Nobody's Enoch

The days at the Salvatore School passed in a blur, and with each one, the bond between Hope and NB deepened, despite her lingering discomfort with his nickname. The lighthearted jests of their peers felt increasingly hollow, a veil that barely concealed the weight of his circumstances. Hope couldn't shake the feeling that "NB" short for "nobody" implied that he was somehow less than they were, as if his amnesia stripped him of identity and significance. She found herself reframing it in her mind, refusing to let the name define him. He was not nobody; he was a mystery, an enigma wrapped in an ethereal aura.

They spent afternoons wandering the sprawling grounds, exploring the remnants of old structures nestled in the forest, where sunlight danced through leaves, casting playful shadows on the ground. Hope would occasionally catch him staring up at the sky, as if trying to decipher its secrets. He was captivated by the way the clouds moved, shifting and swirling like thoughts that refused to settle in his mind. Sometimes, she could see a flicker of wonder in his eyes, and those moments felt like victories, however fleeting.

But it was during one of those quiet afternoons, as they strolled side by side, that Dorian called the group together. The air crackled with anticipation as they gathered in his study, an eclectic room filled with towering shelves lined with ancient tomes, their spines worn with age and secrets. A massive oak table stood in the center, strewn with scrolls and dusty volumes, where the light from the window illuminated the dust motes dancing in the air.

"Everyone, please," Dorian said, his voice calm yet imbued with excitement. "I believe I've found something of great significance regarding our friend here."

NB sat at the edge of his seat, the shadows of confusion and curiosity mingling in his expression. Hope felt her pulse quicken, the weight of expectation settling in her chest. Dorian unfolded a large parchment, revealing a series of intricate symbols.

"While researching the Book of Enoch," Dorian began, "I came across a passage that describes the lettering inscribed on the tablets that would eventually become the Ten Commandments. Most of the symbols didn't match anything in known languages, except for one."

He pointed to a distinct symbol on the page that resembled the Greek letter Omega, yet flipped to a meaning of it's own. "This symbol belongs to a language that has not yet been fully deciphered, one that contains its own meaning and context and could differing in meaning amongst different words. It the legends can be believed, it ties into ancient texts that predate our own understanding of the universe. And it is present in a few instances on your symbols NB!" He reported. 

Hope leaned closer, the faint sound of her breath mingling with the silence that enveloped them. "What does it mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Dorian smiled, eyes gleaming with fervor. "That is the mystery we must unravel. But most importantly, it suggests a connection, perhaps a divine origin linked to a much older narrative than we anticipated."

NB's brow furrowed as he studied the symbol. "It looks… familiar, but I can't place why. It's like when one is sure they have ventured to a place, but could not place when or why," he said, his voice a mix of awe and uncertainty.

"We believe it could be a fragment of your past," Dorian suggested, his gaze steady. "This symbol might be key to understanding your origins and what you truly are. the mystery seemingly everyone present would like to know" 

The room buzzed with intrigue. Hope felt a thrill rush through her, a feeling of unity in their shared quest for answers. "So, what do we do now?" she asked, eager to take action.

"We gather more texts," Dorian replied. "We need to see if there are other references to this symbol or any connections in biblical or mythological texts that might reveal its significance. I'll reach out to colleagues at other institutions who specialize in ancient languages. But I want each of you to help. Together, we'll uncover the truth."

Hope turned to NB, seeing the flicker of determination in his eyes, a spark of hope igniting within her. "You're not alone in this," she reassured him softly. "We'll figure this out together."

A sense of purpose washed over them, and the group exchanged excited glances, the earlier lightheartedness replaced by a deeper connection. Lizzie, always the one to lighten the mood, grinned and added, "Well, it looks like we're going on a treasure hunt. I've always wanted to be Indiana Jones, minus the snakes."

Josie chuckled, rolling her eyes at her sister's antics. "Just don't lose your head, Liz. We're in this for answers, not for adventure."

Milton and Kaeleb chimed in, their banter a backdrop to the seriousness of their mission. "Count us in! It'll be like a team-building exercise, but with more danger and fewer trust falls," Kaleb quipped.

As they discussed their next steps, Hope felt a sense of solidarity settle among them. Each of them brought their own strengths, their own gifts, and the excitement of collaboration surged through the room.

But as NB listened, he felt an odd mix of gratitude and anxiety. Their eagerness to help him stirred something deep within, a sense of belonging that had been elusive since he had awakened in the foggy field. Yet the nagging uncertainty gnawed at the edges of his thoughts. What if he was just a burden to them? What if his past was too dark, too complicated?

"Thank you," he said softly, interrupting the playful banter. "For wanting to help me. I just… don't want to be a burden."

"NB," Hope said, her voice steady and kind, "you're not a burden. You're part of our family now. We're in this together, remember?"

"A very dysfunctional family" MG chuckled. 

A warm feeling settled in his chest, and for the first time since waking in that foggy field, he felt a sense of hope blooming within him. It was fragile, yet resilient, and with it, a determination began to form. He wouldn't let his past define him. They were embarking on a journey together, a journey to uncover the truth, not only about his origins but also about the bonds they were all forging along the way.

