Radiant Butterflies

Later that night, the Saltzman twins lay side by side in the large, comfortable bed they had shared so many times since they were girls. The moonlight filtered softly through the curtains, casting a silvery glow over the room, but there was a tension in the air between the two sisters that was hard to ignore. Lizzie lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling, a slight frown on her face as she twirled a strand of her blonde hair around her finger, a telltale sign that something was bothering her if it wasn't already evident. 

Josie, ever in tune with her sister's moods, glanced over from her side of the bed, propped up on one elbow. She could sense Lizzie's thoughts swirling with a mix of frustration and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on. "Lizzie, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice quiet but direct. "You've been acting weird all day."

Lizzie sighed, her frown deepening as she stopped twirling her hair and crossed her arms over her chest. "It's nothing. Just… thinking," she muttered, though the irritation in her tone betrayed her.

Josie wasn't convinced, and she knew better than to let her sister brush things off. "Lizzie," she pressed gently, "just tell me. How many times have I told, you can talk to me about anything. You do it with me all the time" 

There was a moment of silence as Lizzie stared at the ceiling, clearly debating whether to say what was on her mind. Then, with a groan of frustration, she sat up, crossing her legs and turning to face Josie. "Okay, fine. You want to know what's bothering me? It's Hope. Hope god damn Michaelson!" 

Josie blinked in surprise, her eyebrows rising slightly. "Hope? What about her?"

Lizzie's expression grew more exasperated, her hands gesturing in the air as she began to rant. "She gets everything. All the attention. From Dad, from the students when she clearly doesn't want it, and now even from Omega!" Her voice held a sharp edge of annoyance, a deep-rooted frustration that seemed to have been building for some time. "I mean, have you noticed? Ever since he showed up, he's been practically glued to her! And Dad? He dotes on her like she's the only damn person in this school!"

Josie bit her lip, hesitant at first to respond. "I don't think Dad gives her all the attention," she said carefully, but even as she spoke, she could hear the uncertainty in her own voice. Truthfully, it wasn't hard to see that their father did tend to prioritize Hope, often focusing on her struggles or her needs. It was understandable, considering Hope's unique situation, but it didn't change the fact that Lizzie had noticed, and clearly, it was eating at her.

"And Omega?" Lizzie continued, not giving Josie a chance to dwell on her weak defense. "Seriously, Josie. Tall, strapping, golden-haired, and with that...*sigh*British accent with the slightest hint of Shakespeare .Any male-attracted, red-blooded woman, scratch that, human BEING would have weak knees for a man like that! And who's he spending all his time with? Hope freakin' Mikaelson. Of course."

Josie sat up as well, her own expression more thoughtful. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she couldn't deny that she had noticed the growing connection between Hope and Omega. It wasn't just a casual friendship, either. There was something deeper, something unspoken but undeniable, between them. And while Hope might deny it, as many teenagers would when faced with their own emotions, it was clear to those paying attention.

But what Lizzie didn't know, what Josie had kept carefully to herself, was that she also felt something when it came to Omega. Only, it wasn't just the kind of attraction her sister was describing. For Josie, it was more than his looks or his accent, it was the aura of warmth that radiated from him wherever he went, a calm, steady presence that seemed to make everything better just by being near. It was a warmth that could banish the darkest of thoughts, the most haunting personal demons. When she was around him, Josie felt lighter, like the weight of the world on her shoulders was a little easier to bear.

But how could she admit that to Lizzie, when her sister was so focused on Hope getting all the attention?

Josie remained silent, chewing on her bottom lip as Lizzie continued her rant. "And you know what? Hope's probably not even interested in him. She's got that whole 'tragic hero' vibe going on, like she's too damaged or too busy saving the world to care about relationships. Meanwhile, someone like me, or even you, could have a real chance with someone like Omega if she wasn't always around him!"

Josie winced slightly at her sister's words. She knew Lizzie didn't mean to be hurtful, but it was clear that her frustration ran deep. And while Josie understood where her sister was coming from, it didn't make her own feelings any easier to manage. She had tried to push them aside, telling herself that Omega was just another new student and that her attraction to him was nothing more than a fleeting crush. But the more time she spent around him, the more she realized it wasn't just a crush. There was something about him that made her feel safe, like she could be herself without fear of judgment.

