Waterfalls & Hell Fire

The hours leading up to their first date were a whirlwind of anticipation and preparation for both Omega and Hope. Omega, though possessing an otherworldly calm, found himself caught in the ebb and flow of time, sometimes rushing forward and, at other moments, dragging on painfully slow. Yet, as the evening loomed closer, his heart raced with a sensation that was still foreign to him.

In the hours before their departure, MG and Kaleb took it upon themselves to ensure Omega was fully prepared, treating his date with the utmost gravity. They scrutinized every detail of his wardrobe, mixing and matching outfits with an almost obsessive focus. Omega patiently endured their process, though their enthusiasm far exceeded his understanding of the occasion's significance. Finally, after going through multiple combinations, they settled on a look they deemed perfect: black formal shoes, sleek belted black pants, a black shirt, but with a maroon vest to add a touch of depth and break the monotony. MG, always attentive to the details, lent Omega a polished silver watch, one of his own prized accessories, and Omega admired its functionality as much as its sleek design.

While MG tied Omega's shoulder-length hair into a neat and cute bow, Kaleb busied himself in the most humorous way possible: testing different colognes like a human mist machine. The room quickly filled with an overwhelming array of scents, each more intense than the last, until Kaleb finally decided on Cool Water by Davidoff, a cheaper option then what he himself usually wore, but the scent matching style is what mattered most, declared it the perfect complement to Omega's ensemble. Omega, unfamiliar with the world of fragrances, simply nodded, trusting his companions' judgment despite the sensory overload.

Elsewhere, Hope was in the capable hands of her aunt Freya, who had fortuitously stayed in town that week for witchy business reasons. When Hope sheepishly asked her for help, Freya's eyes lit up, eager to be part of this momentous event in her niece's life. With practiced grace, Freya got to work, creating a stunning yet effortless look for Hope. Her makeup was soft but elegant, accentuating her natural beauty. Freya wrapped her hair into a braided crown, a style that complemented the timeless elegance of the occasion. Hope wore her favorite perfume, Valentino Voce Viva, its delicate floral notes wafting gently as Freya helped her into a knee-length white dress, the intricate floral pattern making her look ethereal yet grounded in simplicity.

As Freya finished the final touches, she stepped back, a small tear glistening in her eye as she saw Hope radiate in her final form. A tear, quickly brushed away, escaped Hope's notice, but Freya's smile said it all: she was proud and deeply touched. This wasn't just any ordinary date the like he's likely already been on, it was a beautiful moment in her niece's life, one that had been a long time coming.

When Omega's final preparations were complete, MG and Kaleb were ready to escort him to meet Hope. A hand carefully covered his eyes, shielding him from the sight until the right moment. As they led him through the halls, there was a sense of excitement in the air. Even Omega, who normally felt at peace, couldn't suppress the growing anticipation. They waited in the common room, hearts beating quickly in unison.

Finally, Freya and Hope appeared, rounding the corner with a soft elegance that immediately drew everyone's attention. Freya smiled at Kaleb and MG, giving them a subtle nod. Then, the moment arrived, MG lowered his hand from Omega's eyes. His initial reaction was pure, genuine awe. His wide-eyed stare, slightly open mouth, and speechless expression told Hope all she needed to know. For a fleeting moment, she worried about his reaction, but Freya whispered reassuringly into her ear, "A deer in headlights, standing before a goddess."

A relieved, nervous smile spread across Hope's face, and Omega, catching her gaze, felt something stir within him, something far more powerful than his celestial nature could comprehend. He offered her his arm, and she took it, her touch sending a warm, grounding sensation through him. He looked back at MG and Kaleb, his eyes silently thanking them for their support and guidance, even though he couldn't quite grasp the magnitude of their efforts.

Proudly, MG and Kaleb smiled as their handiwork, and Omega, stepped forward. The two of them, the radiant couple they had hoped for, were now ready to venture outside, where their perfect evening awaited. The world around them seemed to still as they walked together, the night casting a soft, cool breeze as they made their way to the restaurant , their first true step into something deeper.

As evening settled over Mystic Falls, the sky bathed in hues of pink and orange, Hope and Omega prepared for their first official date. The plan was simple yet perfect: a dinner at an Italian restaurant Freya had recommended, followed by a quiet retreat to a nearby, secluded waterfall. Omega, in his usual calm and collected manner, stood ready, though his mind buzzed with curiosity and anticipation. This would be a night for them to truly connect beyond the banter and the adventures they had shared. For Hope, it was more than just a date, it was a step toward something deeper with someone she found found truly special in a world of doom and gloom disguised itself as something better. 

