The Beast Within

The late-night silence of the countryside was pierced by the low hum of the SUV as it sped down the highway, heading toward a small church in the neighboring town. Alaric gripped the steering wheel, his expression tight with focus. Beside him, Hope sat in the passenger seat, her fingers tapping against her knee as she went over the details they had received earlier, a tip about a sixteen-year-old boy named Rafael, whose foster parents were planning an "exorcism."

Hope knew the truth. Rafael wasn't possessed, he was an unrealized werewolf, and what the family believed to be demonic behavior was nothing more than his body adapting to the changes of the curse triggering. She'd seen this before. The pain of the change, the uncontrollable strength, and the fear. Werewolves didn't choose their first shift; it was triggered by the moon or extreme emotions or trauma. And in this case, fear had done the trick.

In the back seat, Omega sat quietly, staring out the window as a pleasing song played from the box in the front of the car he was informed was called a Radio. His presence was calm, even in the face of what was about to unfold. He had come along at Hope's request, a silent pillar of support. She hadn't told him why, exactly, but in the short time they'd known each other, Omega had shown an uncanny ability to bring a strange, quiet peace to those around him. Hope couldn't explain it, but she knew he had to be there.

"We're almost there," Alaric said, his voice steady but strained. His eyes flicked to the rearview mirror, locking on Omega's reflection for a moment before returning to the road. "This could get ugly. Just follow Hope's lead."

The headmaster was hesitant at first, but from all he had seen and heard, if anyone was the furthers from danger out of the three, it was Omega, with himself in first place. Plus, his presence could possibly subconsciously boost Hope's capabilities in one way or another. 

Omega nodded once, his face unreadable in the shadows of the passing streetlights. Hope glanced back at him from the front, wondering what he must be thinking. He had never witnessed something like this before, at least, not that he could remember.

As they approached the small, old church, Hope could see flickering candlelight through the windows. The building stood ominously against the night sky, its tall steeple reaching into the darkness like a warning. The SUV rolled to a stop, and without a word, the trio exited the vehicle, making their way toward the entrance.

Inside, the air was thick with tension and the scent of burning incense. Candles lined the altar, casting long shadows that danced across the worn wooden pews. In the center of the room, a sixteen-year-old boy was being held down by two adults, his foster parents. A priest stood over him, chanting feverishly in Latin, holding a large wooden cross to the boy's face.

Rafael, thrashing beneath them, was covered in sweat, his body convulsing as he fought against the hands holding him down. His eyes, wide with fear, flicked desperately around the room as the cross pressed against his skin.

"Hope, deal with the priest" Alaric requested as he lead in front, crossbow in hand. 

The priest froze, his chant faltering as he turned toward the newcomers. The foster parents looked up as well, their expressions a mixture of confusion and desperation. But before anyone could react further, Rafael let out a guttural growl, his body tensing. With a surge of unnatural strength, he threw the priest across the room, sending him crashing into one of the wooden pews with a deafening crack as it collapsed into a pile of planks. The priest laid sprawled across the wood, knocked out cold and visibly bleeding from a head wound. 

Hope stepped forward, her hands raised, her magic already weaving through the air as she cast a binding spell to hold Rafael in place. The invisible threads of magic wrapped around him, holding his limbs still despite his frantic movements.

Omega followed closely behind her, Alaric holding chains and a collar of titanium laced with Wolfsbane, designed for werewolves in mind, meant to restrain them during their transformations.

Rafael thrashed against Hope's magic to no avail, but his strength still wild and unrestrained. His eyes were wide with terror as his body began to contort, bones snapping and skin stretching in a grotesque display.

"He's transforming," Hope whispered, her eyes widening. She knew it could transpire without a moon, but remained surprised all the same. Rarely outside of rituals or unique cases such as her father and herself could it happen. 