Finally, Josie spoke, her voice soft but firm. "Lizzie, I know you're frustrated. But… it's not fair to blame Hope for everything. She's going through a lot, and you well know how hard it's been for her."

Lizzie let out a long sigh, her shoulders slumping as some of the fire went out of her. "I know," she admitted reluctantly. "I just… I don't know, Jo. I feel like I'm always second to her. Like I'm always in her shadow. And now with Omega, it's just…"

Josie nodded, understanding all too well what it felt like to live in someone else's shadow. "You're not in her shadow," she said gently. "You're your own person, Lizzie. And maybe… maybe we just need to give it some time. Let things take their course" 

Lizzie didn't look entirely convinced, but she didn't argue. Instead, she leaned back against the headboard, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "Maybe you're right," she said after a moment. "I just… I hate feeling like this."

Josie smiled softly, reaching out to squeeze her sister's hand. "You won't feel like this forever. Things have a way of working themselves out. Who knows, you could meet someone who truly fits you"

Lizzie nodded, though her expression remained troubled. As the two of them settled back into bed, the room fell into a comfortable silence, but Josie's thoughts continued to whirl. She wasn't sure how things would play out between Hope, Omega, and her sister, or even herself, but one thing was certain: the dynamics at the Salvatore School were shifting, and none of them could predict what the future would bring.

The following morning, the bustling dining hall was filled with the usual clamor of students starting their day, laughter, the clinking of utensils, and animated conversations about the upcoming weekend. Josie Saltzman, however, walked through it all in a daze, her thoughts swirling around recent events. She was distracted, her mind tracing over her conversation with Lizzie the night before and the undercurrent of feelings she had been trying to suppress. The bond between Hope and Omega was weighing heavily on her, and it was getting harder to ignore how she felt about him.

So absorbed was she in her thoughts that she didn't notice the tall, golden-haired figure approaching from the opposite direction. Omega was moving through the crowd with his usual quiet grace, his presence commanding but never overbearing. He had an uncanny way of moving through a room as if he belonged everywhere, even though he'd only been at the school for a short time. As they came around the same corner, neither of them saw the other until it was too late.

The collision was sudden. Josie's food tray slipped from her hands from both the collision and her arms jolting from the spook, its contents, eggs, toast, and a cup of juice soared into the air above.

In the blink of an eye, Omega reacted, his movements swift and precise. With a fluidity that alluded to his otherworldly nature. Catching the rogue tray in one hand, he perfectly predicted and rapidly adjusted the tray's position for piece of food from the air before it could hit the ground. In a seamless motion, he presented the tray back to her, completely intact, with a calm, reassuring smile that seemed to brighten the entire room while leaving it's inhabitant speechless.

"Sincerest apologies, Josie, I must have not foreseen your presence," Omega said, his voice as warm and soothing as ever. He held the tray out for Josie to take, his golden eyes soft with understanding. Despite the gentleness of the gesture, there was a brief flicker of something deeper behind his gaze, an unspoken connection, as if he saw more than just the surface-level embarrassment of the situation.

But Josie, startled and caught off guard by both the collision and his flawless recovery, stood frozen for a second. Her heart raced, but the words escaped her. She managed only a choked "thanks" before quickly turning away, her face flushed with embarrassment. The moment felt too intimate, too charged for her to process. She hurried toward her friends' table, her steps stiff and awkward, as the laughter of the students who had witnessed the scene echoed around the room.

Most of the students saw the incident as nothing more than a clumsy, albeit impressive, save by Omega. Her friends at the table, Lizzie included, were already laughing good-naturedly, teasing her about the sudden interaction. "Nice catch!" one of them called out, and the others joined in with light-hearted comments. Lizzie, who had been sipping her coffee, raised an eyebrow in Josie's direction, a knowing smirk playing on her lips.

"Wow, Jo, you should bump into Omega more often if it gets impressive stuff like that out of him," Lizzie quipped with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. Josie could only muster a half-hearted laugh, still feeling the heat in her cheeks.