As Dorian continued to share his findings, detailing the connections between ancient texts and their own experiences, Hope felt the energy in the room shift. It was electric, filled with promise and potential. The mysteries surrounding NB were just the beginning, and together, they would unearth the truths that lay hidden in the shadows of history.

The next day

The air was crisp, a gentle breeze rustling the autumn leaves that surrounded the Salvatore School's football field. Hope perched on the bleachers, her heart pounding in time with the cheer of the crowd below. The atmosphere was electric, a mix of excitement and rivalry as the Vampires faced off against the Werewolves. The students cheered, their voices rising in a cacophony of shouts and laughter, but Hope's mind was elsewhere, drifting through the possibilities that lay ahead.

He overheard much talk of this event the day before, but paid little mind to it.

Beside her, Lizzie and Josie were embroiled in a playful debate over which team would win, tossing popcorn at each other as they laughed. Milton and Kaleb, sitting a few rows down, exchanged jokes and commentary about the game, their easy camaraderie adding to the lively scene. Yet, despite the festive air, a thought began to bloom in Hope's mind, growing stronger with each passing moment.

Her Aunt Freya, a powerful witch with a wealth of knowledge and experience, might hold the key to unlocking the mysteries surrounding NB, or Omega, as she had begun to think of him. It was fitting when one considered his possible biblical roots. Freya had always been a beacon of wisdom for her, guiding her through the complexities of her own power. Hope felt a surge of hope, quite literally, at the thought of reaching out to her.

"I'm just going to slip away for a quick minute. There is a call I need to take" She half-shouted over the commotion of the game.

"Very well" Omega nodded with a smile before his attention quickly returned to the game, his attempts to understand it clear.

Hope chuckled, her mind already drifting to the conversation she was about to have. She slipped away from the bleachers, the sounds of cheers and shouts fading into the background as she walked toward a quieter corner of the field. Pulling out her phone, she selected Freya's contact in her rather small list, her heart racing with anticipation.

"Aunt Freya?" Hope said when her aunt picked up, her voice warm and inviting through the receiver.

"Hope! What a lovely surprise!" Freya replied, her tone immediately brightening. "How's everything at the school sweetheart?"

"It's going well, but there's something I need to talk to you about," Hope began, her words tumbling out in a rush. "There's a new guy here, a mysterious one. He's amnesiac, and we think he might have a connection to something biblical, something that might lead to understanding who he really is. I thought of you. Your expertise could really help us decipher what's going on."

Freya paused, her intrigue palpable even over the phone. "Fascinating! You know I love a good mystery. Tell me everything."

As Hope recounted the events that had transpired since Omega had arrived, Freya could almost hear Hope's excitement building. She was a treasure trove of ancient knowledge for their family and many in the witch community, and Hope knew that with her help, they could uncover the truths buried within Omega's past.

"I'll come to the school in a few days," Freya said, determination edging her voice. "We can work on this together. You know how important you are to me, and this mystery man sounds important to you" 

"Thank you, Freya," Hope replied, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders while slightly blushing to no ones knowing. "I can't wait to see you."

After hanging up, Hope took a moment to breathe, her purpose compounded. As she returned to the bleachers, the lively chaos of the game welcomed her back. She spotted Omega sitting quietly, observing the game with a look of curiosity that made her smile.

"Hey! Are you enjoying the game?" she asked, taking a seat beside him.

"It is… interesting," Omega replied, his brow furrowing slightly. "I've never seen friendly competition like this before. The energy is… palpable."

Hope laughed lightly. "You could say that. It's one of the biggest rivalries we have. But it's all in good fun, well, mostly." She glanced down at the field, where a particularly aggressive tackle sent a werewolf player sprawling to the ground. The crowd erupted into a mix of cheers and jeers, and she turned back to Omega. "You'll get used to the chaos."

She noted his words. "Never seen friendly competition". He couldn't remember anything of his past, but the phrasing illuded to a past without, or at least lacking in joy. 

As they watched, the two shared a comfortable silence, the atmosphere around them a perfect backdrop to their growing friendship. After a while, Lizzie bounded over, a mischievous grin plastered on her face. "Hey, Hope! We're heading to the Mystic Grill after the game. You should come! NB needs to experience real food" 

Hope's eyes brightened at the suggestion. "That sounds perfect! What do you think, Omega? Want to join us for some food?"

Omega hesitated, glancing around at the jubilant crowd. "Food? Is that a… common activity here?"

"Oh, absolutely! It's like a rite of passage. Trust me, you'll enjoy it," Lizzie chimed in, nudging him playfully. "Plus, you'll get to experience the magic of the Mystic Grill, literally and figuratively."

Omega nodded, a faint smile creeping onto his face. "I would like that. Thank you for the invitation" 

As they made their plans, the game continued in the background, the excitement of the moment brightening the air. Lizzie leaned in, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "So, Hope, are you finally admitting that you wear the pants in this relationship?"

Hope rolled her eyes, a laugh escaping her lips. "Oh, come on, Lizzie. It's not like that at all!"

But before she could retort further, Omega interjected innocently, "But all present here are wearing pants, are they not? Is there a custom to remove them?" 