Alaric quickly approached, fastening the collar around the bound Rafael's neck and securing the chains around his wrists. But before they could stabilize him, Rafael let out a blood-curdling roar. His skin tore away, revealing patches of fur, his fingers elongating into sharp talons. His face twisted and elongated, and within moments, the terrified boy was gone, replaced by a massive, black-furred beast. His red eyes gleamed with primal fury as his fangs dripped with saliva.

Finally able to release her spell, Hope watched as the chains were tested against the strength of the hound out of hell. Likely the only reason it couldn't snap them like string being the wolfsbane slowly taking effect. 

The creature, a stark contrast to Hope's ethereal and controlled wolf form from a week prior, was wild, unhinged. It stood tall, snarling, its breath hot and ragged.

Then, it happened.

Rafael's red eyes locked onto Omega, who had been standing silently by Hope's side, his expression unreadable as always. The creature's growling stopped abruptly, its body going still. Its large, glowing eyes remained fixed on Omega, widening as if seeing something beyond the figure standing before it.

A deep, unsettling fear crossed the beast's face. It whimpered, its growls turning into a quiet, terrified whine. The ferocity that had consumed it moments ago drained away, replaced by something raw and primal...fear.

Hope and Alaric exchanged bewildered looks, neither understanding why the werewolf had reacted this way.

Omega didn't move. He simply stood there, his eyes locked on the creature, his expression maintaining it's calm characteristic stoicism. But something was happening beneath the surface, something Hope could feel. The air around him had shifted, charged with an energy she couldn't quite explain. It was as though the very essence of the beast recognized something in Omega that went beyond memory, something ancient, something commanding.

Suddenly, the werewolf let out a low groan, its body convulsing once more. The fur receded, the bones cracked and shifted back, and within moments, Rafael was human again, his unconscious form slumping to the floor.

Alaric wasted no time. He bent down, lifting the boy into his arms, securing the chains around his wrists as a precaution. "I'm taking him back to the car. We need to get him back to the school".

Hope nodded in confirmation before quickly returning her attention to Omega, her mind racing. She couldn't shake the feeling that something had just happened, something significant. But before she could speak, Omega's gaze drifted upward, landing on the stained glass window at the front of the church.

It depicted a tall figure, arms outstretched, bathed in light. A figure Omega had seen before, though he didn't know how. It was the image of Jesus Christ, his face serene, his lifeless eyes looking down to the people that would assemble in this church. A man next to him thrust a spear into his lifeless body, assuring his death. 

Omega's expression softened, a strange sense of familiarity washing over him as he stared at the glass mural. There was something about it, something that called to him, though he couldn't explain why. The edges of his memory tugged at him, but still, nothing concrete came to the surface.

"Do you know him?" Hope's voice was soft, almost hesitant.

Omega didn't answer right away. His eyes remained on the mural, the colors of the glass casting a faint glow across his face.

"I think…I do," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hope watched him, her heart aching with questions she couldn't voice. For a moment, the two stood there in the quiet church, the weight of this trip presenting further questions. 

That night, as the campus settled into its usual quiet, Omega found himself grappling with the strange and unsettling feelings that had surfaced during the confrontation with Rafael. The image of the werewolf's transformation, the snarling, feral beast, was etched in his mind, but more than that, it was the way the creature had reacted to him. The fear in its eyes, the way its rage had drained the moment their gazes locked, pestered him.

Why did Rafael's bestial side react that way? What was it about his presence that seemed to calm everything around him, whether human or supernatural? Omega had always sensed his aura affected those around him, but this encounter had taken it to a new level. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to it, something buried deep within himself that even he didn't understand, the feeling that plagued his mind for over a week. 

The questions gnawed at him as he made his way through the dimly lit hallways of the school, his footsteps echoing softly on the polished floors. His destination was Dorian's study. The expert in ancient history and mythology had been tirelessly working to help uncover Omega's identity, but in the past few days, progress had slowed to a frustrating halt. Dorian had admitted that he was being sent in circles by incomplete records and conflicting information.

Omega hoped that tonight might yield some answers, or at least a direction to focus on.