Yet as much as everyone else in the dining hall seemed to find the situation amusing, there were two people who saw past the laughter. Hope, seated at a nearby table, had watched the entire scene unfold. She saw more than just Josie's obvious embarrassment. There was something deeper in Josie's reaction, a mixture of vulnerability and unspoken emotions that only someone who truly understood her could recognize. Hope's eyes briefly flicked to Omega, whose expression remained calm, unfazed by the attention or laughter. It was as if nothing could disturb his serene presence covered in an air of contemplation.

But Hope knew better. Omega had noticed Josie's discomfort, and he had done nothing to exacerbate it. That warm smile he gave her—that was for Josie's benefit, not the crowd's. Hope felt a flicker of something in her chest. Something she couldn't quite place. She pushed it aside and focused on her food.

Later that day, after classes had finished, MG and Kaleb cornered Omega in the hallway, eager to discuss the upcoming date with Hope. They had taken it upon themselves to be his unofficial advisors for the evening, seeing as Omega was still adjusting to the complexities of human social nuances, especially when it came to dating.

"So, you ready for your big date?" MG asked with a grin, giving Omega a friendly slap on the back. Kaleb smirked, leaning in with a conspiratorial look. "We've been talking," Kaleb said, "and we've got some suggestions for how you can, you know, really impress Hope. Like, top-tier stuff."

Omega, ever patient, listened attentively as MG and Kaleb went through a series of suggestions for the night. They ranged from which flowers he should buy to how he should compliment Hope's outfit without overdoing it. Though Omega appreciated the advice, he couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of detail they seemed to think was necessary for a simple outing.

As their conversation came to a close, Kaleb subtly handed Omega a small box, his grin widening. "And this," Kaleb said, lowering his voice, "is for later. You know, just in case."

Omega frowned in confusion, his brow furrowing as he looked at the box. "What is it?" he asked, his tone innocent.

Kaleb chuckled, shooting MG a knowing look. "It's protection, man. And some homework," he added cryptically. "Trust me, if things go where they might go, you'll want to have this. If you're not sure how it works, just ask Hope. She'll know."

Omega, still puzzled, nodded slowly, though the cryptic speech left him with more questions than answers. As MG and Kaleb sauntered off, snickering to themselves, Omega returned to his room, the small box in hand.

Once alone, Omega sat on his bed and opened the box, his confusion growing as he examined its contents. Inside, he found a small, rectangular package labeled "XL Magnum" and a strange, small, flat device. He tilted his head, studying the objects with a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment. His power reacted instinctively he reached out, feeling a faint connection to the device.

As soon as his energy touched it, it lit his mind alight with images and scenes. Omega's eyes widened in shock as he realized what he was looking at, hours worth of recorded footage of couples in various... intimate positions. His mind processed the information with lightning speed, though he couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of confusion and discomfort.

He sat back, his thoughts racing. Was this what human relationships entailed? Was this what Kaleb meant by "protection"? Omega's mind struggled to reconcile what he had just witnessed with the emotions he had felt in his interactions with Hope.

Though he tried to make sense of it all, Omega couldn't shake the sense that there was still so much he didn't understand about human customs. For now, he decided to place the items back in the box as he set it aside, his thoughts returning to the date with Hope and how he would navigate this strange new world of emotions and expectations.

Omega made his way to the kitchen, his thoughts still clouded by the unprecedented images he had witnessed earlier. The idea of a "snack" was what had drawn him out of his room, but as he moved through the halls, he couldn't help but feel out of sorts. The concept of human intimacy was something he had yet to fully grasp, and though he was trying to understand it, the experience left him feeling... conflicted.

As he entered the kitchen, a pleasing and warm aroma greeted him. There, by the counter, was Hope. She was in the middle of making what he had heard many students refer to as their "lifeblood", or coffee as it was known. The ritual of making it was something Omega had noticed almost all students partake in daily, but he had never tried it himself.

Hope's back was turned as she mixed a small amount of cream into the dark brew. Hearing him enter, she turned around, her usual smile on her lips. "Coffee?" she asked, holding up her mug. "Some people here say it's the only thing keeping them alive." There was a tiredness to her smile, something subtle, as if the events of the past few days were wearing on her more than she let on.