The unexpected logic of his words made them all burst into laughter, the sound ringing through the air like music. Hope couldn't help but join in, her earlier discomfort fading away.

"Leave it to Omega to point out the obvious," Lizzie said between giggles. "I think we have a new philosopher in our midst!"

While genuinly confused by the cause of their laughter, a part of him was glad that he could contribute to it. 

Josie joined them a moment later, her eyebrows raised in curiosity. "What's so funny?"

"Just our new friend here, who can't quite grasp our human nuances," Lizzie replied, still chuckling. "We were just discussing pants."

"Is that a suggestion like at breakfast? Does not wearing them improve the flavor of food? ," Omega inquired, tilting his head slightly, causing another round of laughter to erupt among them.

As the game wound down and the crowd began to disperse, Hope felt a sense of warmth blossom in her chest. Their little group was forming a bond, each of them unique and diverse in their own way. They could come together in this strange but familiar world, where humor and companionship made everything feel lighter, even amid the weight of Omega's hidden past.

Once the last whistle blew, signaling the end of the game, they made their way toward the Mystic Grill. Hope felt a flutter of excitement at the thought of introducing Omega to the culinary delights that awaited them. This meal would be more than just food; it would be a celebration of friendship, acceptance, and the uncharted paths that lay ahead.

As they entered the bustling establishment, the rich aromas of grilled meat, spices, and warmth enveloped them. The atmosphere was vibrant, filled with laughter and chatter. Hope glanced at Omega, noting the way his eyes widened at the sights and sounds around him.

"This is certainly...unique. It pleases me" he breathed, taking in the colorful decor and lively patrons. "It feels alive, like the students at breakfast" 

"It is!" Hope replied enthusiastically. "Just wait until you try the food. It's legendary around here."

They settled at a large table, the perfect spot to observe the happenings around them. As they browsed the menu, Lizzie leaned over to Omega. "So, what's your favorite food? Do you like spicy things? Sweet? Savory?"

Omega stared at the menu with a furrowed brow. "I… don't know what any of these flavors are. I haven't had food like this before. My experience with sustenance has been… limited."

The casual banter shifted into thoughtful silence, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Hope's heart ached for him, understanding that his past was not just a mystery, it was a void filled with uncharted experiences.

"Don't worry, we'll help you figure it out," Josie said, her tone supportive. "How about we all order a few things to share? That way, you can try a bit of everything!"

"Great idea!" Hope said, grateful for Josie's quick thinking. "We'll make it a feast."

As the orders were placed and the food began to arrive, the table transformed into a colorful array of dishes, each one more tantalizing than the last. The scents wafting from the plates were intoxicating, filling Omega with a sense of curiosity and anticipation.

"Okay, let's dig in!" Lizzie declared, excitement lighting up her face as she took a piece of crispy garlic bread.

Hope watched as Omega hesitated, staring at the plates before him. "You can start with anything, really. Just follow our lead," she encouraged, picking up a slice of pizza and taking a hearty bite.

Omega observed her, his gaze steady. "It looks… good," he said, his voice tinged with awe. With a tentative hand, he reached for a slice, mimicking Hope's actions as he took a bite.

As he chewed, his expression transformed. "This is… delightful. There are so many flavors! It's a symphony for my senses."

"See? Told you it was good!" Lizzie said, beaming with pride.

"And that isn't the only variety, you could eat it for a whole year and still not have tried every kind" Lizzie informed with a flick of her finger. He knew not why, but Omega suspected she has attempted such a trial before. 

"Who knew you'd be a natural food critic?" Josie teased. "Maybe you'll end up with a culinary blog!"

Laughter bubbled around the table, the atmosphere warm and inviting. The lightheartedness of their interactions filled the space with a comforting energy, pushing away the shadows that had lingered over Omega since his arrival.

They shared stories between bites, weaving in and out of each other's lives, the food drawing them closer together. Lizzie shared an embarrassing moment from her last date, while Kaleb recounted a ridiculous prank he had played on MG. The stories mingled with laughter, creating a tapestry of camaraderie that enveloped them all.

Hope glanced at Omega, who was now engaged in the conversation, his earlier hesitance fading into the background. The warmth of friendship and acceptance wrapped around him, and Hope realized that he was no longer just an enigma. He was becoming part of their family, a growing piece in the large puzzle of their lives.

As they wrapped up their meal, Hope felt a sense of fulfillment wash over her. She had brought Omega into this world of laughter and shared experiences, and in return, he had opened her eyes to the beauty of connection. There was so much they still had to uncover, but for now, they were simply enjoying the moment.

"Thank you, all, for this night. Perhaps we could make it a common occurrence," Omega said, his voice steady and sincere. "I appreciate you all… I've never experienced anything like this before."

Lizzie grinned, raising her glass of Pepsi into the air. "I say yay to that!" 

All except Hope and Omega cheered across the table, their drinks raised high. 

Hope smiled, her heart swelling with joy. Together, they were forging a path through the unknown, each step bringing them closer to understanding not just Omega's past, but the ties that bound them all in this strange, beautiful life. And as they walked back to the school, laughter echoing in the night air, Hope felt a flicker of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead.