Echoes In Eternity

Freya Mikaelson arrived in Mystic Falls with a sense of purpose, her sharp eyes taking in the familiar sights as her car rolled to a stop outside the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. The warm hues of the school's brick walls greeted her, a place that had become a second home to her niece.

Freya stepped out of the car, her heart swelled with joy, not just for her family, but for the journey that she would help pave. She had spent years searching for her own place in the world, always resisting the shadow of Dahlia in the scare years they awoke before plunging back into the darkness as they leapt through the centuries. But that was the past, now she was here to help Hope find answers, answers that could change everything.

Hope was waiting for her just outside the school's front door, her face breaking into a smile the moment she saw Freya. There was something unspoken in their greeting, a bond forged through shared trials and triumphs that needed no words to express. As they embraced, Freya basked in the warmth of their connection, a familial love that stretched beyond time.

"You don't know how happy I am that you're here," Hope murmured into the hug, her voice tinged with relief.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," Freya replied, pulling back to look at her niece. "You sounded so intrigued on the phone, I couldn't resist. Besides, it's not every day that someone stumbles upon a mystery like this. I had to come."

Hope's smile widened, and she gestured for Freya to follow her inside. As they walked through the halls of the school, Freya's senses sharpened. She could feel it, an aura of something more then simple magic, raw and unrefined, like a brewing storm that stretched across miles. But unlike the dark, chaotic energies she had encountered and fought against before, this one was different. It was overwhelming, but it radiated a warmth she hadn't expected, something benevolent yet impossibly vast.

Freya's eyes flicked to the figure walking beside Hope. He was tall, his posture calm yet marked by an air of quiet uncertainty. His presence was undeniable. This had to be the source of the force she had felt even before arriving in Mystic Falls.

"Freya, this is Omega," Hope said, introducing him with a sense of gravity that grew Freya's curiosity. 

Omega inclined his head respectfully, though his expression remained a mask of confusion and quiet thoughtfulness. Freya studied him, her magical instincts humming with recognition, as if some distant part of her could already feel the weight of what he carried. The magic within him was like nothing she had ever felt, ancient, boundless, and steeped in something divine, yet fractured.

"The source of the storm," Freya muttered softly, more to herself than anyone else. She extended her hand, meeting his gaze. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Omega."

As their hands briefly touched, Freya felt a flicker of energy pass between them, something deep and powerful, like an undercurrent she could barely comprehend. She pulled her hand back, her eyes narrowing slightly as the weight of his aura pressed against her senses.

"We've been trying to figure out who, or what, he is," Hope said as they continued down the hallway, the curiosity in her voice mirroring Freya's own thoughts. "He doesn't remember anything about his past, but we're on the right path" 

Freya nodded. "I've felt the source of power ever since I've entered mystic falls. But it emerges from somewhere hidden by impossibly intelligent design. It could be that whatever has done this to you, don't want you to rediscover it...or yourself" 

They soon arrived at the room with the glyphs, the place where Hope and Omega had already experienced strange, otherworldly phenomena. The symbols etched into the ground still thrummed with energy, and the memory of the shattering glass and dying fire lingered in the air, a reminder of the power that lay dormant, waiting to be unearthed.

Freya stepped into the room, her eyes immediately drawn to the glyphs. "These… these are not of this world," she said, her voice quiet, almost reverent. "Whatever language this is, it's something older than anything I've ever seen. This isn't even Traveler, it's...older" 

Hope watched her aunt with bated breath. "We think it might be connected to biblical lore," she offered. "Dorian found a symbol that matches something in the Book of Enoch, but we're still piecing everything together."

Freya knelt down, her fingers brushing lightly over the glyphs, and then she stood, turning to Hope and Omega. "We need to try something," she said, her voice filled with determination. "I believe proximity might help us unlock whatever lies buried within his mind. We'll use these glyphs as an anchor and see if we can sift through the abyss together."