When he reached the study, the door was slightly ajar, the light spilling out into the hallway. Omega knocked softly before stepping inside. Dorian looked up from his desk, his face tired but welcoming. The room smelled faintly of old parchment and ink, and books, many ancient and worn, lined the shelves from floor to ceiling.

"Omega," Dorian said, setting aside a stack of notes, "I wasn't expecting you. Have you made any new discoveries?"

Omega shook his head, settling into a chair across from the desk. "Not really. I came to see if you've made any progress… about me."

Dorian sighed, rubbing his temples. "I wish I could say yes, but the truth is, I've hit a wall. Every time I think I've found a connection, something in the old texts, myths, or records, it turns out to be a dead end. The symbol from the tablets still eludes me, and I'm not sure where to go next." He leaned back, looking defeated. "I'm sorry, Omega."

A quiet hung in the room as Omega absorbed the news. He could sense Dorian's frustration, but he also felt something stir inside himself, a strange sense of disappointment, but not entirely at the lack of progress. It was something deeper.

Omega's eyes roamed the shelves, his gaze landing on a section of old, preserved books. "Do you have a Bible?" he asked, almost on a whim.

Dorian blinked, clearly taken aback by the request. "A Bible? Well, yes, of course." He stood, moving toward the collection. "I have a few, actually. Some very old editions. Why do you ask?"

"I would like to read it," Omega replied, his voice steady but filled with quiet curiosity. "I have a feeling it might help."

Dorian paused, then nodded. "If you think it'll help, by all means." He selected one of the oldest, leather-bound copies, its pages yellowed with age, and handed it to Omega. "This one's been in my collection for a while. Be careful with it."

Omega took the book with reverence, the weight of it feeling significant in his hands. Thanking Dorian, he returned to his room, the Bible tucked under his arm, his thoughts swirling.

Once inside, Omega sat down at his desk, the dim light from his bedside lamp casting soft shadows on the walls. He opened the Bible carefully, the ancient pages crackling under his fingers as he began to read. To anyone else, it might have seemed like a daunting task, but for him, the words flowed effortlessly into his mind. He read at an extraordinary speed, absorbing each passage as though they were fragments of a memory waiting to be unlocked.

He skimmed through dozens of chapters in mere minutes, the stories of prophets, kings, and divine interventions unfolding before him. It wasn't until he reached certain passages that something resonated deep within him, stirring memories that weren't quite memories.

Angels. Freya had mentioned something to do with an angel wielding a beautiful sword, receiving a command from an incomprehensible being, and here, in the Bible, were their stories, descriptions of heavenly beings who served God's will. But it was the ranks of angels and their divine duties that struck him. They wielded powers beyond human comprehension, and some, like the archangels and seraphim, stood at the very pinnacle of authority in the celestial hierarchy.

Two passages, in particular, caught his attention. The first was Matthew 26:53, where Jesus, facing his impending death, spoke of his ability to summon "twelve legions of angels" with a single command. The sheer magnitude of that power, a simple gesture holding back such immense divine force, seemed oddly familiar to Omega. He could almost feel the weight of it in his bones. It was a resonating lesson on restraint, that no matter how powerful one may be, the power of wisdom beckoned higher with the ability to not only the world, but it's people, shaky and steadfast values alike. 

The second passage was Revelation 22:13: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last." Those words too echoed in his mind. Could it be…? Was there a connection between him and this phrase? The "Omega" the end, the last of something divine? It seemed too coincidental that this name, which had started as a playful nickname, might actually have a deeper significance.

Despite his mind seemingly lost in thought, he still noted Hope standing at the doorway as she broke through the silence in a soft tone. 

"You're reading the Bible?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity as she approached, unable to help the feelings seeing an attractive man with a good book stirred in her. 

Omega looked up, startled, then relaxed when he saw her. "I didn't hear you come in," he said, closing the book gently. "I… thought it might grant me clarity."