Freya's recommendation had been spot on. The restaurant was quaint, tucked away from the bustle of town, lit by soft candlelight and filled with the gentle hum of music and low conversation. It had an air of warmth and intimacy, perfect for a night like this. Omega, ever the gentleman, held the door open for Hope, who smiled appreciatively as she stepped inside. They were seated at a corner table by the window, with a view of the setting sun casting a golden glow on the landscape outside.

"Freya really knows her spots," Hope remarked, settling into her chair. Omega nodded, glancing around before his gaze returned to her.

"It certainly appears that way. I can see the bond you two share, the journey you two have traveled simply by the glow you bring each others company" Omega voiced his observations with a smile.

Hope felt content at his mentioning of it, but her thoughts quickly spun towards his past again, like a non-existent magnet that drew her in, urged her to rise above her own abilities to help discover himself. She pondered if he ever had such connections to others, if he had family he would die for.

Their conversation began light, easy, with Hope asking if Omega had tried anything else in prior days. The sight of him cautiously sipping coffee the other day had been endearing to her, so she was curious about how adventurous he was with his palate.

"I have remained amongst the circle of safer options" Omega admitted, looking at the menu as if trying to decipher an ancient script. "I felt partially justified in this when Kaleb suggested I try something called 'spicy wings,'. I remain convinced it was more of a prank than a recommendation."

Hope couldn't help but laugh. "I can imagine his face when you tried them. Kaleb has a weird sense of humor sometimes."

Omega gave a small smile, though he was clearly still unsure about what constituted a prank or not. "It was an...experience. But I want to try something new tonight. What would you recommend?"

Hope leaned forward, eyes gleaming with amusement as she scanned the menu. "How about you try the pasta? It's a safe bet, and I think you'll like the sauce. I'll also order some of their cheesy breadsticks with their marinara sauce. If it's anything like I've tried at other places, it'll be divine."

Both listened intently to each other on their minor undisclosed experiences, absorbing every detail. For someone like him, whose understanding of the world was still blossoming, it was the small, ordinary things that fascinated him the most both in general about her.

"I never thought I'd find human culture so…rich," Omega said after a moment, his eyes reflecting the candlelight. "So much depth presents itself in the everyday routines and traditions. It's humbling. And to think this is simply one side of the whole."

Hope rested her chin on her hand, her expression softening. "You'll find it gets even more interesting the more you explore. There's always something new to experience. You've barely scratched the surface."

Their conversation wove through topics like that, casual, light-hearted, but slowly hinting at something more. They finished their meals, Omega having experienced a new world of flavors and feelings at the variety of food and it's many courses. He ordered simple but delightful spaghetti that came with garlic bread. Hope explored the menu further then him, opting for the Fettuccine Alfredo with a small side pizza the two shared. Each tasted each others meals that were offered with each others forks, both deeply enjoying what the other had ordered. 

Omega, ever adorably respectful, accepted Hope's discretion to as to when they'd leave, with the two eventually having made their way through the dark wooden path towards the art piece of nature's creation that was their destination. 

The night air was crisp but not too cold. The sound of rushing water became clearer the closer they got, and when they finally arrived, the sight was breathtaking. The waterfall was illuminated by the silvery glow of the moon, casting shimmering reflections across the surface of the small pool at its base. Fireflies flickered in the distance, adding to the magical atmosphere.

Hope led Omega to a flat rock by the water's edge, and they sat side by side, the noise of the falls a soothing backdrop. For a moment, neither of them spoke, simply soaking in the serene beauty of the place.

"This is incredible," Omega murmured after a while, his gaze fixed on the waterfall. "It feels...timeless."

"It is," Hope replied softly. "I come here sometimes when I need to think or just escape for a bit. When I returned to Mystic Falls from New Orleans a couple years ago, I would come here almost daily to recollect on my parents."

There was a brief silence between them, the kind of comfortable quiet that spoke of trust and ease. Omega looked over, his expression thoughtful.

"I never paid heed to the stories or opinions of others when it regarded your past to any degree. I knew, no matter how far in the future It would take to be informed, If at all, it would be by you. We all bear our both our own darkness and demons, but I knew you knew their light, the truth behind the biases" He spoke softly, looking to her as she remained staring at the moon, a thin layer of water eventually building in her eyes as she appeared deeply retrospective. 

"I could show it to you...but be warned...it could break your heart" 

"I leave that choice to you" 

The waterfall was an ice breaker in the silent tension that followed. She had bore this curse of legacy for her whole life, but the man she finally could stop lying to herself in not holding deep feelings toward, wanted to know it all, to know the turmoil that plagued her, caused her to build that wall for all those years. 