Hope nodded, her expression serious as she prepared to assist. She moved to the center of the room with Omega, her hand lightly brushing against his as she began to weave her magic. The air around them hummed as Hope cast a protective spell, reinforcing the room to prevent damage incase of another explosion of energy like the one before. Magic flowed effortlessly from her, forming a barrier of shimmering light that settled over the walls like a cloak of protection.

Freya positioned herself near Omega, her mind already attuned to the ebb and flow of magic. She could feel the strange energy swirling around him, and with a deep breath, she extended her senses, reaching out into the abyss of his fractured memories.

The world around them seemed to still as Freya's spell took hold. Omega closed his eyes, his breathing steady but shallow. For a moment, there was nothing, just silence and darkness. Then, something shifted.

Freya gasped as a vision tore through her mind, blinding, searing light, so pure and overwhelming that it felt impossible. It wasn't just light; it was a presence, something vast and unfathomable, and it was giving an order. The words were lost in the brilliance, but the intent was clear: this being was commanding Omega to do something. The air around her crackled with energy, and Freya felt her heart race.

Suddenly, the scene changed, faster than she could process. A sword, blazing with radiating energy, swung through the air. The weapon's brilliance was undeniable, but what struck her most was the intent behind the strike, it was hesitant, laced with guilt and hesitation. Whoever wielded that sword was torn, struggling against their own conscience.

Before Freya could delve deeper, a shockwave blasted through the room, rippling outward from the glyphs like a sonic boom. Freya's breath caught as she felt herself being thrown backward, her protective spells shattering like glass. Hope, too, was thrown by the sheer force of the explosion, her spell unraveling in the face of such raw, unstoppable power.

Time seemed to slow. Freya braced herself for the impact, but it never came. She opened her eyes and realized that she and Hope were suspended midair, caught in a swirling, invisible force that held them gently in place. Omega stood at the center of it all, his eyes wide and glowing with an ethereal light, a single hand raised instinctively as the magic surged from him like a tidal wave.

The force that held them was powerful yet controlled, as if Omega had instinctively known how to protect them. Freya could feel the magic radiating from him, grand and unyielding. It was more than just was divine.

As he lowered his hands, the invisible force dissipated, and Freya and Hope gently touched the ground, their feet finding purchase once more. The room was eerily quiet, the glyphs no longer pulsing with energy, but the memory of what had just happened hung heavy in the air.

Freya took a deep breath, her eyes locking onto Omega. "That was… something," she said, her voice steady but filled with awe. "You just saved us. You instinctively used magic of a caliber I've never seen."

Omega blinked, his glowing eyes fading back to normal. He looked at his hands, bewilderment etched across his face. "I… didn't know I could do that," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Hope stepped forward, her hand resting gently on his arm. "You protected us," she said softly. "You saved us."

Freya's mind was racing, but one thing was clear: whatever they had just witnessed was only the beginning. Omega's past was tied to something far greater than any of them had anticipated, and the answers lay somewhere deep within the abyss of his fragmented memories.

But now, they knew one thing they confirmed for certain, he was more then they could've imagined. 

As the room settled into an uneasy calm, Freya exchanged a look with Hope, a silent agreement passing between them. They had glimpsed the truth, but the full scope of Omega's origins was still hidden in the shadows. Together, they would find the answers, no matter what it took.

Omega, still shaken by the raw display of power, looked between the two women, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "What am I?" he asked, the weight of the question pressing down on him.

And in that moment, Hope knew, they were only just beginning to unravel the enigma that was Omega.

A week later.

The anticipation in the air at the School was palpable as the full moon approached, a night eagerly awaited by the students. It was a time of celebration for the werewolves, whose blood pulsed with the rhythm of nature, and a time of greater magic for the witches, whose powers were heightened under the moon's silvery glow.

Hope Mikaelson had experienced dozens of full moons, but this one was different. Instead of joining the revelry of the werewolves, running with her pack, or casting spells with her fellow witches, she decided to spend this night with Omega.