Hope stepped further into the room, her arms crossed to not only warm the, but keep her deep blue cardigan tight for further warmth. A small, thoughtful smile on her lips. "Did it?"

He hesitated, glancing down at the book again. "In some ways. The stories… the angels, their power, and this passage about being the Alpha and the Omega. It feels familiar. Like it's talking about me, but I find it difficult to believe, difficult to think it could be talking about me" 

Hope sat down on the edge of his bed, watching him with an intensity that made him feel both comforted and vulnerable. "Maybe it is," she said softly. "You're not like anyone we've ever met, Omega. Maybe that's because you're something that's been forgotten for certainly, but remained in these stories" 

He looked at her, a flicker of doubt in his eyes. "Or something that was meant to be forgotten."

The room fell silent again, the weight of his words lingering between them. Hope could see the torment in his eyes, the fear of what he might uncover. She understood that fear all too well, after all, she had lived with the burden of her own identity for years, constantly struggling to reconcile who she was with the expectations placed upon her.

"Whatever you are," Hope began, her voice steady, "we'll figure it out. Together."

Omega met her gaze, something warm and grateful stirring inside him. He wasn't alone in this, he had Hope. And despite the mysteries that surrounded him, that was enough for now.

After a pause, Hope stood, her usual confidence returning. "By the way, there's a party this weekend. You could come with me, if you want"

Omega blinked. "A party?"

Hope smiled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Yeah, you know, a bunch of students, loud music, probably too much alcohol. It'll be fun. You should come."

He hesitated, unsure. "I'm not sure I'd fit."

"Trust me, you will," Hope replied, her grin widening. "I'll be there, so you won't have to suffer alone."

Omega chuckled softly, surprising even himself. "Is this like the Last Supper?" he asked, his tone teasing.

Hope laughed, the sound bright and genuine. "If it is, you'd better make sure we don't get crucified and break bread proper" 

For the first time in what felt like forever, Omega allowed himself to relax, to smile. Maybe he didn't know who he was, but with Hope by his side, he felt more human, more real, more anchored than he ever had before.

Early afternoon the next day.

It was a few hours before the party, the air at the Salvatore School buzzed with anticipation. Tonight was the night of an unsanctioned gathering, the kind that thrived on the freedom of no rules and plenty of alcohol. Omega, however, was still coming to terms with the idea of it all. He sat in his room, staring at the mirror, dressed in the one outfit he had that wasn't borrows, the high-quality tunic they'd found him in when he first arrived at the school. It of course had been cleaned. It wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't what most teenagers would wear to a party.

That's when MG and Kaleb came knocking.

"Dude, you can't show up like that," MG said as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed with a grin.

Kaleb, always the more straightforward one, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, no offense, man, but if you're going to a party, especially this party, you need a fresh fit."

Omega, still adjusting to the language of his new peers, raised a brow. "A fresh what?"

Kaleb stumble on his words for a moment, holding his hands to his face in disbelief of the mans innocence. Clothes, Omega, FINERY!. Digs that'll make you look sharp. Come on, we're taking you to the mall. Oh and if you can...change, we aren't going to a ren faire."

Without much say in the matter, Omega found himself swept up in their plans. MG and Kaleb were determined to give him a wardrobe that fit in better with the world around him. It wasn't long before the three of them were in town, weaving through the various stores at the mall. he marveled at the bustling environment, how so many people seemed lost in their own worlds, trying on clothes, looking at shoes, laughing with friends.

It was a world he was still learning to navigate, but MG and Kaleb made it easier.

After trying on several outfits, the trio finally settled on one that made even him pause in the mirror. He wore a simple white button-up shirt and black dress pants, but somehow, it transformed his look. The simplicity suited him, bringing out the otherworldly nature in his features without making him seem too out of place.

"Alright, now that's what I'm talking about. My man if you knew your way around business, you could MOP the competition at fashion week," Kaleb said, nodding in approval as he rubbed his hands together. 