Hope's heart pounded in her chest as she considered what she was about to do. She had never used this ritual before, let alone on someone like him. It was powerful, ancient magic, one of the few that could lay bare not only a person's life but their soul also. But it was necessary. Omega wanted to understand her, to once and for all not only know the truth of her family and their dark, complicated legacy, but the woman he cared for and admired with all his heart. She...needed him to see it, to understand the weight she carried every day.

Her voice, usually so strong, softened with uncertainty as she spoke, "Are you sure you're ready for this? It's not just stories, Omega. It's…everything. My family's history is filled with pain, betrayal, and darkness. And seeing it all at once..."

Omega stepped closer, his golden hair catching the light of the moon, his calm and unwavering presence as reassuring as it always was. He placed a hand gently on her shoulder, looking into her eyes with steady conviction.

"Hope, I wish to know you," he said softly. "I've heard fragments, seen bits of who you are. But this, your story, your truth, I want it from you. I'm ready. Whatever darkness there is, I'm not afraid, and soon, you may not be also."

His words settled something inside her. She knew he meant it. He always did. With a deep breath, Hope nodded. Reaching into her satchel, she produced a small dagger no bigger then a butter knife. But It wasn't just any dagger; it had been enchanted with the ability to bind memories, weaving them into a tapestry for others to experience. It had been crafted during the last super nova, an event of unparalleled magic. But the ritual required blood, as most ancient magic did.

"Okay," she whispered, her voice steadier now.

She turned toward a clearing in the woods, where a small stone slab awaited. Using a single word, she produced a burst of wind that cleared all sticks and leaves from it, leaving it bare for her purposes. cutting her palm with the dagger, letting her blood drip onto the stone, it formed into intricate patterns, much in the same way the mysterious glyphs in the guest room did . The wind seemed to pick up as soon as her blood touched the stone, as if the very air around them recognized the power of the spell she was invoking.

Hope whispered the incantation, her words ancient and filled with the weight of countless generations of witches before her. The symbols glowed a faint crimson, a feeling of heavy emotion emmiting from them Omega could feel at the core of his very being. The spell began to take hold.

"Stand with me," she instructed, holding out her hand to Omega.

He didn't hesitate. He stepped close to her, taking her bloodied hand in his. The second their hands touched, Hope felt a rush of power, their connection amplifying the magic between them. She closed her eyes, her breath steadying as she let herself open the door to her memories.

Her family's history, the story of the Mikaelsons, began to unfold before them.

The world around them shifted, and suddenly, they were no longer in the clearing. They stood in a village, long ago, in the age of the Vikings. Omega looked around, his eyes widening slightly in surprise at how real it all seemed. This wasn't just a memory, they were inside the memory, living it. He could feel the cold bite of the wind, hear the distant crash of the waves against the shore, smell the burning wood of the fires.

"This," Hope said quietly, stepping beside him, "is where it all began."

They watched as younger versions of her ancestors moved through the village, Mikael, Esther, and their children, the originals. Hope pointed them out one by one: Elijah, with his ever-present calm and honor; Rebekah, filled with fire and passion; and Klaus, the wild, untamed soul who would become the most feared of them all.

Esther's magic was strong even then. They saw her as she performed rituals for protection, ensuring her family's survival in a harsh and dangerous world. But even in this time of simplicity, there was tension between the siblings, between Mikael and his children. There was always tension, always conflict, simmering beneath the surface.

Omega watched intently, absorbing the early dynamics of the family. But as the scene shifted, they were pulled forward in time, like being swept up in a powerful current.

They were in a darkened forest now, standing in the midst of one of the most pivotal moments in the Mikaelsons' history. Esther, desperate to protect her family, was performing the spell that would turn them into the first vampires. Omega saw the fear and desperation in her eyes, the same desperation mirrored in her children as some willingly drank from the blood, while only Rebecca was forced. This moment would bind them to the curse for all eternity.

"This was their rebirth," Hope said, her voice tight with emotion. "This is where the curse of immortality began, at least for Vampires."

The scene shifted again, faster now, as if the memories were tumbling over one another. Omega saw centuries of violence, betrayal, and pain. He saw the Mikaelsons fight for survival against their enemies, saw them destroy anyone who dared to stand in their way. He saw Klaus, Hope's father, descending into madness as the years wore on, consumed by paranoia and rage. He saw the heartbreak Rebekah endured, the endless search for love and family that was constantly ripped away from her.