In the week since Freya's revelation and the shocking incident in the glyph room, Hope had found herself growing closer to him. His presence was a steady, constant, quiet force, and despite his amnesia, he held a depth that fascinated her. He was a walking mystery, his power undeniable, yet he was grounded in a way that others with his abilities would likely never be. It wasn't just his magic that intrigued her, it was him as a person...or being.

As night fell, the sky shimmered with starlight, casting Mystic Falls in a silvery haze. Omega stood at the edge of the forest, looking up at the sky. His expression was serene, but there was a sense of wonder in his gaze. This world, with its simple yet beautiful phenomena, captivated him in ways even he didn't fully understand.

Hope approached quietly, her steps barely making a sound as she crossed the damp earth of the autumn night. She could feel Omega's presence as much as see him, radiating his characteristic aura of warmth that seemed to make the night less cold.

"You ready for this?" she asked with a small smile.

Omega turned to her, his eyes glowing faintly in the moonlight. "I must admit I am not entirely sure what 'this' is," he admitted, his voice tinged with amusement. "But I trust you."

That made Hope laugh softly. "It's a full moon, so it's different to most nights. It will give witches like me access to more power than usual. But the werewolves, tonight's their night. They celebrate it, run through the woods, revel in their nature."

"And you?" Omega asked, his gaze never leaving her. "You're both."

"I am," Hope said, a touch of pride in her voice. "But I've always preferred running alone."

Omega's curiosity was piqued as he watched her, fascinated by her duality. Her existence was a miracle in itself, a perfect blend of , witch and werewolf, and one day possibly vampire, as he had been informed it required death to trigger. She was one of a kind. And yet, despite her power, she seemed…grounded compared to those who frequented her company. 

Tonight, she would share a part of her that she rarely revealed to anyone. With a calm breath, Hope stepped further into the clearing, glancing back at Omega as she spoke. "Watch."

Before his eyes, Hope began to transform. Her shift from human to wolf was smooth, effortless, a testament to the power gifted by her unique Tribrid status. Her bones shifted and reformed with the grace of flowing water, and within moments, she stood before him, a sleek, majestic wolf with fur that gleamed silver under the light of the full moon.

Omega watched in awe, completely transfixed by the beauty of the transformation. There was no pain, no hesitation, just raw, natural power and beauty. She was a marvel, a creature of myth and legend brought to life. Retrieving her clothing from the damp grass, he laid them over his arm along with a wooly robe, all in preparation for tonight. 

For hours they traversed the woods, Hope bounding ahead with wild joy, while Omega followed at a more measured pace. The forest was alive with the energy of the night, the howls of wolves echoing through the trees, and the flickering light of the moon illuminating the sky and land. This world, whether with intelligent design behind it, or pure luck of the universe, was breathtaking, and this was but a tiny fraction of it. 

As the night wore on, they slowed, the thrill of the run giving way to a quiet serenity. Omega found himself at peace in the presence of nature, something within him resonating with the unbound energy around them. And though he had no memory of his past, for the first time since his arrival at the school, he felt… content.

Hope shifted back into her human form without hesitation, the transformation as seamless as before. As she stood before him, completely bare under the glow of the full moon. For a moment, the tides of time slowed as he briefly, subconsciously marveled her curvaceous, divine form. Returning to the world just as quickly, he felt his heart skip in his chest at the realization of what he had done. His face flushed, and he immediately averted his eyes, offering her the robe he had carried for her with a respectful, outstretched hand.

"Thank you," Hope said, her voice soft, a smile playing on her lips as she slipped into the woolen robe. She could see the discomfort in his posture, the innocence in his reaction. He had meant nothing by his glance, and she knew that instinctively. It was her fault for transforming Infront of him, after all. This was far from his comfort zone.

Omega kept his gaze on the ground, trying to focus on anything other than the moment he had just witnessed. "I… didn't mean..."

"It's okay," Hope reassured him, adjusting the robe and taking a seat on a fallen log. "It's not a big deal. Besides, I trust you."