MG grinned. "Yeah, man, you look like you're about to break some hearts tonight."

Omega, ever literal, looked at MG with concern. "I don't intend to harm anyone."

MG laughed. "No, no, dude, it's just a saying. You look great. Trust me."

As they made their way to the checkout, Omega realized he had no way to pay for any of this. The same guilt plagued him upon their previous visit to the Mystic Grill, but Hope informed him that the cost was pennies when everyone was 'chipping' in to make up the 'bill'. He turned to MG, feeling awkward. "How am I supposed to repay you for this?"

MG waved him off, clearly not worried. "You don't need to. You've been a cool guy since you got here, to us and Hope, and no one should walk around without something decent to wear. Consider it a gift."

Kaleb, however, had other ideas. Leaning in close to Omega, he whispered, "There is one way you can pay us back, though."

Omega, confused, looked between Kaleb and MG. "What do you mean?"

MG smiled knowingly. "We've got a plan. You take Hope out on a date on us. We'll cover the costs. There's just one catch."

Omega tilted his head, still trying to keep up. "A catch?"

Kaleb grinned. "You can't tell Hope about it, and you let us tail you guys during the date. You know, stupid teenage shenanigans. She'll never know."

Omega thought about it for a long moment. He was made aware of the custom of dating from the numerous conversations he'd overheard around campus. It was a ritual among the youth, something about building connections or romance. Though he was still learning to understand it, he'd heard enough to know it was important to many people. After considering Kaleb and MG's request, he nodded slowly.

"I suppose this is fair," he agreed, though he still wasn't entirely sure what he was agreeing to.

With the outfits purchased and plans for a future date in motion, the trio left the mall and returned to the school to prepare for the night ahead. As they headed back, Kaleb clapped Omega on the back. "You're gonna be a magnet tonight my man" 

Omega blinked. "magnet?"

MG laughed. "It means you're gonna attract a lot of attention. Trust us."

By the time the party kicked off, the school's grounds were alive with music, laughter, and the sounds of rowdy teenagers. The unsanctioned part of the event meant there was plenty of alcohol, and within an hour, the students were in full party mode. Omega stood near the edge of the crowd, taking in the chaos around him.

Lizzie was the first to approach him, giving him an appraising look before she smirked. "Well, don't you clean up nicely," she remarked, nudging Josie.

Josie smiled softly, agreeing with her sister. "Yeah, you look great, Omega."

"You both too look good this evening" He replied, surprising himself at the correct catching of the term. They did look nice however, both in dresses. Lizzie's was short and dark green lined with frills, while Josie's was simpler, a black knee-length with a small bag around her arm to complete to the look. 

But it was Hope's reaction that caught his attention. When she found him standing there, dressed in his new clothes, she seemed to struggle with what to say. Her eyes lingered on him for a moment longer than usual, something unspoken passing between them.

Lizzie, ever the one for quips, smirked and nudged Hope. "Speechless, are we?"

Hope shot her a look but couldn't deny the warmth that crept up her neck. "Shut up, Lizzie," she muttered, but there was no venom behind it.

Her look was simpler then the twins, closer to his own. A black shirt, black jacket and black jeans she called 'denim'. It remained consistent with her established, simple style. If she took to stealth in the night, she would blend in well. 

The night unfolded as expected, with students dancing, laughing, and drinking, letting loose under the freedom of no teachers and no rules. Hope and Omega, after chatting with a few friends, found themselves drifting away from the noise, moving deeper into the woods where the party had spilled over.

Hope handed him a beer, something she had mentioned liking. Omega, ever curious, took a sip. His face immediately scrunched up as the bitter liquid hit his tongue.

"This is...certainly different then the Pepsi Lizzie insisted on," he said after he had choked it down with some difficulty.

Hope couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, it's an acquired taste."

Omega gave her a look, one brow raised with a smile. "I ponder as to why one would seek it's acquisition it!" 