But amidst the darkness, there were moments of light, too. Omega saw Elijah's unwavering loyalty to his siblings, the love that still connected them despite everything. He saw flashes of hope, literal hope, in the form of Hope herself. The moment she was born, the family's eternal curse felt as though it had been given a chance to heal, to redeem itself.

Omega felt a lump form in his throat as the weight of the centuries bore down on him. He watched as Hope grew up, a child born into a fractured, dangerous world. He saw the sacrifices her parents made for her, the battles they fought to keep her safe. And he saw the loneliness that followed her every step after, even surrounded by the people who loved her.

The final few memories came to them like a punch to the gut: The first being the moment her father said good, a deeply painful scene even for him. The second was when he died, plunging a steak into his brothers heart as he did to him, both fading into ashes on the wind. The third and final one was Freya breaking the news of her mothers death, her body burning in the embrace of sunlight. Omega could feel the grief of her past and present both, worlds greater then simply being palpable, tearing through her like a storm. The loss of her parents, the only people who had loved her more fiercely than anyone, was a wound that had never truly healed.

When the final memory faded, and they were once again standing in the clearing, the weight of it all still hung heavy in the air. Omega was silent for a long moment, staring at the ground, processing everything he had just seen, everything Hope had lived through.

Hope, who had been holding her breath without realizing it, finally spoke, her voice fragile. "Now you know. That's my family. That's my story."

Omega looked up at her, his eyes full of emotion, welling up as they too held understanding, compassion, but also sorrow for the pain she had endured. He took a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently touch her face.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "For all of it Hope. No one should have to carry all of that alone."

Hope blinked back the tears threatening to fall. "I'm used to it," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "It's just...how it is."

Omega shook his head. "Not anymore. You're not alone, Hope. I'm here. And I understand now. I'm with you, no matter what."

His words, simple as they were, brought a wave of relief crashing over her. For the first time in a long time, she felt seen, not as the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, not as the Tribrid or the savior of her family's legacy but as just Hope.

And in that moment, standing in the quiet forest with Omega, Hope realized that maybe, just maybe, she didn't have to carry the weight of her family's history by herself anymore.

Both stared into each others eyes, the moon illuminating all around, showing that even in darkness there is light. 

The moon hung high in the sky, casting its silver glow over the secluded waterfall where Hope and Omega stood. The sound of the rushing water was soothing, a backdrop to the energy that had been building between them for two long weeks now. The night felt alive, humming with anticipation, the forest surrounding them quiet, as if the world itself had receded, leaving just the two of them suspended in this moment.

Hope's lips met Omega's in a kiss that started slow, a tender expression of all the emotions they had been holding back for so long. But soon, the kiss deepened, becoming something far more passionate, as if both of them had reached the breaking point of restraint. Her hands found their way to his chest, gripping the fabric of his shirt as if she needed to ground herself, to anchor herself in the reality of his presence. He responded in kind, his arms encircling her waist, pulling her closer, as if there was no distance that would ever be enough between them.

When they finally broke apart, gasping for breath, their foreheads pressed together, Hope's eyes flickered with a mischievous glint, even in the dim moonlight. She whispered an incantation, quick and efficient, her voice steady despite the heat of the moment. A soft shimmer spread from her fingertips, creating a barrier that separated them from the perception of the rest of the world. They were truly alone now, no intrusions, no distractions. It was just the two of them, the night, and the moonlit forest.

She smiled as she stepped back slightly, her gaze locking onto his. "No one will find us," she murmured. Her fingers drifted to her waist as she began to unbutton her top, her movements slow and deliberate, as if savoring the moment. "We're in our own little world."

Omega, his breath uneven, watched her with a mix of admiration and desire. He couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked in this light, her skin glowing under the moon's touch, her hair a dark cascade of waves. But it wasn't just her appearance, it was Hope herself, all the layers of her personality that had drawn him in: her strength, her vulnerability, her wit, and her loyalty. And tonight, for the first time, he allowed himself to fully feel the depth of his desire for her, one of the main true feelings he developed upon finding himself meeting her in that field that day.

As their clothes fell away, piece by piece, the world around them seemed to fall away too, until there was nothing left but skin against skin, warmth against warmth. The cold stone beneath them and the dead leaves surrounding them didn't matter anymore as they laid bare before each other, their bodies coming together with an unspoken rhythm, as natural and fluent as the river that ran nearby. Every touch, every movement, was like an unspoken promise, a dance they had both been waiting for, and they lost themselves in it completely.

Hope's laughter broke through the haze when Omega, his brows furrowed in a mixture of confusion and determination, presented the small packet of 'protection' Kaleb had given him. She chuckled, the sound light and teasing, easing any tension from the moment. "You didn't tell me where you got this," she teased, her fingers brushing his cheek as she leaned in closer.