Her words calmed him, and slowly, Omega lifted his eyes to meet hers. The trust she spoke of, it was mutual. He had come to trust her more than anyone, though he didn't fully understand why. There was something about Hope, something that drew him to her, a connection he couldn't quite place. She had gone through so much, carried the weight of her family's legacy, and yet, she stood strong.

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the moonlight bathing the forest in a soft glow. Omega marveled at Hope, not just for her power, but for her resilience, her capacity to remain grounded despite everything she had endured. He had read numerous characters and people who had gone through the same and caved or turned down the path of darkness. Even if she allowed her darkness to get the better of her, she would still be...Hope...ethereal.

Unbeknownst to them, Freya stood at the top of a hill, hidden by the darkness. She had sensed the powerful energies emanating from the forest and had followed them, her magical senses alert. What she found, however, surprised her. She watched from a distance as Hope stood beside Omega under the moonlight, their bond undeniable even from afar.

A smile tugged at Freya's lips. She had never seen her niece like this before, so open, so vulnerable, and yet, so at peace. Hope had always been strong, fiercely independent, but there was something different now. Freya could sense it, a connection growing between them, something deep and powerful.

The moonlight cast a glow over the two of them as they sat together, sharing a quiet moment. Freya knew that Omega was still a mystery, that there were questions left unanswered, but seeing the way he and Hope interacted, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hope.

Whatever lay ahead for Omega, whatever trials and revelations were yet to come, Freya knew that her niece was no longer alone in this journey. Hope had found someone who could match her in ways she hadn't expected, and that was something Freya had never thought she would see.

With a final glance at the pair, Freya turned and quietly slipped away, leaving them to their moment beneath the light of the moon.

As the night deepened and the moon climbed higher in the sky, Omega looked at Hope, his voice soft but sincere. "Thank you… for showing me this."

Hope smiled, understanding his meaning more towards the night they shared and not her naked. A warmth spread through her, not of his power, but from himself. "You're welcome."

And under the light of the exploding star, they sat together, knowing that whatever the future held, they would face it...together.

The next morning. 

The early morning mist clung to the grounds of the School, casting the landscape in a muted, ethereal light. The air was crisp, and the faint scent of damp earth filled the cool breeze. Inside the school's training gym, the sound of rhythmic footfalls and the dull thud of padded strikes echoed in the space. Alaric and Hope stood across from one another, locked in a dance of disciplined combat.

It had become something of a ritual for them, these morning sparring sessions. Hope always found solace in the physicality of hand-to-hand combat, a reprieve from the chaos of her magical life and the constant weight of her family legacy. Alaric, ever the steady presence, had taken it upon himself to help her channel her any present frustrations in a productive way. A few mornings a week, they'd meet here, exchanging punches, kicks, and playful banter. It was as much therapy as it was exercise, and it helped them both more than they let on.

This morning, the tension between them was different, though. Alaric noticed it as soon as they began. There was something lighter about Hope's movements, more fluid, less burdened. She was always a natural athlete, only bolstered by the bountiful supernatural energy and potential that flowed through her body, but today, she seemed uncharacteristically at ease.

"You're holding back," Alaric teased as he feigned a jab toward her midsection, which she easily dodged. "Where's the fire, Hope? Usually, you'd normally be kicking my ass by now, well, at least trying to" 

Hope smirked, dodging another strike with the ease of someone far more experienced than her years suggested. Her hair was tied back tightly, strands of it stuck to her forehead from the exertion, but her eyes sparkled with a mischievous light. She threw a quick jab, which Alaric deflected with a smirk of his own.

"Maybe I'm just tired of kicking your ass," she replied, shifting her weight and throwing a series of rapid strikes, which Alaric barely managed to block. "Or maybe… I've had other things on my mind."

"Oh?" Alaric said, raising an eyebrow as he took a step back, circling her. "And what would those be, exactly?"