Hope's laughter was infectious, a reaction worth choking it down. They stood there in the woods, the party's noise fading into the background, as the tension between them seemed to shift. There was something quiet and intimate in the air, something that had been building between them ever since they first met.

Before Omega could fully process what was happening, Hope stood on her toes as she slid one hand around the back of his long golden hair. Only just reaching his face, her lips brushed against his in a gentle kiss. The world seemed to still around them, and for a moment, everything felt simple. Omega, though surprised, didn't pull away. Instead, he responded in kind, his hands instinctively finding her waist, slowly and subtly lifting her a few inches from the ground as her tongue teased his lips.

But the moment didn't last long.

Suddenly, MG and Kaleb stumbled into the clearing, already drunk and laughing like hyenas. MG, eyes gleaming with amusement, pointed at Omega. "Karaoke time, buddy!"

Omega blinked, the sudden interruption pulling him from the moment. "Karaoke?"

Kaleb, equally unsteady, nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, come on, we want to hear you sing. I bet you can do it!"

He glanced at Hope who held her hand to her face, not wanting to draw attention to himself as she held an expression of suppressed laughter not only from the close call, but also the boys plastered state as they practically Omega him away. He wore a smile, but felt a based feeling of sadness from the disruption. However, he quickly came to terms that if it saved each other from the ceaseless banter that would surely ensue, spreading like wildfire, he was happy to accept the brief moment they shared. 

Remembering the song that had been playing the night they rescued Rafael, Omega thought of Chet Baker's "Almost Blue." The memory of the haunting melody called to him, and after some convincing, he found himself on a makeshift stage, microphone in hand.

As the first notes of the song filled the air, the crowd quieted, their attention drawn to Omega. His voice, smooth and soulful, carried through the night, shocking everyone with its raw talent. The lyrics of "Almost Blue" painted a picture of melancholy and longing, and as Omega sang, it was as if he was channeling emotions he didn't even know he had. His control of his vocal range, something he had seemingly mastered in the moment, also contributed. 

By the time he finished, the students were silent, staring at him in awe. It was a side of Omega no one, even the friends he grew closer to everyday, had seen before. It left a lasting impression on all those present, come couples amongst the students even going so far as to dance to it.

As he stepped down from the stage, Hope was waiting for him, her expression soft and unreadable. "I didn't know you could sing like that," she said, her voice quiet.

Omega shrugged, still processing the experience himself. "Neither did I, until now."

The rest of the night passed in a blur of laughter and music, but for Omega, something had shifted. He felt more connected, not just to the people around him, but to himself, and of course...Hope. 

The night was winding down, and the party had reached the point where everyone was either stumbling around or laughing too loud. The air was thick with the aftermath of too many drinks and too many emotions, and Omega, who had already captured far more attention than he was comfortable with, was ready for a quieter end to the night.

Hope, after downing her last shot, leaned against a tree with a slightly glazed expression. She gave him a soft, warm smile, her words slightly slurred but her intent clear. "I think… I've had enough for the night. What about you?"

Omega, never one to indulge too far, for he couldn't feel the effects no matter the amount, nodded. "I believe I have reached my fill," he said, glancing around at the other students. "Would you like me to escort you back?"

Hope nodded, pushing herself off the tree. "Yeah, *grunt* that sounds good."

The two of them left the party behind, walking quietly through the woods and fields, the cool night air ever so slightly sobering her as they made their way back. Omega's senses were still keen, and he could hear the distant laughter of students lingering in the woods, but for the most part, they were alone. The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting pale shadows as they walked in comfortable silence, Hope occasionally stumbling, much to his caution, but always catching herself with a small laugh each time.

Once they arrived back at her room, Hope fumbled with the door, her coordination faltering as she finally managed to push it open. She half-swayed into the room, heading straight for her bed but struggling to remove her boots as she plopped down on the mattress with a groan.

"Stupid boots," she muttered with annoyance, her voice tinged with the exhaustion of the night.