Omega watched the light brown liquid swirl in her cup, his mind still preoccupied with the revelations from earlier. He felt a strange discomfort in his chest, a sensation that was rather alien to him. His face, as always, remained composed, but there was a shift in the air, his aura, usually warm and comforting, seemed dimmed.

Hope, perceptive as always, noticed immediately. She tilted her head slightly, her smile fading into an expression of gentle concern. "You alright?" she asked softly, stepping closer to him.

Omega blinked, realizing that his emotional state was affecting the energy around him. He tried to shake off the unease, but he couldn't fully rid himself of the weight that had settled in his chest. "I am...well," he said after a moment, though the hesitancy in his voice betrayed him. Hope studied him for a moment, as if trying to decide whether to press the issue.

Instead, she took a sip of her coffee and handed the mug to him. "Here," she said, "try it. It's still hot, though." Her eyes were playful, but there was an underlying care in the gesture, as if she knew that a distraction might help.

Omega stared at the steaming cup, its faint swirl of cream still visible. He hesitated before raising the mug to his lips. Without thinking about the temperature, he took a sip, his eyes widening slightly at the slightly bitter but creamy taste. It was an unusual combination, one that his taste buds weren't accustomed to but intrigued him nonetheless.

Hope laughed, a light, easy sound that broke through the tension in the room. "You just burned your mouth, didn't you?" she teased.

He returned the mug to her, a small smile breaking through his neutral expression. "I feel no discomfort, and It was... interesting," he replied, carefully choosing his words. "Bitter, but not unpleasant."

"That's coffee for you," Hope grinned. "Want your own cup?"

He nodded, but only on the condition that he made it himself under her guidance. "Instruct me," he said with a smile, stepping closer to where she stood by the counter.

Hope's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Alright, my little barista in the making. Let's get you started."

She walked him through the process, explaining how much ground coffee to use, how to adjust the flavor with cream or sugar, and what her personal preferences were. Omega listened attentively, his mind finally beginning to clear as he focused on the task at hand. The rhythmic actions of brewing the coffee, combined with Hope's light-hearted explanations, gradually soothed his earlier discomfort.

As the afternoon wore on, their conversation flowed naturally, as it always did. They discussed various things, students, teachers, the chaos that always seemed to follow them both. The atmosphere felt easy, and Omega found himself relaxing more and more with each passing moment. Hope could feel him returning to his usual warmth, the strange weight lifting from his chest.

After finishing his first cup of coffee, he set the empty mug down on the counter and looked to her thoughtfully. There was a brief pause in their conversation, a lull that seemed to carry more meaning than the silence normally would.

"I have…pondered something" he began, his voice softer than usual. Hope looked up, her green-blue eyes curious as she waited for him to continue. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to phrase the question that had been forming in his mind ever since MG and Kaleb's intervention. But with Hope standing there, watching him with such genuine attention, it felt like the right moment.

"Would you like to accompany me on a night out tomorrow evening?" he asked, his tone sincere and straightforward, as was his nature. The words came out simpler than he had imagined they would, but the intent behind them was clear.

For a moment, Hope seemed taken aback. Her eyes widened slightly, and a faint blush rose to her cheeks. She hadn't been expecting the question, at least not now. But then her expression softened into a smile, one that was both surprised and touched.

"You want to take me on a date?" she asked, her voice gentle but teasing. There was a flicker of emotion in her eyes, something vulnerable, yet hopeful.

Omega nodded, his golden eyes meeting hers with unwavering honesty. "Yes," he replied. "A proper date. If you'd like."

Hope's smile grew, a warmth spreading across her face that matched the energy in the room. "I'd like that," she said softly. "I'd like that a lot."

The two shared a quiet moment, standing there in the cozy warmth of the kitchen, with the lingering scent of coffee in the air. Omega felt a sense of peace, of rightness, in the simplicity of the moment. The strange, unsettling thoughts from earlier were now a distant memory.

As the afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows, casting soft, golden light over them both, the promise of a first date hung in the air between them, an unspoken bond that neither of them could deny.