Hope hesitated for a moment, her gaze flicking away for just a second before returning to him. It was subtle, but Alaric had spent enough time with her to know that brief pause meant something. He'd been expecting this moment, or at least some form of it, ever since Omega arrived that first special night. Throwing a half-hearted strike towards her shoulder, which she deflected with ease, he decided it was time to push the conversation forward.

"You know," Alaric continued, throwing another lazy jab. "It's funny. You seem…happier, less burdened lately. Less on edge." He grinned, ducking beneath one of Hope's swift kicks. "It's almost like something, or someone, has managed to get through that emotional bulwark you've been keeping up since you were a kid."

Hope stopped mid-movement, staring at him for a moment, her eyes narrowing. Alaric had a habit of getting to the heart of the matter in the most inconvenient of ways. She could feel her heartbeat quicken, not from the sparring but from the subject they were slowly edging towards.

"What are you getting at, Ric?" she asked, her tone guarded but with a hint of curiosity.

He shrugged, wiping the sweat from his brow. "I'm just saying, Omega's been here for, what...a little over a week? and I can say for certain I've never seen you like this. Not with anyone." He paused, giving her a pointed look. "It's like he's cracked something open, something I thought I wouldn't see for a long time. Maybe ever."

Hope's defenses flared instinctively at his words, and she immediately threw a more forceful punch, which Alaric barely dodged. "What are you implying?" she demanded, her voice sharper than she intended.

Alaric stepped back, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "Whoa, easy there," he chuckled. "I'm not implying anything. I'm just observing. But you've got to admit, he's different. You're different. And for someone who keeps her walls up tighter than Fort Knox, I'd say he's made quite the impression."

Hope clenched her jaw, knowing there was truth in Alaric's words but reluctant to admit it. She had spent her entire life locking herself away, creating an emotional fortress to protect herself from the losses and betrayals that had defined her family's history. But with Omega, it was obvious there was something about him, but it was something she couldn't quite put into words. He was calm in a way that soothed her, powerful in a way that intrigued her, and yet completely unassuming. He asked for nothing, and in doing so, somehow, she had given him more access to her heart than anyone else had in years.

"I don't know what it is about him," Hope finally admitted, her voice quieter, more thoughtful. She lowered her fists, stepping back from the sparring stance, and ran a hand through her damp hair. "He's just… different."

Alaric watched her carefully, seeing the conflict in her eyes. "Different how?"

Hope hesitated, trying to find the right words. "It's like… he's a blank slate, but at the same time, he's not. He doesn't know who he is, or where he comes from, but there's this—this power about him. It's overwhelming, but it's not dangerous. Not to me, at least."

Alaric nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"And when I'm with him," she continued, her voice growing softer, "it's like… I don't have to be the Tribrid, or the last of the Mikaelsons, or the girl with a thousand problems weighing her down. He doesn't expect anything from me, or from anyone for that matter. He doesn't know my past, only the hushed whispers from others. He just sees me as I am now."

"That's a rare thing, Hope," Alaric said quietly, his tone serious. "People like you, like us, we don't get that kind of clean slate very often, especially in people we're drawn to. Most people come into our lives knowing our baggage, our history. They come with expectations. But Omega, he's like a fresh start. Like a fresh Mercedes at the dealership" Alaric quipped, partially breaking the threads of melancholy that appeared suddenly. 

Hope rolled her eyes jokingly before looking down, nodding slightly. "I think that's what scares me."


"Because it's temporary. He doesn't know who he is, but when he does… what if he's someone who can't stay? Or worse, someone who shouldn't?"

Alaric sighed, walking over to the water cooler he brought, grabbing two bottles and tossing one to her. "That's the risk we take with everyone, isn't it? People leave, people change. But you're stronger than you think. You've always been stronger than you think, regardless of what you were born with" 

Hope caught the bottle, unscrewing the cap as she let his words sink in. She knew Alaric was right, he usually was with all he had also been through. The uncertainty surrounding Omega was like a looming storm cloud, always on the horizon, casting shadows over what could be.

