while significant, was just one step in a much longer war. There would be more battles, more sacrifices—but for now, they had earned a small, hard-fought triumph.

The battle for Arcadia was far from over, but Jamie was ready for whatever came next.