He gave her a lopsided smile, a little embarrassed but refusing to let it take him out of the moment. "Kaleb...gifted it to me," he admitted sheepishly, trying to maintain his composure. "He paired it with...material he stated was…'homework.'"

Hope's laughter was infectious, and the warmth in her eyes only deepened his affection for her. She took the packet from his hands, her gaze softening. "Well," she said, her voice low and playful, "I guess I'll help with your 'homework.'"

And so, she did. Her hands were patient as she guided him, in it's application, the slight awkwardness of the situation only made it more endearing. She couldn't hold her subconscious acknowledgment of it's size, a slightly scary prospect, but a fitting one considering his perfect body.

When they finally returned to each other, the connection between them felt even stronger, like the final walls had crumbled, leaving only raw emotion and desire. They embraced once again, their bodies moving together as naturally as if they had always known this was where they were meant to be. The passion between them was electrifying, tangible, and as the night wore on, their movements became more fluid, more certain as the intensity increased. 

Sweat glistened on their skin under the moon's glow, their breaths mingling and hot, bodies intertwined. Time seemed to stretch, and the world felt far away, insignificant compared to the intensity of the moment they shared. The cold night air didn't touch them as their shared warmth created a cocoon around them, their eyes locking in moments of pure vulnerability and love, something unspoken passing between them that was more profound than words.

And finally, when the crescendo of passion subsided, they lay together in the aftermath, tangled in each other's arms. Omega, his head resting against Hope's chest, thought he would drift into a peaceful, dreamless sleep. But as his eyes closed, something stirred deep within him.

The gentle sound of the waterfall in the distance echoed in his mind, transitioning a memory he couldn't at first deduce the origins of. 

He found himself on a battlefield, surrounded by chaos. Dark flames of black and crimson broiled around him, quelled to only a flicker in his immediate proximity. The ground beneath him, and in the center was a figure he was locked in combat with. Despite never having fought like this, he was a master of no equal. A being of darkness, with eyes as black as the void contrasging with his ethereal white wings spreading wide from his back, radiating beauty and power that refused to be muted despite they're owner. The being of darkness roared in fury, his voice booming across the battlefield that was filled with minor, dark, malevolent beings that dared not approach them. 

"I AM YOUR ONLY FUTURE, MY PATH YOUR ONLY PATH, MICHAEL!" the figure bellowed, his words filled with both hatred and desperation. "I SHALL BE THE VICTOR! I ALONE SHALL DECIDE THE FATE OF CREATION!"

The name echoed in Omega's mind. Michael.

Blasting forward with impossible speed, he buried that very same blade deep in the dark being of angelic origin with both confliction and grief in his heart from his own actions, but Omega's focus was locked on the name, the identity that had been hidden from him all this time. The battlefield faded, and the night sky returned, but Omega's body remained tense, his breathing shallow as the memories continued to assault him.

Suddenly, his power erupted like a volcano of divine power, the force of it startling Hope awake. She sat up, her heart pounding as she watched in shock. Omega's entire body seemed to glow with a radiant, angelic light, his golden hair shimmering under the moon. The pain etched on his face was undeniable, but there was something else, something that terrified her and amazed her all at once.

From his back, large wings, magnificent, pure white wings unfurled, spreading out wide as the light around him intensified. Omega wasn't just Omega anymore. He was Michael the Archangel, the left hand of God, the being of light and power that Freya had spoken of in suspecting whispers. And now, standing before her, he had fully awakened. But he could still feel the absence of memories. He knew much from the Bible, but lost the self it didn't tell, it couldn't tell. 

Hope's breath caught in her throat, but she forced herself to move, to reach out to him. Her hands gently cradled his face as his wings shimmered in the moonlight, the weight of his realization heavy in the air between them.

"It's okay," she whispered, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "It's going to be okay. You're not alone in this, Omega. I'm here with you."

Omega...Michael, looked down at her, his eyes wide, still filled with the remnants of pain and confusion. But as he met her gaze, something in him shifted. The overwhelming weight of the memories began to fade, and in their place was the one constant he had come to rely on: Hope.

Slowly, the light around him dimmed, and his wings folded back into his body. He let out a shaky breath, his head falling forward until his forehead rested against hers.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion.

Hope smiled, her hands still resting gently on his cheeks. "You're going to be okay. We both are." She kissed him softly, a promise wrapped in the gesture. Together, they would face whatever came next—no matter how dark, no matter how painful. They had each other. And for now, that was enough.