"Besides," Alaric continued with a grin, "you're already head over heels for him, so I don't see how you're going to back out now."

Hope nearly spat out her water, glaring at him. "I am not!."

Alaric laughed, holding his hands up defensively. "Okay, okay, maybe not 'head over heels,' but come on, Hope. The whole school sees it. You're different around him."

"Different isn't the same as being in love, Ric."

"Sure, sure," he said with a wink, his grin widening. "Whatever you say."

Hope rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help the small smile that tugged at her lips. As much as she hated to admit it, Alaric was right. Omega had changed something in her—had chipped away at the walls she had spent so long fortifying. Whether it was because of his mystery, his power, or something more, she didn't know. But for the first time in a long while, she felt something she hadn't allowed herself to feel in years: hope.

As they wrapped up their session, Alaric couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pride watching her. He had been there for Hope through so many ups and downs, had watched her fight to remain strong in the face of every trial, every loss. To see her opening up again, even if it was to someone as mysterious as Omega, felt like a victory he hadn't expected.

"Just promise me one thing," Alaric said as they packed up their gear. "Whatever happens, don't close yourself off again. You deserve to be happy, Hope. And if Omega's part of that… then don't fight it."

Hope gave him a half-smile, the weight of his words settling in her chest. "I'll try."

With that, they walked out of the gym, the morning sun just starting to peek over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the school grounds. In the distance, the sounds of life at the school were beginning to stir, students waking, preparing for another day of classes and magical lessons.

And somewhere, Omega was waiting, as much a part of her life now as the magic that flowed through her veins.

An hour later.

The sound of clinking silverware and soft chatter filled the dining hall as students gathered for breakfast. The morning sun streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow across the long tables where various groups of supernatural beings conversed. Hope, freshly showered and dressed after her sparring session with Alaric, made her way to the table where Omega and her close-knit group of friends sat.

There was something different about the atmosphere this morning, lighter, more relaxed. As she approached, Hope couldn't help but notice how Omega had started to blend in more effortlessly with the people around him. His demeanor had shifted over the past week. He had always been calm, but now, there was an underlying current of curiosity and awareness, like he was slowly piecing together the world around him. It wasn't that he scrambled to fit in, like so many newcomers did; rather, his adaptation seemed organic, a genuine reaction to the unfamiliarity of everything. Each moment with him was fresh, as if he was experiencing life for the first time.

Taking her seat beside him, Hope glanced at the plate of food in front of Omega. Today, he was trying something new, a request he had made just days earlier. After watching students enjoy their meals with such apparent relish, Omega had asked for guidance from them all, wanting to experience the simple pleasures of food the way they did. Hope's friends had taken it upon themselves to offer him suggestions, eager to see how the amnesiac, with his innocent detachment from ordinary life, would react.

The plate before Omega was loaded with an assortment of breakfast foods: crispy bacon, eggs, pancakes, sausages, and a few small containers of condiments. He had a fork in hand, poised over the scrambled eggs, but for the moment, he was simply observing the food as if it were some foreign puzzle waiting to be solved.

Across the table, Lizzie Saltzman leaned forward with her usual dramatic flair, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Okay, NB, first things first, you've got to try the bacon. Trust me, it's like…the food equivalent of a warm hug."

Josie, sitting beside her sister, smiled softly and added, "Or the eggs. They're a little more subtle, but you might like that. They go well together" 

MG, ever the optimist, nudged a plate of pancakes closer to Omega. "Don't forget the syrup, dude. It's liquid gold."

Kaleb, leaning back in his chair, offered a more laid-back suggestion. "Or the sausage, if you're into something savory. Either way, you can't go wrong."

Hope listened quietly, watching the scene unfold as her friends encouraged Omega to explore this new world of flavors. He was growing more expressive, smiling more often, laughing at the right moments, and interacting with the people around him. It was subtle, but undeniable. He had taken advice and inspiration from both his new friends and passing students, carefully observing how they interacted with one another. Omega had a way of soaking in these little nuances, reflecting them back in small but significant ways.