Without saying a word, Omega knelt down in front of her. Gently, he unlaced her boots, slipping them off one by one and placing them neatly next to her bed. The act was simple, but the care in it made Hope look at him with a kind of wonder. No one had ever done something so small, yet so meaningful for her.

She leaned back on her elbows, watching him with a sleepy smile. "Thank you… for tonight. And for everything before. I don't know if I've ever felt like this."

Omega sat beside her on the bed, still humble in his manner. "You don't need to thank me, Hope. You are the one who deserves the gratitude."

Hope, slightly tipsy but still coherent enough to disagree, shook her head slowly. "No, you're wrong. I should be thanking you," she said, her voice soft as she reached up and gently touched his chin, turning his face toward hers. "You're…different."

Before he could respond, she leaned in and kissed him again, her lips lingering on his this time, far longer than before. It was a slow, tender kiss that spoke of the connection between them that had been building. It wasn't rushed or impulsive; it was filled with a quiet intensity, as though both of them were searching for something in the other.

But Omega, ever mindful of the moment, felt that this wasn't the right time. He knew enough about the effects of alcohol to understand that decisions made under its influence were often not what they seemed. As much as he enjoyed the kiss, as much as he wanted to display his care for her, he gently pulled away, breaking the contact with a soft exhale.

"Maybe… another day," he whispered, his eyes searching hers, making sure she understood.

Hope, though slightly disappointed, appreciated his restraint. Her emotions were a whirlwind, but somewhere in the haze of the night, she knew he was right. She nodded, allowing him to help her get comfortable in bed. He tucked the blankets around her, his movements tender and careful. With a final glance at her, he turned off the light, leaving the room bathed in moonlight.

"Goodnight, Hope," he said softly, closing the door behind him.

The next morning at breakfast, the dining hall was a parade of dark sunglasses and groggy faces. It seemed everyone who had attended the party was paying the price, and Omega couldn't help but notice how most of the students winced at even the slightest noise. Lizzie sat at the table with her head resting in her hands, a pained expression hidden behind her oversized glasses, while Josie slowly sipped on a glass of water, clearly suffering from the same ailment.

Omega, ever curious, took a seat among them and looked around at the disheveled group. "How is it that supernaturals fall under the effects of alcohol so easily?" he asked, genuinely perplexed.

Lizzie groaned, barely lifting her head to answer. "We have our ways," she muttered, before dropping her face back into her hands.

Kaleb, sitting across from them with a similar look of regret on his face, laughed weakly. "We may have enhanced healing and powers my dude, but that doesn't mean we can't get wrecked like everyone else."

MG, leaning on the table, waved a hand in agreement. "Trust me, we definitely can."

Omega nodded slowly, still not entirely sure how it all worked, but willing to take their word for it. As the group commiserated about their hangovers, Hope eventually joined them, her own pair of sunglasses firmly in place as she made her way to the table. Her steps were careful, and she sat down with a quiet sigh, clearly in the same condition as the others.

Lizzie perked up slightly, just enough to ask the question everyone seemed to be wondering. "So… where did you two disappear to last night?"

Omega, always truthful, opened his mouth to answer, but Hope beat him to it, her voice calm but slightly hoarse. "I went to bed."

It was a simple statement, but the way she said it left no room for further questioning. Lizzie raised an eyebrow with a subtle, sly smile, but didn't push it, instead slumping back in her chair with a groan as another wave of nausea hit her.

The rest of breakfast passed in relative silence, each student dealing with their hangovers in their own way. Omega, however, remained alert, unaffected by the previous night's excesses. As he watched the group around him, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of belonging. It was a strange feeling, considering his mysterious origins, but for the first time since his arrival, he felt like he had found a place where he wasn't just an outsider.

And while the night had been eventful, there was something about the quiet moments, like helping Hope into bed, her during the full moon, or sharing a kiss under the moonlight that lingered in his mind. Moments like that made him feel… more than he was before.