But there was something in the way he approached these moments that tugged at Hope's thoughts. He didn't just mimic behavior to fit in; it was more than that. Every new experience was a revelation to him, and he embraced it with an openness that Hope had never seen before. It made her wonder, was this purity of expression because of his amnesia, or was it simply who he was? The thought nagged at her, the question of whether his innocence was born from a lack of memory or if it was a deeper, intrinsic part of his nature.

As Omega finally lifted the forkful of scrambled eggs to his mouth, Hope's mind wandered, tugged back into the dark corners of her past. Memories flashed, her family, the losses she had suffered, the walls she had built around herself. She had learned long ago that caring for people too deeply often led to heartbreak, and yet, here she was again, drawn to someone who seemed to live outside the boundaries of normal pain and suffering.

Was that what intrigued her about Omega? That he was, for now, untouched by the weight of a tragic past? Or was it something else, something deeper, an unspoken fear that once he regained his memories, the pain would come rushing back, like a dam breaking, and he would be forced to relive the same cruel cycle that had shaped her life?

The sound of Omega's voice pulled Hope back to the present.

"These… eggs," he said, tilting his head slightly, "they're… interesting." His brow furrowed in thought, as if trying to find the right words to describe the taste.

Kaleb snorted, clearly amused. "Interesting? Come on, man, they're eggs. They're supposed to be good!" He exclaimed with hand-waving expression.

Omega turned the fork in his hand, as though examining the scrambled mass as if it held some deeper meaning. "I think they're good," he said after a moment. "But… something feels like it's missing."

Hope smiled slightly, the corners of her lips lifting in a rare moment of levity. "Try these," she suggested, sliding a small bottle of BBQ sauce and shaker of Pepper across the table. "They might be more your speed."

Omega hesitated for only a second before he reached for them both, pouring and shaking a small amount of sauce and dark specks onto the eggs. He stirred the mixture carefully, then took another bite. The group watched with bated breath, waiting for his verdict.

A slow smile spread across his face. "I like this," he said, his voice soft but genuine. "It's… better than the red one. Ketchup, I think it's called? Also this...

"Pepper" Hope informed with a smile as she remained staring at him a she had been for some minutes now.

"Yes, Pepper, is very good" He returned the smile. 

Everyone at the table erupted into laughter. MG clapped his hands together, grinning. "Told you, man! BBQ sauce is where it's at."

Lizzie leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms with a smirk. "I knew you had good taste, NB. It's still not Siracha, but still" 

Hope chuckled, shaking her head. "That's Omega to you, Lizzie."

Lizzie waved her off playfully, but Hope noticed the flicker of something more in her friend's eyes, perhaps a recognition that they had all grown attached to him, this mysterious stranger who had wandered into their lives and both shaken up their routines for the better.

As the conversation continued, Hope fell into quiet contemplation once again. She watched Omega as he tried more of the food, his reactions always so genuine, so honest. He didn't force himself to be something he wasn't. He didn't scramble to fit in like so many others would have. His expressions were raw, unfiltered, as if every moment was his first time experiencing the world. It was a quality she found both fascinating and unsettling.

But as much as her mind churned over these questions, Hope couldn't deny the comfort she felt when she was near him. There was an ease to their interactions, a natural flow that she hadn't experienced in a long time. It wasn't that he made her forget her pain, far from it. Rather, he allowed her to feel it without judgment, without the weight of expectation.

As the group continued their lighthearted conversation, Hope made a decision. She would let herself live in the present, for now. Omega's past was still a mystery, but she didn't need all the answers right away. Maybe, just maybe, they could figure it out together, one moment at a time.

For now, she was content to sit at the table, surrounded by her friends, watching Omega discover the world, one bite of Pepper & BBQ-covered eggs at a time.